Contact Info
Agronome - Géomaticien
- Gestion de projet
- Expertise en Télédétection et SIG
- Missions d’expertise et gestion de projets en pays anglophones ou hispanophones (Tunisie 2012, Burkina-Faso 2011, Niger 2009-2010, Algérie 2010, Mozambique 2010, Tunisie 2007, Maroc 2008, Afrique du Sud 2006-2007, Sri Lanka 2006-2009, Arabie Saoudite 2005, Chine 1999-2001, Inde 1998, Chili 1996-2000, Hongrie 1997, Mexique 2000, Botswana 1997).
- Project management
- Expertise in Remote Sensing and GIS
- Expertise and project management missions in English and Spanish speaking countries (Tunisia 2012, Burkina-Faso 2011, Niger 2009-2010, Algeria 2010, Mozambique 2010, Tunisia 2007, Morocco 2008, South Africa 2006-2007, Sri Lanka 2006-2009, Saudi Arabia 2005, China 1999-2001, India 1998, Chile 1996-2000, Hungary 1997, Mexico 2000, Botswana 1997).
Titulaire d'un diplôme d'ingénieur en agriculture, spécialisé en télédétection, JF DESPRATS a débuté sa carrière au BRGM en 1991 comme responsable d'études statistiques en agriculture dans le cadre d'un projet européen. Il a par la suite été responsable de projets liés à l'environnement, à l'hydrogéologie et à la cartographie, dans le domaine des SIG et de la Télédétection.
Il intervient en tant que chef de projet ou bien en collaboration sur des projets liés à l’environnement (sols, agriculture, érosion, ..) que ce soit au niveau régional, national ou international. Il est amené dans le cadre de ces activités à réaliser des missions d’expertise en pays anglophones ou hispanophones.
Il a assuré des formations en SIG et télédétection (France-GDTA 2000, Mexique 2000, Chili 1997, Hongrie 1997, Iran 2001, France Ecole des Mines 2009-2010-2011).
JF DESPRATS holds a degree in agricultural engineering, specialized in remote sensing. He started his career at BRGM in 1991 as manager of statistical studies in agriculture within the framework of a European project. He was then in charge of projects related to the environment, hydrogeology and cartography, in the field of GIS and Remote Sensing.
He intervenes as a project leader or in collaboration on projects related to the environment (soils, agriculture, erosion, ..) at the regional, national or international level. In the framework of these activities, he is required to carry out expert missions in English or Spanish speaking countries.
He has provided training in GIS and remote sensing (France-GDTA 2000, Mexico 2000, Chile 1997, Hungary 1997, Iran 2001, France Ecole des Mines 2009-2010-2011).
1990: Diplôme d'ingénieur en agriculture, École nationale d'agriculture (ESAP), Toulouse
1988: Certificat d'anglais de Cambridge, Université de Cambridge
Jean-Christophe Maréchal, Madjid Bouzit, Jean-Daniel Rinaudo, Fanny Moiroux, Jean- François Desprats and Yvan Caballero (2019), Mapping economical suitability of managed aquifer indirect recharge. IMAR10 symposium
N. Beaugendre, O. Malam Issa , A. Choné, O.Cerdan, JF Desprats, JL Rajot, C. Sannier, C. Valentin (2017), Developing a predictive environment-based model for mapping biological soil crust patterns at the local scale in the Sahel. Catena 158 (2017) 250-255
I. Braud, JF Desprats, PA Ayral, C. Bouvier, JP Vandervaere (2017). Mapping topsoil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity from point measurements using different methods. J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 65, 2017, 3, 264–275
Montginoul M., Rinaudo JD, Desprats JF. (2017). La consommation en eau urbaine dans les villes françaises: tendances actuelles sur deux métropoles méditerranéennes. TSM num3 – 2017 – 112ème année
V. Landemaine, B. Lidon, JM Lopez, C. Dejean, JL Bozza, B. Benard, M. Parizot, JF Desprats, O. Cerdan 2017. Quantification of sediment export from two contrasted catchments of the Mayotte Island: a multi-scale observatory to fight against soil erosion and siltation of the lagoon in Mayotte Island. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-10504-1, 2017 EGU General Assembly 2017
I. Braud, JF Desprats, PA Ayral, C. Bouvier, JP Vandervaere (2017). (2017) A method for mapping topsoil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity in the Cévennes-Vivarais region using infiltration tests conducted with different techniques . EGU General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria
X. MORVAN, C. NAISSE, O. MALAM ISSA, J. F. DESPRATS, A. COMBAUD, O. CERDAN (2014). Effect of ground-cover type on surface runoff and subsequent soil erosion in Champagne vineyards in France. Soil Use and Management. doi: 10.1111/sum.12129
JB Charlier, R. Moussa, V. Bailly-Comte, JF Desprats, B Ladouche, 2014. How karst areas amplify or attenuate river flood peaks? A response using a diffusive wave model with lateral flows. Malaga – 09-2014
Desprats J.-F., Gay A., Cerdan O., Malam Issa O., Beaugendre N., Valentin C., Rajot J.-L., Decroix L. (2013) Impact of soils surface characteristics on gully erosion in Sahel : development of a modeling approach at different scales. Conference on Desertification and Land Degradation, Belgique (2013) [hal-00790410 - version 1]
Desprats J.-F., Raclot D., Rousseau M., Cerdan O., Garcin M., Le Bissonais Y., Benslimane A., Fouché J., Monfort D. (2013) Mapping linear erosion features using high and very high resolution satellite imagery. Land Degradation and Development 24, 1 (2013) 22-32 [hal-00780345 - version 1]
Cerdan O., Le M. H., Malam Issa O., Valentin C., Rajot J.-L., Desprats J.-F. (2012) Modelling the Influence of Biological crust on soil erosion at the plot scale 4th International congress EUROSOIL 2012, Italie (2012)
Gay A., Cerdan O., Desprats J.-F., Malam Issa O., Valentin C., Rajot J.-L., Descroix L. (2012) Gully erosion prediction in a Sahelian context - 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012, Italie (2012)
Cerdan O., Le M. H., Malam Issa O., Valentin C., Rajot J.-L., Desprats J.-F. (2012) Calibration of a physically based soil erosion model for different kind of biological soil crust. - EGU General Assembly 2012, Autriche (2012)
Malam Issa O., Valentin C., Rajot J.-L., Cerdan O., Desprats J.-F., Bouchet T. (2011) Runoff generation fostered by physical and biological crusts in semi-arid sandy soils
Geoderma 167-168 (2011) 22-29]
Cerdan O., J.-F. Desprats, J. Fouché, Y. Le Bissonnais, B. Cheviron, V. Simonneaux, D. Raclot, F. Mouillot. 2011.Impact of global changes on soil vulnerability in the Mediterranean basin, International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution Specialty Conference, September 18–21, 2011Anchorage, Alaska
Baghdadi Nicolas, Camus Pauline, Beaugendre Nicolas, Malam Issa Oumarou, Zribi Mehrez, Desprats Jean François, Rajot Jean Louis, Abdallah Chadi and Sannier Christophe, 2011 - Estimating Surface Soil Moisture from TerraSAR-X Data over Two Small Catchments in the Sahelian Part of Western Niger - Remote sensing, 2011,3,1266-1283
Desprats Jean-François, Raclot Damien, Rousseau Marie, Cerdan Olivier, Garcin Manuel, Le Bissonnais Yves, Ben Slimane Abir, Fouche Julien, Montfort-Climent Daniel, 2011 - Mapping linear erosion features using high and very high resolution satellite imagery. Land Degradation & Development. ID: LDD-10-0116.R1
Cheviron, B., Y. Le Bissonnais, J. F. Desprats, A. Couturier, S. J. Gumiere, O. Cerdan, F. Darboux, and D. Raclot (2011), Comparative sensitivity analysis of four distributed erosion models, Water Resour. Res., 47, W01510, doi:10.1029/2010WR009158
Audru J.-C., Bitri A., Desprats J.-F., Dominique P., Eucher G., Hachim S., Jossot O., Mathon C., Nédellec J.-L., Sabourault P. (2011) - Major natural hazards in a tropical volcanic island: A review for Mayotte Island, Comoros archipelago, Indian Ocean - Engineering Geology 114 (2010) 364-381
C. Valentin, Malam Issa O., Rajot J.L., O. Cerdan, J-F. Desprats, T. Bouchet. 2010. Variability of hydrological properties of soil surface with microbiotic crusts on sahelian part of western Niger, in Biological Soil Crusts in Ecosystems - their Diversity, Ecology, and Management Retzbach, Germany, August 22 - 25, 2010.
O. Cerdan, E. Ducluzeau, JF. Desprats, C. Valentin, O. Malam Issa, JL. Rajot, T. Bouchet. 2010. The role of biological soil crust on soil detachment, in Biological Soil Crusts in Ecosystems - their Diversity, Ecology, and Management Retzbach, Germany, August 22 - 25, 2010.
CERDAN.O., Ducluzeau.E., DESPRATS.J.F., Valentin.C., Malam.Issa.O., Rajot.J.L., Bouchet.T. (2010) The role of biological soil crust on soil detachment., in BIOLOGICAL SOIL CRUSTS IN ECOSYSTEMS - Zellingen-Retzbach - Germany - 22-25/08/2010 [Accepté]
LAFON Virginie, DESPRATS Jean-François, MALLET Cyril, 2010, Suivi du trait de côte en Aquitaine par imagerie Formosat-2. XIème journées nationales Génie côtier-génie civil, juin2010 Les sables d’Olonnes
Le.Bissonnais.Y., CERDAN.O., Cheviron.B., Darboux.F., DESPRATS.J.F., Fouché.J., Gumiere.S.J., Mouillot.F., Paroissien.J.B., Raclot.D., Simonneaux.V. (2010) Modelling soil erosion risk and its impacts in the Mediterranean area., in 21st century EGU General Assembly - Vienna - 02-07 May 2010, Geophysical Rearch Abstracts, Vol. 12 [Paru]
Bouchet.T., Bertrand.I., Malam.Issa.O., DESPRATS.J.F., Rajot.J.L., CERDAN.O., Valentin.C., Fatondji.D. (2010) Assessment of carbon and notrogen losses due to water erosion on soil surface with microbiotic crusts in the Sahelian part of western Niger., in BIOLOGICAL SOIL CRUSTS IN ECOSYSTEMS - Zellingen-Retzbach - Germany - 22-25/08/2010 [Accepté]
Sannier.C., Beaugendre.N., DESPRATS.J.F., CERDAN.O., Valentin.C., Malam.Issa.O., Rajot.J.L. (2010) Spatial distribution of biological soil crut in the Sahel from local to regional scale., in BIOLOGICAL SOIL CRUSTS IN ECOSYSTEMS - Zellingen-Retzbach - Germany - 22-25/08/2010 [Accepté]
CERDAN.O., DESPRATS.J.F., Fouché.J., Le.Bissonnais.Y., Cheviron.B., Simonneau.V., Raclot.D., Mouillot.F. (2010) Soil erosion modelling of the Mediterraean basin in the context of land use and climate changes., in EGU General Assembly 2010 - Vienna - Austria - 02-07 May 2010 [Accepté]
Cheviron.B., Le.Bissonnais.Y., DESPRATS.J.F., Couturier.A., Gumiere.S.J., CERDAN.O., Darboux.F., Raclot.D. (2010) Sensitivity analysis of distributed erosion models : application to four models., in EGU General Assembly - Vienna -Autriche -2-7/05/2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12 [Paru]
Desprats J.F., Garcin M., Attanayake N., Pedreros R. , Siriwardana C., Fontaine M. , Fernando S., De Silva U, (2008). Coastal GIS for mapping hazards in Sri Lanka: a solution to help decision makers for planning. Journal of Coastal Conservation (submitted 2008).
Desprats J.F., Cerdan O., Marchandise A., King C. (2009) - Cartographie de la Perméabilité des sols pour l’aide à la prévision des crues ; cas d’étude sur le Gardon d'Anduze. Colloque SHF "Utilisation de l'imagerie satellite pour l'étude de l'eau dans le sol et le proche sous-sol", Toulouse, 31/03-01/04.
Desprats J.F., Cerdan O., Marchandise A., King C. (2009) - Cartographie de la Perméabilité des sols pour l’aide à la prévision des crues ; cas d’étude sur le Gardon d'Anduze. La houille blanche 2009
Desprats J.F., Fouche J., Laissus M., Cerdan O., Le Bissonnais Y. 2009 Modélisation de l’aléa Erosion hydrique des sols en contexte méditerranéen. 10° journées de l'étude des sols, Strasbourg, 11-15 mai 2009.
Malam Issa O., M. Gommeaux, B. Cancès, B. Marin, Frédéric Dumay, O. Cerdan, JF Desprats, S. Chevrel, A. Bourguignon, F. Garrido, JL Rajot, C. Valentin, B. Marticorena, C. Sannier, F. Fontanot, P. Versmessen, F. Dazin, N. Beaugendre, G. Jacquet, L. J. Stal, N. Baghdadi, I Bertrand, C. Larroque , B. van Wesemael. 2009. BIOCRUST : Vulnérabilité des croûtes biologiques et dégradation des sols en zone sahélienne. 10° journées de l'étude des sols, Strasbourg, 11-15 mai 2009.
Desprats J.F., Raclot D., Cerdan O., Rousseau M., Le Bissonnais Y., Fouche J.2009. Use of QuickBird Very High Resolution data for mapping linear erosion features in Tunisia in EGU General Assembly - Vienna - Autriche - 19 – 24 April 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts
Malam Issa O., M. Gommeaux, B. Cancès, B. Marin, Frédéric Dumay, O. Cerdan, JF Desprats, S. Chevrel, A. Bourguignon, F. Garrido, JL Rajot, C. Valentin, B. Marticorena, C. Sannier, F. Fontanot, P. Versmessen, F. Dazin, N. Beaugendre, G. Jacquet, L. J. Stal, N. Baghdadi, I Bertrand, C. Larroque , B. van Wesemael. 2009. BIOCRUST: Biological soil crusts vulnerability and soil surface disturbance in Sahelian zone, in EGU General Assembly - Vienna - Autriche - 19 – 24 April 2009, Geophysical Research Abstracts
J.F. Desprats, M. Garcin, N. Attanayake, R. Pedreros, C. Siriwardana, M. Fontaine, S.Fernando, U. De Silva, 2008, Use of Coastal GIS for mapping Hazards in Sri Lanka. Coastal GIS Journal. Submitted
Manuel GARCIN, Jean François DESPRATS, Mélanie FONTAINE, Rodrigo PEDREROS, Olivier SEDAN, Nicole LENOTRE, 2008 -Coastal risks In Sri Lanka – GIS, scenarios and modelling approaches. Congrès SHF : «Nouvelles approches sur les risques côtiers», Paris,30-31 Janvier 2008 -
GARCIN.M., DESPRATS.J.F., FONTAINE.M., PEDREROS.R., Attanayake.N., Fernando.S., Siriwardana.C.H.E.R, DeSilva.U., POISSON.B. (2008) Integrated approach for coastal hazards and risks in Sri Lanka, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vo. 8, p. 577-586