Infos de contact
- Hydrogéologie des aquifères de socle (massifs cristallins) et des milieux fracturés
- Hydrogéologie des systèmes hydro-minéraux (eaux minérales) et hydrothermaux
- Evaluations et régionalisation des propriétés hydrodynamiques des aquifères complexes
- Développement de modèles conceptuels hydrogéologiques
- Modélisation des tests hydrauliques tests & développement de solutions mathématiques pour modéliser les essais par pompage en milieu complexe et pour modéliser les dômes piézométriques (recharge artificielle des aquifères)
- Hydrogeology of crystalline and fractured aquifers
- Hydrogeology of natural mineral and thermal systems
- Evaluation and regionalization of hydrodynamic properties of complex aquifers
- Development of hydrogeological conceptual models
- Modelling of hydraulic tests & development of mathematical solutions to model pumping tests in complex aquifers and model groundwater mounds (MAR structures)
Benoît Dewandel est chercheur au BRGM depuis 2002. Il est titulaire d’une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches sur l’hydrogéologie des aquifères de socle de l’Université de Montpellier. De 2002 à 2007, il a fait partie du Centre Franco-Indien de Recherche sur les Eaux Souterraines (CEFIRES), un laboratoire mixte entre le BRGM et le National Geophysical Research Institute (Hyderabad, Télangana, Inde) spécialisé sur l’hydrogéologie des aquifères de socle. Depuis 2007, il conduit plusieurs projets R&D sur les aquifères complexes (socle, volcaniques) au BRGM de Montpellier, a été chercheur associé à l’UMR G-Eau de 2018 à 2020 et est fait partie de l’UMR depuis 2021. Ses principaux travaux de recherche se focalisent sur la conceptualisation du fonctionnement hydrogéologique et hydrogéochimique des aquifères complexes (aquifères de socle, systèmes hydro-minéraux-thermaux), l’estimation de leurs paramètres hydrodynamiques, avec notamment le développement de solutions mathématiques pour modéliser les essais par pompage dans ces milieux, et de techniques de régionalisation de ces paramètres, mais aussi le développement d’outils d’aide à la décision pour améliorer la gestion de la ressource en eaux souterraines des aquifères de socle. Il participe aussi à l’étude des systèmes de gestion des aquifères par la recharge artificielle et a contribué aux développements de plusieurs solutions mathématiques pour modéliser les dômes piézométriques, l’impact de ces structures sur les cours d’eau, etc. Il a contribué, avec ses collègues géologues et hydrogéologues, au développement du concept moderne d’aquifère de socle stratiforme et à sa validation dans différents pays et continents. Ses travaux ont donné lieu à une cinquantaine de publications scientifiques, et à l’encadrement de thèses. Il donne des enseignements sur l’hydrogéologie des aquifères de socle dans plusieurs universités, et forme des ingénieurs au diagnostic et à la modélisation des essais par pompage.
Benoît Dewandel is a researcher at BRGM since 2002. He holds an Accreditation to Supervise Research on the hydrogeology of crystalline aquifers from the University of Montpellier. From 2002 to 2007, he was part of the Indo- French Centre for Groundwater Research (IFCGR), a joint laboratory between BRGM and the National Geophysical Research Institute (Hyderabad, Telangana, India) specialized on crystalline aquifer hydrogeology. Since 2007, he leads several R&D projects on complex aquifers (basement, volcanic) at BRGM in Montpellier, has been an associate researcher at UMR G-Eau from 2018 to 2020 and is with UMR since 2021. His main research work focuses on the conceptualization of the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical functioning of complex aquifers (crystalline aquifers, natural mineral and thermal systems), the estimation of their hydrodynamic parameters, including the development of mathematical solutions to model pumping tests in these environments, the development of techniques for regionalization of these parameters, but also the development of decision support tools to improve the management of groundwater resources of basement aquifers. He is also involved in the management of aquifers by artificial recharge (MAR) and has contributed to the development of several mathematical solutions to model groundwater mounds, the impact of MAR structures on rivers, etc. With geological and hydrogeological colleagues, he has contributed to the development of the modern concept of stratified crystalline aquifers and to its validation in different countries and continents. His work has resulted in about 50 scientific publications and the supervision of theses. He teaches hydrogeology of basement aquifers in several universities, and trains engineers in diagnosis and modelling of pumping tests.
1998-2002- Doctorat en hydrogéologie, Université Montpellier II - BRGM, France. Structure et fonctionnement hydrogéologique d'un aquifère discontinu: l'ophiolite d'Oman.
2019- Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Montpellier. Aquifères de socle : schémas conceptuels, essais par pompage et régionalisation des propriétés hydrodynamiques.
1998-2002- PhD in hydrogeology, University Montpellier II - BRGM, France. Hydrogeological structure and functioning of a discontinuous aquifer: the Oman ophiolite.
2019- Accreditation to Supervise Research, University of Montpellier. Crystalline aquifers (hard-rock aquifers) : conceptual models, pumping tests and regionalization of aquifers parameters.
En Co-direction
- En cours. M.Quispe. « Caractérisation et évolution des processus d’échanges entre aquifères de bordure de bassin à partir d’outils géochimiques et statistiques ». Univ. Bordeaux.
- 2017. J. Jeanpert. « Structure et fonctionnement hydrogéologiques des massifs de péridotites de Nouvelle-Calédonie. » Université de La Réunion.
- 2013. C. Roques. « Hydrogéologie des zones de faille du socle cristallin : implications en terme de ressources en eau pour le Massif Armoricain. » Géosciences Rennes UFR Sciences et Propriétés de la Matière, Rennes.
- Dewandel B., Hakoun V., Lanini S., Ladouche B, Lamotte C., Maréchal J.-C., 2022. Analytical solutions for analysing pumping tests near an infinite vertical and anisotropic fault zone based upon unconventional application of well-image theory. Advances in Water Resources, 160, 1-19, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2021.104107
- Dewandel B., S. Lanini, V. Hakoun, Y. Caballero, J.-C. Maréchal, 2021. Artificial aquifer recharge and pumping: transient analytical solutions for hydraulic head and impact on streamflow rate based on the spatial superposition method. J., 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02294-9
- Dewandel B., Boisson A., N. Amraoui, Y. Caballero, B. Mougin , J.-M. Baltassat, J.-C. Maréchal, 2021. Improving our ability to model crystalline aquifers using field data combined with a regionalized approach for estimating the hydraulic conductivity field. J. of Hydrology, 601 (2021) 126652. 1-17 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126652
- Saltel M., Dewandel B., Vergnes J.-P., 2021. Optimized groundwater management applied to a large-yield (10 Mm3/year) well field in France. Hydrogeology Journal, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-021-02410-3
- , Dewandel B., Wyns R., 2021. Review: Hydrogeology of weathered crystalline/hard-rock aquifers—guidelines for the operational survey and management of their groundwater resources. Hydrogeol. J., 1-34. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-021-02339-7
- Kouassi A.A., Pistre S., Solange O.Y.M, Dewandel B., Lachassagne P., 2021. Improving the Methods for Processing Hard Rock Aquifers Boreholes’ Databases. Application to the Hydrodynamic Characterization of Metamorphic Aquifers from Western Côte d’Ivoire. Water, 13, 3219. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223219
- Garin T., Arfib B., Ladouche B.,Goncalves J., Dewandel B., 2021. Improving hydrogeological understanding through well-test interpretation by diagnostic plot and modelling: a case study in an alluvial aquifer in France. J., 1-20, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-021-02426-9
1- Articles :
Dewandel B., Lanini S., Hakoun V., Caballero Y. & Maréchal J.-C, 2021. Artificial aquifer recharge and pumping: transient analytical solutions for hydraulic head and impact on streamflow rate based on the spatial superposition method. Hydrogeol. J., 29, 1009–1026, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02294-9.
Giese, M., Reimann, T., Liedl, R., Dewandel B., Maréchal, J.-C., Sauter, M., 2020. An approximation of inner boundary conditions for wells intersecting highly conductive structures, Groundwater, 2020, 58(4), pp. 611–621.
Dewandel B., Lanini S., Lachassagne P., Maréchal J.-C., 2018. A generic analytical solution for modelling pumping tests in wells intersecting fractures. J. Hydrol., 559, 89–99, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.02.013.
Dewandel B., Jeanpert J., Ladouche B., Join J.-L., Maréchal J.-C., 2017. Inferring the heterogeneity, transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of crystalline aquifers from a detailed water-table map. J. Hydrol., 550, 118–129. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.03.075.
Dewandel B., Caballero Y., Perrin J., Boisson A., Dazin F., Ferrant S., Chandra S., Maréchal J.-C., 2017. A methodology for regionalizing 3‐D effective porosity at watershed scale in crystalline aquifers. Hydrological Processes;1–19. doi:10.1002/hyp.11187.
Dewandel B., Alazard M., Lachassagne P., Bailly-Comte V., Couëffé R., Grataloup S., Ladouche B., Lanini S., Maréchal J.-C., Wyns R., 2017. Respective roles of the weathering profile and the tectonic fractures in the structure and functioning of crystalline thermo-mineral carbo-gaseous aquifers. J. Hydrol., 547, 690–707.
Ferrant S., Selles A., Le Page M., Herrault P.A., Pelletier C., Al-Bitar A., Mermoz S., Gascoin S., Bouvet A., Saqalli M., Dewandel B., Caballero Y., Ahmed S., Maréchal J.C., Kerr Y., 2017. Detection of irrigated crops from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data to estimate seasonal groundwater use in South India. Remote Sensing, 9, 1119; doi:10.3390/rs9111119.
Alazard M., Boisson A., Maréchal J.-C., Perrin J., Dewandel B., Schwarz T., Pettenati M., Picot-Colbeaux G., Kloppman W., Ahmed S., 2016. Investigation of recharge dynamics and flow paths in a fractured crystalline aquifer in semi-arid India using borehole logs: implications for managed aquifer recharge. Hydrogeol. J., 24 (1), 35 – 57. doi:10.1007/s10040-015-1323-5.
Roques C., Bour O., Aquilina L., Dewandel B., 2016. High-yielding aquifers in crystalline basement: insights about the role of fault zones, exemplified by Armorican Massif, France. Hydrogeol. J. doi:10.1007/s10040-016-1451-6.
Pauwels H., Négrel P., Dewandel B., Perrin J., Mascré C., Roy S., Ahmed S., 2015. Hydrochemical borehole logs characterizing fluoride contamination in a crystalline aquifer (Mahheshwaram, India), J. Hydrol., 525, 302–312, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.03.017.
Vittecoq B., Reninger P.A., Violette S., Martelet G., Dewandel B., Audru J.C., 2015. Heterogeneity of hydrodynamic properties and groundwater circulation of a coastal andesitic volcanic aquifer controlled by tectonic induced faults and rock fracturing – Martinique island (Lesser Antilles – FWI), J. Hydrol. 529, 1041–1059, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.022
Boisson A., Marechal J.C., Perrin J., Dewandel B., Ahmed, S., 2015. Impact of vertical geological structure and water table depletion on Indian crystalline aquifers, Eng. Geol. for Society and Territory, 3, 583-587.
Boisson A., Villeseche D., Baisset M., Perrin J., Viossanges M., Klopp-mann W., Chandra S., Dewandel B., Picot-Colbeaux G., Rangarajan R., Maréchal J.C., Ahmed S., 2015. Questioning the impact and sustainability of percolation tanks as aquifer recharge structures in semi-arid crystalline context. Envir. Earth Science, 73 (12), 7711–7721. doi:10.1007/s12665-014-3229-2.
Boisson A., Guiheneuf N., Perrin J., Bour O., Dewandel B., Dausse A., Viossanges M., Ahmed S., Marechal J.C., 2015. Determining the vertical evolution of hydrodynamic parameters in weathered and fractured South Indian crystalline-rock aquifers: insights from a study on an instrumented site, Hydrogeology J., doi:10.1007/s10040-014-1226-x.
Dewandel B., Aunay B., Maréchal J.C., Roques C., Bour O., Mougin B., Aquilina L., 2014. Analytical solutions for analysing pumping tests in a sub-vertical and anisotropic fault zone draining shallow aquifers. J. Hydrol., 509, 115–131.
Guihéneuf N., Boisson A., Bour O., Dewandel B., Perrin J., Dausse A., Viossanges M., Chandra S., Ahmed S., Maréchal JC, 2014. Groundwater flows in weathered crystalline rocks: impact of piezometric variations and depth-dependent fracture connectivity. J. Hydrol., 511, 320–334,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.061.
Boisson A., Baïsset M., Alazard M., Perrin J., Villesseche D., Dewandel B., Kloppmann W., Chandra S., Picot-Colbeaux G., Sarah S., Ahmed S., Maréchal J.C., 2014. Comparison of surface and groundwater balance approaches in the evaluation of managed aquifer recharge structures: Case of a percolation tank in a crystalline aquifer in India. J. Hydrol., 519, 1620–1633. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.022.
oques C., Aquilina L., Bour O., Maréchal J-C., Dewandel B., Pauwels H., Labasque T., Vergnaud-Ayraud V., Hochreutener R., 2014. Groundwater sources and geochemical processes in a crystalline fault aquifer. J. Hydrol., 519, 3110–3128. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.10.052
Roques C., Bour O., Aquilina L., Dewandel B., Leray S., Schroetter J.M., Longuevergne L., Le Borgne T., Hochreutener R., Labasque T., Lavenant N., Vergnaud-Ayraud V., Mougin B., 2014. Hydrological behavior of a deep sub-vertical fault in crystalline basement and relationships with surrounding reservoirs. J. Hydrol., 509, 42–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.11.023
Maréchal J.C., Ladouche B., Dewandel B., Fleury P., Dörfliger N., 2014. Diagnostic Plots Applied to Well-Tests in Karst Systems. J. Mudry et al. (eds.), H2Karst Research in Limestone Hydrogeology, Envir. Earth Science, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06139-9_9.
Ferrant S., Caballero Y., Perrin J., Gascoin S., Dewandel B., Aulong S., Dazin F., Ahmed S., Maréchal J-C., 2014. Projected impacts of climate change on farmers’ extraction of groundwater from crystalline aquifers in South India, Sc. Reports, 4, 3697. doi:10.1038/srep03697
Maréchal J.-C., Lachassagne P., Ladouche B., Dewandel B., Lanini S., Le Strat P., Petelet-Giraud E., 2013. Structure and hydrogeochemical functioning of a sparkling natural mineral water system determined using a multidisciplinary approach: a case study from southern France. Hydrogeology J. doi:10.1007/s10040-013-1073-1. 22p.
Dewandel B., Maréchal J-C., Bour O., Ladouche B., Ahmed S., Chandra S., Pauwels H., 2012. Upscaling and regionalizing hydraulic conductivity and efficient porosity at watershed scale in crystalline aquifers. J. Hydrol., 416-471, 83-97.
Perrin J., Ferrant S., Massuel S., Dewandel B., Maréchal J.C., Aulong S., Ahmed S., 2012. Assessing water availability in a semi-arid watershed of southern India using a semi-distributed model. J. Hydrol., 460–46, 143–155.
Dewandel B., Lachassagne P., Zaidi F-K., Chandra S. 2011. A conceptual hydrodynamic model of a geological discontinuity in hard rock aquifers: Example of a quartz reef in granitic terrain in South India. J. Hydrol., 405, 474–487.
Lachassagne P., Wyns, R., Dewandel B., 2011. The fracture permeability of Hard Rock Aquifers is due neither to tectonics, nor to unloading, but to weathering processes. Terra Nova, 23, 145–161, 2011.
Négrel P., Pauwels H., Dewandel B., Gandolfi J-M., Ahmed A., 2011. Understanding groundwater systems and their functioning through the study of stable isotopes in a hard-rock aquifer (Maheshwaram watershed, India). J. Hydrol., 397, 55-70.
Maréchal J.C., Ladouche B., Dewandel B., Fleury P., Dörfliger N., 2011. Application de la courbe diagnostique aux essais de pompage en milieu karstique. Karstologia, 57, 33-36.
Maréchal J-C., Vouillamoz J-M., Mohan Kumar M.S, Dewandel B., 2010. Estimating aquifer thickness using multiple pumping tests. Hydrogeololgy J., 18 (8), 1787-1796, doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0664-3.
Dewandel B., Perrin J., Ahmed S., Aulong S., Hrkal Z., Lachassagne P., Samad M., Massuel S.. 2010. Development of a Decision Support Tool for managing groundwater resources in semi-arid hard rock regions under variable water demand and climatic conditions. Hydrological Processes, 24, 2784-2797.
Chandra S., Dewandel B., Dutta, S., Ahmed S., 2010. Geophysical model of geological discontinuities in a granitic aquifer: Analyzing small scale variability of electrical resistivity for groundwater occurrences. J. Appl. Geoph., 71, 137–148.
Dewandel B., Gandolfi J-M., de Condappa D., Ahmed S., 2008. A efficient methodology for estimating irrigation return flow coefficients of irrigated crops at watershed and seasonal scale. Hydrological Processes, 22, 1700-1712.
Chandra S., Ahmed S., Ram A., Dewandel B., 2008. Estimation of Hard Rock Aquifers Hydraulic Conductivity from Geoelectrical Measurements: A theoretical development with field application. J. Hydrol., 357 (3-4), 218-227.
Massuel S., Perrin J., Wajid M., Mascré C., Dewandel B., 2008. A simple low-cost method to monitor duration of groundwater pumping. Ground Water, doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2008.0051.x.
de Condappa D., Galle S., Dewandel B., Haverkamp R., 2008. The bimodal zone of the soil textural triangle: typical of (sub-)tropical regions. Soil Science Society of America Journ. 72 (1), 33-40.
Dewandel B., Gandolfi J-M., Ahmed S., Subrahmanyam K, 2007. A Decision Support Tool for sustainable Groundwater Management in semi-arid Hard-Rock areas with variable agro-climatic scenarios. Current Science, 92 (8), 1093-1102.
Zaidi F., Ahmed S., Dewandel B., Marechal JC., 2007. Optimizing piezometric network in chronic estimation of groundwater budget: A case study from a granitic watershed in South India. Hydrogeology J., 15 (6), 1131-1145.
Kumar D., Ahmed S., Krishnamurthy N.S., Dewandel B., 2007. Application of geostatistics in reducing ambiguities in vertical electrical sounding interpretations. Journ. of Appl. Geoph., 62, 16-32.
Dewandel B., Lachassagne P., R. Wyns, Maréchal J.C., Krishnamurthy N.S., 2006. A generalized hydrogeological conceptual model of granite aquifers controlled by single or multiphase weathering. J. Hydrol., 330, 260-284, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.03.026.
Maréchal J.C., Dewandel B., Ahmed S., Galéazzi L., 2006. Combined estimation of specific yield and natural recharge in a semi-arid groundwater basin with irrigated agriculture. J. Hydrol., 329, 1-2, 281-293, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.02.022.
Dewandel B., Lachassagne P., Boudier F., Al Hattali S., Ladouche B., Pinault J.L., Al-Suleimani Z., 2005. A conceptual model of the structure and functioning of the Oman ophiolite hard-rock aquifer through a pluridisciplinary and multiscale approach. Hydrogeology J., 13, 708-726.
Dewandel B., Lachassagne P., Qattan A., 2004. Spatial measurements of stream baseflow, a relevant methodology for aquifer characterisation and permeability evaluation. Application to a Hard-rock aquifer, the Oman ophiolite. Hydrological Processes, 18, 3391-3400.
Maréchal J.C., Dewandel B., Subrahmanyan K., 2004. Contribution of hydraulic tests at different scale to the characterisation of fracture network properties in hard-rock aquifers. Water Res. Res., 40, W11508, 1-17.
Dewandel, B., Lachassagne, P., Bakalowicz, M., Wengh, P., Al-Malki A., 2003. Evaluation of Aquifer geometry using recession hydrographs analysis. J. Hydrol., 274, pp.248-269.
Maréchal J.C., Dewandel B., Subrahmanyan K., Torri R., 2003. Review of Specific Methods for the Evaluation of Hydraulic Properties in Fractured Hard-rock Aquifers. Current Science, August 2003, vol.85, pp. 511-516.
Dewandel B., Boudier F., Kern H., Warsi W.K., Mainprice, D., 2002. Seismic wave velocity and anisotropy of serpentinized peridotite in the Oman ophiolite. Tectonophysics, 370, pp. 77-94.
2-Chapitres d’ouvrages
Lachassagne P., Dewandel B., Wyns R., 2018. De l’eau souterraine dans les roches granitiques et métamorphiques ?, Encyclopédie de l’Environnement, [en ligne ISSN 2555-0950] url : http://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/eau/eau-souterraine-roches-granitiques-metamorphiques/. 10 p.
Dewandel B., Gandolfi J-M., Ahmed S., Subrahmanyam K., 2007. A Decision Support Tool for sustainable Groundwater Management in semi-arid Hard-Rock areas with variable agro-climatic scenarios. In Groundwater Management – Sustainable Approaches. Ed.: Bhatnagar M. ICFAI Univ. Press, Hyderabad. 120-142.
Maréchal J.C., Dewandel B., Ahmed S., Lachassagne P., 2007. Hard rock aquifers characterization prior to modelling at catchment scale: an application to India. In Groundwater in Fractured Rocks. IASH Publication Vol. 9. Eds: Krásný J. and Sharp J. (Eds.), Publication SP-04, Springer. 227-242.
Maréchal J. C., Dewandel B., Subrahmanyam K., Torri R., 2007. Various pumping tests and methods for evaluation of hydraulic properties in fractured hard rock aquifers. In
Groundwater dynamics in hard rock aquifers. Eds: Ahmed S., Jayakumar R., Salih A. Springer, Dordrecht. 100-111.
Maréchal J.C., Zaidi F. K., Dewandel B., 2007. Analyses of aquifer parameters from different hydraulic tests and their scale effect. In Groundwater dynamics in hard rock aquifers. Eds: Ahmed S., Jayakumar R., Salih A. Springer, Dordrecht. 112-122.
Maréchal JC., Galeazzi L., Dewandel B., 2007. Groundwater balance at the watershed scale in a hard-rock aquifer using gis. In Groundwater dynamics in hard rock aquifers. Eds: Ahmed S., Jayakumar R., Salih A. Springer, Dordrecht. 134-141.
Zaidi F.K., Dewandel B., Gandolfi J-M., Ahmed S., 2007. Water budgeting and construction of future scenarios for prediction and management of groundwater under stressed condition. In Groundwater dynamics in hard rock aquifers. Eds: Ahmed S., Jayakumar R., Salih A. Springer, Dordrecht. 142-149.
Maréchal J. C., Dewandel B., Subrahmanyam K., 2007. Characterization of fracture properties in hard rock aquifer system. In Resource evaluation, augmentation, contamination, restoration, modeling and management. Ed: Thangarajan M. ,Springer, Dordrecht. 156-188.
Rapports expertises – avis techniques (DREAL, DDT, Assurance) : 7 rapports.
Plus de 75 participations
5-Rapports techniques
- Rapports R&D (public), disponibles sur le site du BRGM : 10 rapports.
- Rapports R&D (industriels) : 15 rapports.
- Rapport de service public, disponibles sur le site du BRGM : 42 rapports.
Gutierrez A., Dewandel B., 2014. L’interprétation des pompages d’essai : quelles nouveautés ? Géologues, 178, 49-53.
Dewandel B., Ladouche B., Maréchal JC., Vigouroux Ph., 2013. Approche interdisciplinaire pour la caractérisation des gisements d’eau minérale et autres hydrosystèmes complexes. Géologues, 175, 50-53.
Lachassagne P., Ahmed S., Dewandel B., Gandolfi J.M., Maréchal J.C., Wyns R., 2006. Les aquifères fissurés. Les roches de socle. Géochronique, Dossier « les eaux souterraines », 38-41.
Lachassagne P., Maréchal JC., Ahmed S., Dewandel B., Gandolfi JM., Krishnamurthy N.S., Subrahmanyan K, Wyns R., 2005. Nouveaux outils et méthodes pour gérer et protéger la ressource en eau souterraine des régions de socle. Hydroplus, 150, 54-57.
Dewandel B., Boudier F., Lachassagne P., Al-Khamisi S., Al-Hattaly S., 2000. Les eaux souterraines de l'ophiolite d'Oman. Nouvelles Scientifiques de France et du Proche Orient. Août 2000, 27-33.