Contact Info
- Économie des risques liés à l’eau / Economics applied to water-related risks
- Modélisation / Modelling
- Économie computationnelle / Computational economics
David Nortes Martínez est un économiste de l’environnement et ingénieur de recherche spécialisé dans la modélisation des impactes économiques des inondations. Ses travaux de recherche portent sur la compréhension et la modélisation de la vulnérabilité de différents systèmes (logement, activités agricoles, etc) exposés aux inondations de différentes nature (débordement, ruissellement, submersion...). Ses travaux abordent également la modélisation des adaptations des enjeux économiques aux inondations. Depuis 2021, il participe au développement de méthodes et outils opérationnels pour l’évaluation des politiques publiques de gestion des inondations dans le cadre du GT AMC-inondation piloté par la DGPR et le CGDD au ministère en charge de l’Environnement. Dans ce cadre il contribue au développement des librairies floodam (www.floodam.org) facilitant la mise en œuvre de certaines étapes cruciales dans l’évaluation économique. Ainsi, Il participe également à l’observatoire so-ii (système d’observation des impacts des inondations : http://so-ii.org)
En complément a ses travaux de recherche sur les impactes économiques des inondations, David Nortes Martínez a participé dans des études de demande d’eau en contexte de sécheresse (Espagne) et au développement des outils pour le calcul de tarifs d’eau. Il a également participé à l’évaluation économique des services environnementaux de réserves de biosphère (Espagne)
David Nortes Martínez is an environmental economist and researcher specializing in modeling the economic impact of flooding. His research focuses on understanding and modeling the vulnerability of different systems (housing, agricultural activities, etc.) exposed to floods of different kinds (overflow, runoff, submersion, etc.). His work also addresses the modeling of economic adaptations to flooding. Since 2021, he has been involved in the development of operational methods and tools for the evaluation of public flood management policies, as part of the AMC-inondation WG steered by the DGPR and CGDD at the Ministry in charge of the Environment. In this context, he contributes to the development of floodam libraries (www.floodam.org), which facilitate the implementation of flood economic appraisal. He is also participating in the so-ii observatory (flood impact observation system: http://so-ii.org).
Complementing his research work on the economic impact of flooding, David Nortes Martínez has been involved in studies of water demand in the context of drought (Spain) and in the development of tools for calculating water tariffs. He has also participated in the economic evaluation of environmental services in biosphere reserves (Spain).
David Nortes Martinez est docteur en économie par Montpellier SupAgro (France), master en analyse économique appliqué par les universités de Alcalá et Complutense de Madrid (Espagne), avec une mention en économie de l’environnement, et titulaire d’une licence en économie par l’université de Alcalá (Espagne)
David Nortes Martinez holds a Ph.D. in economics from Montpellier SupAgro (France), a master's degree in applied economic analysis from the Universities of Alcalá and Complutense de Madrid (Spain), with a specialization in environmental economics, and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Alcalá (Spain).
Liste complète de publications | Full list of publications: orcid.org/0000-0002-0711-5885
Nortes Martínez, D., Grelot, F., Brémond, P., Farolfi, S., et Rouchier, J. (2024) Effects of flood-induced financial stress on the viability of a cooperative production system and its farmers: A multilevel study, Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. doi:10.1002/jaa2.106.
Nortes Martínez, D., Grelot, F., Choley, C. et Finaud-Guyot, P. (2024) Flood impact assessment in urban settings with porous buildings – insights from a fine-scale hydraulic-economic model, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, vol. in press, p. in press
Nortes Martínez, D., Grelot, F., Brémond, P., Farolfi, S., et Rouchier, (2021). Are interactions important in estimating flood damage to economic entities? The case of wine-making in France, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 21, Art. no. 10, 2021. doi:10.5194/nhess-21-3057-2021
Working papers
David Nortes Martínez, Frédéric Grelot, Cécile Choley, Pascal Finaud-Guyot. Flood impact assessment in urban settings with porous buildings. Insights from a fine-scale hydraulic-economic model. 2024. ⟨hal-04490840⟩
Chapitres d’ouvrages / Book chapters
Carlos Mario Gómez Gómez y David Nortes Martínez, (2011). Los servicios ambientales y el desarrollo en las Reservas de Biosfera de la Comunidad de Madrid, in Miren Onaindía Olalde (editor), Servicios Ambientales en Reservas de Biosfera Españolas: 185-208. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Naturales. NIPO:781-10-040-5 | Depósito legal: BI-3084-2010.
David Nortes Martínez, Frédéric Grelot, Pascal Finaud-Guyot, Marie Arragon, Freddy Vinet. Contribution of coupling hydraulic and economic models at the building scale for assessing flood adaptation. EGU General Assembly 2024, Apr 2024, Vienna & Online, Austria. doi :10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19185
David Nortes Martínez, Frédéric Grelot, Cécile Choley, Pascal Finaud-Guyot. Flood impact assessment in urban context. How important is it to couple hydraulic and economic models at a fine scale?. IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, May 2022, Montpellier, France. doi :10.5194/iahs2022-71
David Nortes Martínez, Frédéric Grelot, Cécile Choley, Pascal Finaud-Guyot. Flood impact assessment in urban context: Coupling hydraulic and economic models for a fine scale damage assessment. EGU General Assembly 2022 - European geosciences union, May 2022, Vienna, Austria. doi :10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3984.
Pauline Bremond, Pierre Balzergue, Frédéric Grelot, Valériane Marry, Maxime Modjeska, et David Nortes Martínez. Contribution of a systematic and long-term observation method to improve the understanding of flood impacts. AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, May 2022, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-03681642⟩
David Nortes Martínez, Frédéric Grelot, Pauline Bremond, Stefano Farolfi, Juliette Rouchier. Effects of flood-induced individual businesses' financial distress over complex cooperative productive systems. EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, Göttingen, Germany. doi :10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10226
David Nortes Martínez. Structural change in Tagus River basin. Discussing the "Eighties Effect". VI Congress of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resource and Environmental Economics (AERNA), Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resource and Environmental Economics (AERNA); Universitat de Girona, Sep 2014, Girona, Spain. ⟨hal-04001434⟩
Rapports techniques / Technical reports
Frédéric Grelot, David Nortes Martínez. Methodology for damage assessment based on interior flood characteristics: Deliverable D2d1 of DEUFI reseach project. Inrae Occitanie Montpellier, 2 place Pierre Viala, 34060 Montpellier. 2023, 6 p. ⟨hal-04493555⟩
Frédéric Grelot, David Nortes Martínez. Application of the methodology for damage assessment based on interior flood characteristics to field cases studies: Deliverable D2d2 of DEUFI reseach project. Inrae Occitanie Montpellier, 2 place Pierre Viala, 34060 Montpellier. 2023, 24 p. ⟨hal-04478084⟩
Thèse / Dissertation
David Nortes Martínez. Taking into account multi-scale analysis in economic modeling of vulnerability to floods. Study of Cooperative Winery Systems by a Multi-Agent Model. Economics and Finance. SupAgro Montpellier, 2019. English. ⟨NNT : 2019NSAM0003⟩. ⟨tel-03587907⟩