2016 - " Facing threats by sharing information for natural resources management " - Nicolas Paget -

Monday, October 3, 2016 at 10am, at Paris Dauphine University (Porte Dauphine in Paris) in room D520 (5th floor - corridor D), Nicolas PAGET defended his thesis in computer science entitled: "Facing threats by sharing information for renewable natural resources management"

Members of the jury :

  • M. Alexis Drogoul, Director of Research IRD (Rapporteur)
  • M. Anthony Jakeman, Director Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management (iCAM) Centre, Fenner School of Environment and Society (Rapporteur)
  • M. Cyril Tissot, CNRS LETG Research Officer (Examiner)
  • Mme Pascale Zaraté, IRIT Research Director and Professor at University of Toulouse Capitole (Examiner)
  • M. Olivier Barreteau, Director of Research IRSTEA G-EAU (Thesis Director)
  • M. Alexis Tsoukiàs, Director of Research CNRS LAMSADE (Thesis director)


Thesis summary :

I explore how information sharing (IS) and natural resources management (NRM) are linked.To determine this link, I focused on oyster farmers, actors sensitive to water quality and impacted by a virulent virus. Those actors implemented and use diverse IS artifacts. Those artifacts are meant to face potential threats. Realizing this focal point led to develop the threat concept. They are defined by the <a,c,i,d,e> (Actors, Characteristics, Infrastructure, Decisions, Environnement) model. They are organized along two axes: internality and excludability. Framing oyster farmers’ situation with this concept allow a characterization of stakes for IS artifacts to tackle threats.I used the ENCORE framework for qualitative assessment of IS artifacts impacts and a MAS for a quantitative one. The research shows that they have various goals, media and contents; can increase reflexivity or have little to no impact. Those changes are linked to artifact creation process.

Additional Info

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    École Doctorale :
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    Date Début :
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