Séminaire PRECOS - Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of farm households in Senegal - Aymeric Ricome

Jeudi 28 mars à 10h nous aurons la présentation de Aymeric Ricome qui interviendra sur le sujet suivant : Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of farm households in Senegal.
La présentation aura lieu à la fois en présentiel en Salle Aven, le bâtiment Confluence, Site Hydropolis Lavalette, 361 rue JF Breton, BP 5095, 34196 Montpellier cedex 5 et en distanciel via le lien suivant : Cliquez ici pour participer à la réunion.
Résumé :
Most Sub-Saharan countries implement input subsidy programs (ISPs) in an attempt to increase fertilizer use, crop yields and farmers’ income and to improve household food security. Senegal is no exception and has had an ISP in place for the last 15 years. This article assesses how access to subsidized fertilizer under the ISP is associated with changes in fertilizer and manure use and gross margin. Using household-level data from two agroecological zones, we employ an endogenous switching regression framework to control for the potential endogeneity of access to subsidized fertilizer. We find that access to subsidized fertilizer is associated with an increase in the total use of fertilizer of +39% but also with a reduction in the use of commercial fertilizer of 18%. Access to subsidized fertilizer is also associated with a reduction in the likelihood of using manure of 5% and an increase in farmers’ total gross margin of 11%. Results are heterogeneous across agroecological zones, with a strong crowding-out of commercial fertilizer where widely available to farmers. In this case, revising the design of the ISP could lead to improved efficiency.
Nous terminerons avec quelques informations rapides. Plus de détails sur les avancements des différents chantiers collectifs.