Infos de contact
- Gestion et gouvernance des sociohydrosystèmes
- Politiques de l’eau
- Political ecology
- Management and governance of socioecological systems
- Water policy
- Political ecology
François Molle graduated from Ecole Polytechnique, specialised at ENGREF (now AgroParisTech), and holds a PhD in water sciences from the University of Montpellier. He has 35 years of experience in research for development on topics such as small dams, irrigation system analysis, river basin governance, groundwater governance, water policies, the interaction between societies, technology and the environment, etc. mostly in Brazil, Mali, Southeast Asia, Middle-East and North Africa.
Directeur de Recherche at the IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France), he was recently (2010-2015) seconded to the International Water Management Institute in charge of developing the research portfolio of IWMI in the Middle-East and North-Africa region. He is co-editor in chief of Water Alternatives journal (www.water-alternatives.org).
PhD supervisions
Main publications (classified by country/topic)
Water policy (general) | Irrigation policy | River basin management | Groundwater | Thailand | Vietnam & Mekong | Egypt | Jordan | Middle East North Africa | Iran | India, Sri Lanka | Brazil | France | Other countries
Water policy (general)
Molle, F.; Lankford, B. and Lave, R. 2024. Water and the politics of quantification: A programmatic review. Water Alternatives 17(2): 325-347.
Molle, F.; Mayaux, P.-L. 2023. Les angles morts de la politique de l’eau au Maroc. Confluences Méditerranée.
Laurenceau, M.; Molle, F. 2022. A convenient untruth: environmental water reallocation and the art of ambiguous arrangements in the Southeast of France. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning.
Molle, F. and Blanchard, M. 2022. World Water Forums, knowledge production and the imagined "global water community. Working Paper G-Eau No 14.
Venot, J.-P.; Vos, J.; Molle, F.; Zwarteveen, M. et al. 2021. A bridge over troubled waters? A Response to the Nature Sustainability editorial ‘Too Much and Not Enough’. Nature Sustainability.
Molle, F. 2020. La gouvernance de l'eau. Encyclopédie électronique Hypergeo. www.hypergeo.eu/spip.php?article762
Massuel S., Riaux, J.; Molle, F.; Kuper, M.; Ogilvie, A.; Collard, A-L.; Leduc, C. and Barreteau, O. 2018. Inspiring a broader socio-hydrological negotiation approach with interdisciplinary field-based experience. Water Resources Research 54(4): 2510-2522.
Crow-Miller, B.; Webber, M. and Molle, F. 2017. The (re)turn to infrastructure for water management? Water Alternatives 10(2): 195-207.
Molle, F. 2015. Les transferts d'eau interbassins. In Euzen, A.; Jeandel, V. and Mosseri, R. L'eau à découvert, CNRS Éditions.
Molle, F. 2012. La GIRE: Anatomie d'un concept. In Julien, F. (ed), Gestion intégrée des ressources en eau: paradigme occidental, pratiques africaines, Chapitre 2, pp. 23-53. Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Molle, F. 2012. La gestion de l’eau et les apports d’une approche par la political ecology. In « L’approche Political Ecology: Pouvoir, savoir, environnement», ouvrage dirigé par Denis Gautier et Tor A. Benjaminsen, pp. 219-240. Paris, Quae.
Molden, D.; Vithanage, M.; de Fraiture C.; Faures, JM.; Finlayson, M.; Gordon, L.; Molle, F.; Peden, D. and Stentiford, D. 2011. Water availability and its use in agriculture. In: Peter Wilderer (ed.) Treatise on Water Science, vol. 4, pp. 707–732. Oxford: Academic Press.
Molle, F. and Vallée, D. 2009. Managing competition for water and the pressure on ecosystems. In Water in a Changing World: The United Nations World Water Development Report 3. Chapter 9. UNESCO Publishing, Paris and Earthscan, London.
Molle, F. 2010. Water demand management: potential and pitfalls. Background paper for the regional course on water demand management in the MENA region. Cairo, Egypt: IDRC; Arab Water Academy.
Molle, F.; Wester, P. and Mollinga, P.P. 2009. Hydraulic bureaucracies: Flows of water, flows of power. Water Alternatives 2(3): 328-349.
Molle, F. 2009. Water and society: new problems faced, new skills needed. Irrigation and Drainage 58(2009): 1-7.
Molle, F.; Berkoff, J. 2009. Cities vs. Agriculture: A review of intersectoral water transfers. Natural Resources Forum 33(1): 6-18.
Molle, F.; Mollinga, P.; Meinzen-Dick, R. 2008. Water, politics and development: Introducing Water Alternatives. Water Alternatives 1(1): 1-6.
Molle, F. 2008. Nirvana concepts, narratives and policy models: Insights from the water sector. Water Alternatives 1(1): 131-156.
Molle, F.; Maraux, F. 2008. Aura-t-on assez d’eau pour nourrir la planète ? Pour la Science 53: 98-102.
Molden, D.; Frenken, K; Barker, R.; de Fraiture, C.; Mati, B.; Svendsen, M.; Sadoff, C.; Finlayson, M; Atapattu, S; Giordano, M.; Inocencio, A.; Lannerstad, M.; Molle, F.; Smedema, B.; Vallee, D. 2007. Trends in water and agricultural development. In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan, pp.57-89.
Jamin, J.-Y., Ducrot, R., Faysse, N., Garin, P., Molle, F.; Robert, V. 2007. L'eau des villes, l'eau des champs. La Recherche No 406, Mars 2007.
Molle, F.; Berkoff, J. 2006. Cities vs. Agriculture: Revisiting intersectoral water transfers, potential gains and conflicts. Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture: Research Report No 10.
Molle, F. 2004. Defining water rights: By prescription or negotiation? Water Policy 6(3): 207-227.
Molle, F.; Mollinga, P. 2003. Water poverty indicators: Conceptual problems and policy issues. Water Policy 5 (5).
Molle F.; Valette F. 1994. Quelques réflexions sur l'apport de la modélisation dans les recherches-système. International Symposium on System-oriented Research in Agriculture and Rural Development, Montpellier 1994, pp. 193-198.
Irrigation policy (general)
Sanchis-Ibor, C.; Molle, F., Kuper, M. 2020. Irrigation and water governance. In Zribi, M.; Brocca, L.; Tramblay, Y. and Molle, F. (Eds), Water Resources in the Mediterranean, pp. 77-106. Elsevier.
Molle, F., Sanchis-Ibor, C.; Avella Reus, L. (eds) 2019. Irrigation in the Mediterranean: technologies, institutions, policies. Springer.
Molle, F. and Sanchis-Ibor, C. 2019. Irrigation policies in the Mediterranean: trends and challenges. In Molle, F.; Ibor Sanchez, C. and Avella, L. (Eds), Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies. Global Issues in Water Policy Series. Springer.
Molle, F. 2020. Chapitre 2 : Y a-t-il de bonnes politiques publiques en matière d'irrigation? In Bouarfa S., Brelle F. Coulon C. (coord.), Quelles agricultures irriguées demain ? Répondre aux enjeux de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement durable. Éditions Quæ, Versailles.
Bouarfa, S. and Molle, F. 2020. L’irrigation peut-elle être plus économe en eau. Chapitre 7. In Bouarfa S., Brelle F. Coulon C. (coord.), Quelles agricultures irriguées demain ? Répondre aux enjeux de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement durable. Éditions Quæ, Versailles.
Grafton, R.Q.; Williams, J.; Perry, C.J.; Molle, F.; Ringler, C.; Steduto, P.; Udall, B.; Wheeler, S.; Wang, Y., Garrick, D. and Allen, R. 2018. Paradox of irrigation efficiency and the global water crisis. Science 361(6404): 748-750.
Molle, F.; Venot, J.-P., Lannerstad, M.; Hoogesteger, J. 2010. Villains or heroes? Farmers' adjustments to water scarcity. Irrigation and Drainage 59(4): 419-431.
Molle, F. 2009. Managing water scarcity: by water prices or by quotas? A review of evidence on irrigation volumetric pricing. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 23(1): 43-58.
Molle, F., Berkoff, J. (eds.) 2007. Irrigation water pricing: the gap between theory and practice. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F., Berkoff, J. 2007. Water pricing in irrigated agriculture: The lifetime of an idea. In F. Molle and J. Berkoff (Eds.) "Irrigation water pricing: The gap between theory and practice". Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F., Berkoff, J. 2007. Water Pricing in Agriculture: Mapping the Debate in the Light of Experience. In F. Molle and J. Berkoff (Eds.) "Irrigation water pricing: The gap between theory and practice", Chapter 2. Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F.; Ruf T. 1994. Eléments pour une approche systémique du fonctionnement des périmètres irrigués, International Symposium on System-oriented Research in Agriculture and Rural Development, Montpellier 1994.
River basin management (general)
Molle, F. 2017. River basin management and development. Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, edited by D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. Goodchild, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi, R. Marston, 2017.
Molle, F. 2014. Examining scalar assumptions: unpacking the watershed. An introduction. In Norman, E.S.; Cook, C. and Cohen, A. (Eds), Negotiating Water Governance: Why the Politics of Scale Matters in the Governance of Water? Ashgate.
Molle, F. 2012. Justice spatiale et bassins hydrographiques: distribution des couts, des bénéfices et du risque. In "Justice et Injustices" spatiales edited by Blanchon, D., Gardin, J., Moreau, S. Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest-Nanterre.
Molle, F., Wester, P.; Hirsch, P. 2010. River basin closure: Processes, implications and responses. Agricultural Water Management 97(2010): 569-577.
Molle, F. 2009. River basin planning and management: The social life of a concept. Geoforum. 40(3): 484-494.
Molle, F., Wester, P. (eds.) 2009. River basins: trajectories, societies, environments. Cabi: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F.; Wester, P. 2009. River basin trajectories: an inquiry into changing waterscapes. In River Basins Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Development, edited by F. Molle and P. Wester, pp. 1-19. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F. 2009 Water, politics, and river basin governance: Repoliticizing approaches to river basin management. Water International 34(1): 1-9.
Molle, F. 2008. Why enough is never enough: The societal determinants of river basin closure. International Journal of Water Resource Development 24(2): 247-256.
Molle, F., Wester, P.; Hirsch, P. 2007. River basin development and management. In Water for food, water for life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, Chapter 16. edited by David Molden. London: EarthScan, pp. 585-624.
Molle, F. 2006. Planning and managing water resources at the river basin level: emergence and evolution of a concept. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. (Comprehensive Assessment Research Report No16).
Svendsen, M.; Wester, P. and Molle, F. 2005. Managing river basins: an institutional perspective. In Irrigation and River basin Management, edited by Mark Svendsen. CAB International. Chapter 1.
Molle, F.; Turral, H. 2004. Demand management in a basin perspective: is the potential for water saving overestimated? Paper prepared for the International Water Demand Management Conference, June 2004, Dead Sea, Jordan. Minister of Water and Irrigation and USAID.
Molle, F. 2003. Development Trajectories of River Basins: A Conceptual Framework, Research Report No 72, Colombo: IWMI.
Groundwater (general)
El-Agha, D.E; Molle, F.; Metwally, M.I; Emara, S.R.; Shalby, A.; Armanuos, A.M.; Negm, A.; Gado, T.A. 2023. Toward sustainable management of groundwater in Egypt's deserts: A review. Hydrogeology Journal
Molle, F. 2023. Aquifer recharge and overexploitation: the need for a new storyline. Groundwater.
Petit, O.; Dumont, A.; Leyronas, S.; Ballin, Q.; Bouarfa, S.; Faysse, N.; Kuper, M.; Molle, F. et al. 2021. Learning from the past to build the future governance of groundwater use in agriculture. Water International.
Molle, F. and Closas, A. 2021. Groundwater metering: revisiting a ubiquitous 'best practice'. Hydrogeology Journal 29(5): 1857-1870.
Molle, F. and Closas, A. 2020. Groundwater management and the pitfalls of licensing. Hydrogeology Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-020-02179-x
Molle, F. and Closas, A. 2019. Groundwater Governance. In Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society (Wiley).
Molle, F. and Closas, A. 2020a. Why is state-centered groundwater governance largely ineffective? A review. WIREs Water 7(1).
Molle, F. and Closas, A. 2020b. Co-management of groundwater: A Review. WIREs Water. 7(1).
Molle, F.; López-Gunn, E. and van Steenbergen, F. 2018. The local and national politics of groundwater overexploitation. Water Alternatives 11(3): 445-457.
Kuper, M.; Molle, F. 2017. Durabilité de l’exploitation des eaux souterraines ? Les enjeux sont ailleurs : exemples du pourtour Méditerranéen. In Des territoires vivants pour transformer le monde, pp. 49-54, edited by Caron, P. et al., Collection « Agricultures et défis du monde », CIRAD/AFD.
Molle, F.; Closas, A. and Zubari, W. 2017. Governing groundwater in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Chapter In: Advances in Groundwater Governance, edited by Villholth, K.; van der Gun, J.; Lopez-Gunn, E.; Conti, K. and Garrido, A. Balkema.
Molle, F. and Closas, A. 2017. Groundwater governance: a synthesis. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 6). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2016. Groundwater governance in the Middle-East and Northern-Africa Region. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 1). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2016. Groundwater governance in Africa. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 2). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2016. Groundwater governance in Europe. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 3). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2016. Groundwater governance in Asia and the Pacific. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 4). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2016 Groundwater governance in the Americas. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 5). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Molle, F. 2011. Aquifer safe yield: hard science or boundary concept? Paper presented to the Groundwater 2011 Conference, Orléans, Mars 2011.
Molle, F.; Shah, T. and R. Barker. 2003. The groundswell of pumps: multi-level impacts of a silent revolution. Paper presented to the ICID-Asia meeting, Taiwan November 2003.
Molle, F.; Chompadist, C. and Bremard, T. 2020. Flood mitigation and the 'monkey cheek' policy in Thailand: does it hold water? Working Paper.
Molle, F.; Chompadist, C. and Bremard, T. 2021. Intensification of rice cultivation in the flood plain of the Chao Phraya Delta. Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 58(2).
Molle, F. 2020. Agrarian change in the Central Plain of Thailand (1950-2020): a longitudinal study of farm characteristics. CSEAS Working Paper, Kyoto.
Floch, P. and Molle, F. 2013. Irrigated agriculture and rural change in Northeast Thailand: Reflections on present developments. In Daniel, R.; Lebel, L. and Manorom, K. (Eds), Governing the Mekong: Engaging in the politics of knowledge. SIRD, Malaysia.
Floch, P. and Molle, F. 2009. Water traps: the elusive quest for water storage in the Chi-Mun Basin, Thailand. Working Paper. Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience (M-POWER). University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, University of Vienna; IRD, France; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Floch, P. and Molle, F. 2009. Pump irrigation development and rural change in Northeast Thailand. Working Paper. Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience (M-POWER). University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, University of Vienna; IRD, France; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Molle, F.; Floch, P.; Promphaking, B. and Blake, D.J.H. 2009. "Greening Isaan": Politics, Ideology, and Irrigation Development in Northeast Thailand. In Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Käkönen, M. (eds), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance, pp. 253-282. London: Earthscan.
Molle, F. 2009. The Bang Pakong River Basin Committee: Analysis and summary of experience. Report for the FAO, Bangkok. 65p.
Molle, F., Floch, P. 2008. Megaprojects and social and environmental changes: The case of the Thai "Water Grid". Ambio 37(3): 199-204.
Molle, F.; Floch, P. 2008. The "Desert bloom" syndrome: Irrigation development, politics, and ideology in the Northeast of Thailand. Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience, IRD/IWMI.
Molle, F.; Floch, P. 2007. Water, Poverty and the Governance of Megaprojects: The Thai "Water Grid". Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience, IRD/IWMI.
Floch, P.; Molle, F. 2007. Marshalling water resources: A Chronology of irrigation development in the Chi-Mun river basin, Northeast Thailand. Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience, IRD/IWMI.
Molle, F. 2007. Thailand’s “Free Water”: rationale for a water charge and policy shifts. In F. Molle and J. Berkoff (Eds.) "Irrigation water pricing: The gap between theory and practice". Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F. 2007. Scales and power in river basins management: The Chao Phraya River in Thailand. The Geographical Journal 173(4): 358-373.
Molle, F. 2006. Géographie de l'eau et interactions scalaires: Le delta du Chao Phraya, Thaïlande, et son bassin versant. Hérodote 121(2): 141-164.
Molle, F. 2004. The closure of the Chao Phraya river basin in Thailand: its causes, consequences and policy implications. In “Asian Irrigation in Transition: Rising Challenges and Responses”, edited by G.P. Shivakoti, D. Vermillion, W.F. Lam, E. Ostrom, R. Yoder and U. Pradhan, Sage Publications, India.
Molle, F. 2004. Technical and institutional responses to basin closure in the Chao Phraya river basin, Thailand, Water International 29(1): 70–80.
Molle, F. 2003. Social and economic patterns of landlord-tenant relationships in the Chao Phraya Delta, Thailand: an historical perspective. The Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 33(3): 517-543.
Molle F., Srijantr T. (eds). 2003. Thailand's rice bowl: perspectives on social and agricultural change in the Chao Phraya delta, White Lotus.
Molle, F. 2003. The reform of Thai irrigation sector: Is there scope for increasing water productivity? In Water productivity in agriculture: limits and opportunities for improvement, edited by J.W. Kijne, R. Barker and D. Molden, CABI: Wallingford, pp. 273-288.
Molle, F. 2003. Knowledge in the making: Brief retrospective on rural studies in the Chao Phraya Delta along the 20th century. In Perspectives on Social and Agricultural Change in the Chao Phraya Delta, edited by F. Molle and T. Srijantr, Bangkok: White Lotus.
Molle, F. 2003. Allocating and accessing water resources: Practise and ideology in the Chao Phraya Delta. In Perspectives on Social and Agricultural Change in the Chao Phraya Delta, edited by F. Molle and T. Srijantr, Bangkok: White Lotus.
Szuster, B., Molle, F., Mark S. Flaherty and T. Srijantr. 2003. Socio-economic and environmental implications of inland shrimp farming in the Chao Phraya Delta. In Perspectives on Social and Agricultural Change in the Chao Phraya Delta, edited by F. Molle and T. Srijantr, Bangkok: White Lotus.
Molle, F. and T. Srijantr. 2003. Between concentration and fragmentation: the resilience of the land system in the Chao Phraya Delta. In Perspectives on Social and Agricultural Change in the Chao Phraya Delta, edited by F. Molle and T. Srijantr, Bangkok: White Lotus.
Molle, F. and T. Srijantr. 2003. Introduction. In Perspectives on Social and Agricultural Change in the Chao Phraya Delta, edited by F. Molle and T. Srijantr, Bangkok: White Lotus.
Molle, F. 2002. To price or not to price? Thailand and the stigma of "free water". Paper presented at the conference on irrigation water policies: micro and macro considerations, 15-17 June 2002, Agadir, Morocco.
Molle, F. 2002. Conventional wisdom and the real world: economic tools for water demand management in Thailand. In Water policy reform: lessons from Asia and Australia. ACIAR Proceedings No. 106, Camberra: Australian Centre for International Agronomic Research, pp. 209-223.
Molle, F.; N. Ngernprasertsri, S. Sudsawasd. 2002. Are water user organisations crucial for water management? A post-mortem analysis of water user groups in Thailand and the prospect for reincarnation. Paper prepared for the 6th Conference on Participatory Irrigation Management, Beijing, 20-26 April 2002.
Molle, F.; Srijantr, Thippawal; Latham, Lionel and Phuangladda Thepstitsilp. 2001c. The impact of the access to irrigation water on the evolution of farming systems: a case study of 3 villages in the Chao Phraya Delta, Kasetsart University, DORAS Center, Research Report n°11, 60 p.
Molle, F.; Nittaya Ngernprasertsri, Sudsawasd, Savakon and Chatchom Chompadist. 2001b. Patterns of social interaction and organisation in irrigated agriculture: the case of the Chao Phraya Delta, DORAS Project, Research report n°9, Kasetsart University, Report submitted to the European Union, Bangkok, 150p.
Molle, F.; Chompadist, Chatchom; Srijantr, T. and Jesda Keawkulaya. 2001a. Dry season water allocation and management in the Chao Phraya basin. Research Report submitted to the European Union, Research report n°8, Bangkok, 278p.
Molle, F. 2001. Water Pricing in Thailand: Theory and Practice, DORAS Project, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Research Report n°7, 78 p.
Molle, F. 2001. การกำหนดค่าน้ำในประเทศไทย : ภาคทฤษฎีและภาคปฏิบัติ. Thai version. DORAS Project, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Research Report n°7bis, 75 p.
Kasetsart University and IRD (Principal rédacteur). 2001. Agricultural diversification: technical, environmental and socio-economic aspects of raised bed systems in the Chao Phraya Delta, Kasetsart University, DORAS Center, Research Report n°10, 220 p.
Molle, F.; Chompadist, Chatchom. 2000. Factors and constraints of the adoption of wet broadcasting in the Chao Phraya Delta, Thailand, paper presented at the International Workshop on “Direct seeding in Asian rice systems : strategic research issues and opportunities”, IRRI, Bangkok, 25-28 January, 2000, 14 p.
Molle, F.; Chompadist, Chatchom and J. Keawkulaya. 2000. Dry-season water allocation in the Chao Phraya basin: what is at stake and how to gain in efficiency and equity. Proceedings of the International Conference “The Chao Phraya Delta: Historical Development, Dynamics and Challenges of Thailand’s Rice Bowl”, December 2000, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 35 p.
Proceedings: The Chao Phraya delta : historical development, dynamics and challenges of Thailand's rice bowl. Bangkok. Bangkok : Kasetsart University ; IRD, 1011p.
Molle, F.; Srijantr, T. 2000. Les systèmes agraires du delta du Chao Phraya face à la crise. Tiers Monde. 41(162): 345-366.
Srijantr, T., Molle, F. and Chompadist, C., 1999. Profitability and yield gap of sugar cane cultivation in the Mae Klong region, Kasetsart Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.18 No.1, pp. 53–69.
Kositsakulchai Ekasit; Kumnuansilp, U.; Molle, F. and Chevallier, P. 1999. Analysis of water and power management of the Mae Klong River basin: a regional management analysis within a national scope, Kasetsart Journal of Engineering. 21 p.
Molle, F., C. Sutthi, J. Keawkulaya, R. Korpraditskul. 1999. Water management in raised bed systems, Agricultural Water Management (39)1: 1-17.
Molle, F.; Srijantr, T. 1999. Agrarian change and land system in the Chao Phraya Delta, DORAS Project, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Research Report n°6, 185p.
Molle, F., S. Durongdej, C. Chompadist, A. Joannon and Y. Limsawad. 1999. Improvement of rice cultivation and water management in the flooded area of the Central Plain of Thailand: a zoning of rice varieties by using remote sensing imagery. Kasetsart University, DORAS Center, Research Report n°5, submitted to NRCT, Bangkok, 155p.
Molle F.; Chompadist C.; Sopaphun P. 1998. Beyond the Farm-Turn-Out: on-farm development dynamics in the Kamphaengsaen Irrigation Project, Thailand, Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 12(4): 341-358.
Molle, F; Keawkulaya, J. 1998. Water management and agricultural change: a case study in the upper Chao Phraya Delta, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 36, No. 1. pp. 32-58.
Molle F; Sutthi C.; Keawkulaya J.; Korparditskul R. 1998. Water management in poldered raised bed systems: a case study in the Chao Phraya Delta, DORAS Project, Research Report n°4, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 70p.
Molle F.; Chompadist C.; Sopaphun P. 1997. Assessment of water control at the tertiary and farm levels: a case study in the Kamphaengsaen Irrigation Project, Thailand, DORAS Project, Research Report n°3, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 58 p.
Kasetsart University & ORSTOM. 1996. Agricultural and irrigation patterns in the Central Plain of Thailand: preliminary analysis and prospects for agricultural research and development. DORAS project, Bangkok, 230p.
Vietnam and Mekong Region
Suhardiman, D.; Giordano, M. and Molle, F. 2015. Between interests and worldviews: The narrow path of the Mekong River Commission. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33(2015): 199-217.
Dore, J.; Lebel, L. and Molle, F. 2012. A framework for analysing transboundary water governance complexes, illustrated in the Mekong Region. Journal of Hydrology 466/467(2012): 23-36.
Suhardiman, S.; Giordano, M. and Molle, F. 2012. Scalar disconnect: The logic of transboundary water governance in the Mekong. Society & Natural Resources 25(6): 572-586.
Molle, F.; Hoanh, C.T. 2011. Implementing integrated river basin management in the Red River Basin, Vietnam: a solution looking for a problem? Water Policy 13(4): 518-534.
Suhardiman, D.; Giordano, M. and Molle, F. 2010. Virtual hegemony: Donors’ preeminent role and their limited influence in transboundary water governance of the Mekong. Working Paper. Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Dore, J.; Molle, F.; Lebel, L.; Foran, T.; Lazarus, K. 2010. Improving Mekong Water Resources Investment and Allocation Choices. Project Number PN 67. CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food.
Molle, F.; Foran, T.; Käkönen, M. (eds.) 2009. Contested waterscapes in the Mekong region. Hydropower, livelihoods and governance. Earthscan.
Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Floch, P. 2009. Changing Waterscapes in the Mekong Region. Historical background and context. In Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Käkönen, M. (eds), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance, pp. 1-13. London: Earthscan.
Hoanh, C.T.; Facon, T.; Thuon, T.; Bastakoti, R.C.; Molle, F. and Phengphaengsy, F. 2009. Irrigation in the Lower Mekong Basin countries: the beginning of a new era? In Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Käkönen, M. (eds), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance, pp. 143-172. London: Earthscan.
Biggs, D.; Miller, F.; Hoanh, C.T. and Molle, F. 2009. The delta machine: water management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta in historical and contemporary perspectives. In Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Käkönen, M. (eds), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance, pp. 203-226. London: Earthscan.
Molle, F.; Lebel, L. and Foran, T. 2009. Contested Mekong Waterscapes: Where to next? In Molle, F.; Foran, T. and Käkönen, M. (eds), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance, pp. 383-413. London: Earthscan.
Molle, F. and Chu Thai Hoanh. 2009. Implementing Integrated River Basin Management: Lessons from the Red River Basin, Vietnam. IWMI Research Report No 131. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI.
Fontenelle, J.P.; Molle, F.; Turral, H. 2007. Who will pay for water? The Vietnamese State's dilemma of Decentralization of Water Management in the Red River Delta. In F. Molle and J. Berkoff (Eds.) "Irrigation water pricing: The gap between theory and practice". Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F. 2007. Irrigation and water policies in the Mekong region: trends and challenges. In Lebel, Dore, Rajesh and Koma (Eds), Water Governance in the Mekong Region. Mekong Press-Silkworms: Chiang Mai.
Molle, F. 2005. Irrigation and Water Policies in the Mekong Region: Current Discourses and Practice. IWMI Research Report No 95. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI.
Molle, F. and Dao Thê Tuân. 2005 – Water control and agricultural development: Crafting deltaic environments in Southeast Asia. In: IWHA. Water Politics and Control: Historical and Contemporary, I B Tauris, London.
Barker, R.; Molle, F. 2005. Irrigation management in rice-based cropping systems: Issues and challenges in Southeast Asia. Food & Fertilizer Technology Center: Taipei, Taiwan. Extension Bulletin 543.
Barker, R. and Molle, F. 2004. Evolution of Irrigation in South and Southeast Asia. Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, Research Report No 5. Colombo: IWMI.
Can Tho University and IRD (Cont.). 2001. Change in land and water use: micro and macro perspectives from the Mekong River Delta. DELTA Project - Mekong Delta: Research Report n°1, Can Tho, Vietnam. 93 p.
Molle F. and Dao The Tuan. 2001. Water control and agricultural development: crafting deltaic environments in Southeast-Asia, paper presented at the IWHA 2nd conference: "The Role of Water in History and Development", Bergen, Norway.
Rap, E.; de Bont, C.; Molle, F.; Bolding, A. and Ismail, A. 2022. Radical reassemblage: The life history of a pumping-collective in the Nile Delta. EPE: Nature and Space.
El-Agha, D.E.; Molle, F.; Rap, E. and El Baily, M. 2019. Variability of drainage water quality across nested scales in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Ezzat, D.; Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2017. Under the radar: Dynamics of groundwater use in the Nile delta. Hydrogeology Journal 25:1621-1631.
Molle, F.; Gafaar, I.; Ezzat Al-Agha, D. and Rap, E. 2018. The Nile delta's water and salt balances and implications for management. Agricultural Water Management 197(15): 110-121.
Molle, F.; Rap, E.; Al-Agha, D.E.; Abou El Hassan, W. and Freeg, M. 2019. Irrigation Improvement Projects in the Nile Delta: promises, challenges, surprises. Agricultural Water Management 216: 425-435.
Rap, E.; Molle, F.; Gaafar, I.; Al-Agha, D.E. and Abou El Hassan, W. 2019. The limits to participation: Branch-Canal Water Users Associations in the Egyptian Delta. Water International 44(1): 31-50.
Molle, F. 2019. Chapter 9: Egypt. In Molle, F.; Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Avella, L. (Eds), Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies. Global Issues in Water Policy Series. Springer.
Molle, F. 2018. Irrigation policies in Egypt since the construction of the High Aswan Dam. G-Eau Working Paper. http://g-eau.fr/index.php/fr/productions/working-papers
Molle, F.; Gaafar, I., Ezzat Al-Agha, D. and Rap, E. 2016. Irrigation efficiency and the Nile Delta water balance. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta. Project Report No. 9. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2016.
Molle, F.; Abou El Hassan, W.; Salama, S.; Ezzat Al-Agha, D. and Rap, E. 2015. Water and salt dynamics at the meso-level in IIIMP areas, Mares El Gamal canal. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta Project Report No. 5. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2015.
Ezzat Al-Agha, D.; Molle, F.; El Baily, M.; El Desouqy, E.; Abou El-Hassan, W. 2015. Spatial and temporal variability of water quality in the Nile Delta. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta Project Report No. 7. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2015.
Molle, F.; Rap, E.; Ezzat Al-Agha, D.; Ismail, A.; Abou El Hassan, W. and Freeg, M. 2015. Irrigation Improvement Projects in the Nile Delta: promises, challenges, surprises. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta Project Report No. 4. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2015.
Ezzat, D.; Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2015. Dynamics of groundwater use in the central part of the Nile Delta. Research Report. Dryland Systems, IWMI.
Ezzat Al-Agha, D.; Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2015. Survey of groundwater use in the central part of the Nile Delta. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta. Project Report No. 6. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2015.
Rap, E.; Molle, F.; Ezzat Al-Agha, D.; Ismail, A. 2015. Branch canal Water User Associations in the central Nile Delta. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta. Project Report No. 8. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2015.
Molle, F. and Gaafar, I. 2014. The New Lands of the west of the Nile Delta: Changes in the management of the Nasr canal. AIRD/STDF Project report. Cairo IRD/WMRI.
Molle, F. and Rap, E. 2013. Brief Retrospective on Water User Organizations in Egypt. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta. Project Report No. 3. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2013.
Ghazouani, W.; Molle, F.; Swelam, A.; Rap, E. and Abdo, A. 2014. Understanding farmers’ adaptation to water scarcity: A case study from the western Nile Delta, Egypt. IWMI Research Report.
IWMI and WMRI (contributor). 2013. An exploratory survey of water management in the Meet Yazid Canal command area of the Nile Delta. Water and Salt Management in the Nile delta Project Report No. 1. IWMI, WMRI: Cairo, 2013.
Molle, F.; El-Karablieh, E.; Al Naber, M.; Closas, A. and Salman, A. 2017. Groundwater Governance in Jordan: the case of Azraq. A Policy White Paper. Groundwater Governance in the Arab World. IWMI/USAID.
Al-Naber, M. and Molle, F. 2017. Water and Sand: is Groundwater-based Farming in Jordan's Desert Sustainable? Groundwater for Sustainable Development 5:28-37.
Al-Naber, M. and Molle, F. 2017. Controlling groundwater overabstraction: policies vs. local practices in Jordan Highlands. Water Policy 19(4): 692-708.
Al-Naber, M. and Molle, F. 2016. The politics of accessing desert land in Jordan. Land Use Policy 59: 492–503.
Venot, J.P.; Courcier, R.; Molle, F. 2009. A brief history of water use in Jordan. In M. Ababsa (Ed.) Atlas de Jordanie. Atlas of Jordan, Amman, Jordan : Institut Français du Proche-Orient.
Van Aken, M.; Molle, F.; Venot, J.-P. 2009. Squeezed dry: the historical trajectory of the lower Jordan river basin. In River Basins Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Development, edited by F. Molle and P. Wester, pp. 20-46. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F.; Venot, J.-P.; Hassan, Y. 2008. Irrigation in the Jordan Valley: Are water pricing policies overly optimistic? Agricultural Water Management 95(4): 427-438.
Venot, J.-P.; Molle, F. 2008. Groundwater depletion in Jordan highlands: Can pricing policies regulate irrigation water use? Water Resource Management 22(12): 1925-1941.
Venot, J.-P.; Molle, F.; Courcier, R. 2008. Dealing with closed basins: The case of the Lower Jordan River Basin. International Journal of Water Resource Development 24(2): 257-263.
Van Aken, M.; Courcier, R.; Venot, J.-P.; Molle, F. 2007. Historical trajectory of a river basin in the Middle East: The Lower Jordan river basin (in Jordan). International Water Management Institute and French Regional Mission for Water and Agriculture, Amman. 339p.
Venot, J.P.; Molle, F. 2007. Wells and canals in Jordan : can pricing policies regulate irrigation water use. In F. Molle and J. Berkoff (Eds.) "Irrigation water pricing: The gap between theory and practice". Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Venot, J.P.; Molle, F.; Hassan, Y. 2007. Irrigated Agriculture, water pricing and water savings in the Lower Jordan River basin (in Jordan). Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. Research Report No 18.
Courcier, R.; Venot, J.P.; Molle, F. 2005. Historical Transformations of the Lower Jordan River Basin: Changes in water use and projections (1950 – 2025). CA Research report No 9. IWMI, Colombo.
Middle-East Northern Africa (Other countries: Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco)
Molle, F.; Mayaux, P.-L. 2023. Les angles morts de la politique de l’eau au Maroc. Confluences Méditerranée.
Kherbache, N. et Molle, F. 2022. Causes and consequences of the Macta basin closure, Algeria. International Journal of Water Resource Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2022.2089100
Kherbache, N. et Molle, F. 2021. La surexploitation des ressources en eau : le cas du bassin de la Macta en Algérie. G-Eau Working Paper No.11. Montpellier. http://g-eau.fr/index.php/fr/productions/working-papers
Ben Fraj, W.; Elloumi, M.; Molle, F. 2020. Les impacts économiques et environnementaux de l’aménagement hydraulique du bassin versant de l’Ichkeul : une analyse coûts-bénéfices. Les Annales de l'INRAT, Volume 93.
Zribi, M.; Brocca, L.; Tramblay, Y. and Molle, F. (Eds), 2020. Water Resources in the Mediterranean Region. Elsevier.
Sanchis-Ibor, C.; Molle, F., Kuper, M. 2020. Irrigation and water governance. In Zribi, M.; Brocca, L.; Tramblay, Y. and Molle, F. (Eds), Water Resources in the Mediterranean, pp. 77-106. Elsevier.
Molle, F., Sanchis-Ibor, C.; Avella Reus, L. (Eds) 2019. Irrigation in the Mediterranean: technologies, institutions, policies. Springer.
Molle, F. and Tanouti, O. and Faysse, N. 2019. Chapter 3: Morocco. In Molle, F.; Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Avella, L. (Eds), Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies. Global Issues in Water Policy Series. Springer.
Molle, F. and Sanchis-Ibor, C. 2019. Irrigation policies in the Mediterranean: trends and challenges. In Molle, F.; Ibor Sanchez, C. and Avella, L. (Eds), Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies. Global Issues in Water Policy Series. Springer.
Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Molle, F. 2019. Introduction. In Molle, F.; Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Avella, L. (Eds), Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies. Global Issues in Water Policy Series. Springer.
Ben Fraj, W.; Elloumi, M.; Molle, F. 2019. The politics of interbasin transfers: socio-environmental impacts and actors strategies in Tunisia. Natural Resources Forum.
Molle, F.; Closas, A. and Zubari, W. 2017. Governing groundwater in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Chapter In: Advances in Groundwater Governance, edited by Villholth, K.; van der Gun, J.; Lopez-Gunn, E.; Conti, K. and Garrido, A. Balkema.
Montginoul, M.; Morardet, S.; Molle, F.; Favre, M.; Azizi, A. and Burte, J. 2018. Evaluation de scénarios de consommation en eau à l’horizon 2030. Rapport 4.3 Projet ANR Amethyst. Unpublished report.
Molle, F.; Tanouti, O. 2017. Analyse des pratiques et stratégies des usagers de l’eau dans la Plaine du Haouz, bassin du Tensift. Rapport 2.6 Projet ANR Amethyst. Unpublished report.
Molle, F.; Nassif, M.-H.; Jaber, B.; Closas, A. and Baydoun, S. 2017. Groundwater Governance in Lebanon: The case of Central Beqaa. A Policy White Paper. Groundwater Governance in the Arab World. IWMI/USAID. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Molle, F. and Tanouti, O. 2017. La micro-irrigation et les ressources en eau au Maroc: un coûteux malentendu, Alternatives Rurales.
Molle, F. and Tanouti, O. 2017. Squaring the circle: impacts of irrigation intensification on water resources in Morocco. Agricultural Water Management 192(2017): 170-179.
Molle, F. 2017. Conflicting Policies: Agricultural Intensification vs. Water Conservation in Morocco. G-Eau Working Paper.
Mekki, I.; Ghazouani, W.; Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2017. Groundwater degradation in the Haouaria region in Tunisia: drivers and perceptions of change. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 5: 101-110.
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2016. Groundwater governance in the Middle-East and Northern-Africa Region. Report submitted to USAID (vol. 1). IWMI. http://gw-mena.iwmi.org/outputs/
Tanouti, O. and Molle, F. 2016. Analyse du statut actuel des ressources en eau, de leur gouvernance et des réformes de politiques publiques. Livrable D2.5. Projet AMETHYST - Rapport sur la gouvernance de l’eau et des réformes de politiques publiques. Unpublished report.
Tanouti, O. et Molle, F. 2013. Surexploitation et réappropriation de l’eau dans le bassin du Tensift (Maroc). Etudes Rurales 2013/2: 79-96. Version anglaise aussi disponible (The Re-appropriation of Water in Overexploited River Basins: The Case of the Tensift River Basin (Morocco)(Etudes Rurales).
Dahou, T.; Elloumi, M. et Molle, F. 2013. Appropriations et conflits sur les régimes d’accès aux ressources renouvelables. Etudes Rurales 2013/2: 9-23.
Ghazouani, W.; Molle, F. and Rap, E. 2012. Water Users Associations in the Near-East Northern Africa Region. IFAD interventions and overall dynamics. Submitted to IFAD, October 2012. IWMI.
Dahou, T.; Elloumi, M. and Molle, F. 2011. Gestion de la nature et emprise sur les ressources. In Pouvoirs, société et nature au sud de la Méditerranée, edited by Dahou, T.; Elloumi, M. and Molle, F. Paris : Karthala.
Scott, C.; Venot, J.-P. and Molle, F. 2012. Water, land and development in comparative Arizona-Israeli-Palestinian perspective. In Megdal, S.B.; Varady, R.G. and Eden, S. (Ed), Shared borders, shared waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin water challenges, IHE-UNESCO-Taylor & Francis.
Dahou, T.; Elloumi, M.; Molle, F. (eds) 2011. Pouvoirs, société et nature au sud de la Méditerranée. Paris: Karthala.
Molle, F. 2011. Politiques agraires et surexploitation de l’eau au Maghreb et au Machrek. In Pouvoirs, société et nature au sud de la Méditerranée, edited by Dahou, T.; Elloumi, M. and Molle, F. Paris : Karthala.
Ghiotti, S.; Molle, F. 2008. Vers de nouveaux grands barrages en Méditerranée ? Maghreb-Machreq. La Documentation Française: Paris. 196: 1-16.
Molle, F.; Mamanpoush, A. 2012. Scale, governance and the management of river basins: A case study from Central Iran. Geoforum 43(2): 285-294.
Molle, F.; Ghazi, I.; Murray-Rust, H. 2009. Buying respite: Esfahan and the Zayandeh Rud river basin, Iran. In River Basins Trajectories: Societies, Environments and Development, edited by F. Molle and P. Wester, pp. 196-213. CABI: Wallingford, UK and Cambridge, MA, USA.
Molle, F.; Hoogesteger, J.; Mamanpoush, A. 2008. Macro and Micro-Level Impacts of Droughts: The case of the Zayandeh Rud River Basin, Iran. Irrigation and Drainage 57(2): 219-227.
Molle, F.; Mamanpoush, A.; Miranzadeh, M. 2004. Robbing Yadullah’s water to irrigate Saeid’s garden: Hydrology and water rights in a village of central Iran. IWMI Research Report No 80.
India, Sri lanka
Venot, J.-P.; Bharati, L.; Giordano, M. and Molle, F. 2011. Beyond water, beyond boundaries: Space and territory of water management in the Krishna river basin, South India. The Geographical Journal 177(2): 160-170.
Venot, J.P.; Biggs, T.; Molle, F.; Turral, H. 2008. Reconfiguration and closure of river basins in South India: Trajectory of the Lower Krishna Basin. Water International 33(4): 436-450.
Venot, J.-P.; Turral, H.; Samad, M.; Molle, F. 2007. Shifting Waterscapes: Explaining River Basin Closure in the Lower Krishna Basin, South India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. Research Report.
Molle, F.; Jayakody, P.; Ariyaratne, R.; Somatilake, H.S. 2007. Irrigation vs. Hydropower: Sectoral conflicts in Southern Sri Lanka. Water Policy 10(1): 37-50.
Somaratne, P.G.; Jayakody, P.; Molle, F.; Jinapala, K. 2005. Small tank cascade systems in Walawe River Basin. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. 46p.
Molle, F.; Jayakody, P.; Ariyaratne, R.; Somatilake, H.S. 2005. Balancing irrigation and hydropower: A case study from southern Sri Lanka. IWMI Research Report No 94. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI.
Molle, F.; Renwick, M. 2005. Economics and politics of water resource development: the case of the Walawe river basin, Sri Lanka. IWMI Research Report No 87.
Jayakody, P.; Molle, F.; Pieris, R.; Weragala, N.; Ariyaratne, R. 2004. Report on the study of water management in three distributary canals of Uda Walawe Irrigation Project (Yala 2003). Survey report. Colombo: International Water Management Institute. 80 p.
Pieris, W.R.; Dayawansa, N.D.K.; Molle, F.; de Silva, W.P.R.P. 2004. Tertiary level irrigation water management practices at tail end: A case study from Uda Walawe Irrigation Scheme. Tropical Agricultural Research, 16:181-192.
Molle, F.; Jayakody, Priyantha and Shyamalie de Silva. 2003. Anicut Systems in Sri Lanka: The Case of the Upper Walawe River Basin. Working Paper No.61, IWMI.
Molle, F. 1994. Water Policy, Irrigation and Society: the case of the Northeast of Brazil, Les Cahiers de la Recherche Développement.
Molle, F. 1991. Marcos historicos e reflexoes sobre a acudagem e seu aproveitamento, Collection Mossoroense, Mossoro, 190 p.
Molle, F. 1991. Geométria dos pequenos açudes, Récife, SUDENE-DPG-PRN, 172 p. (Brésil SUDENE, Hidrologia 29).
Molle, F. 1990. Alguns aspectos do processo de salinizaçao dos açudes. Recife; SUDENE, 45p. [Aspects du processus de salinisation des açudes]
Molle, F. 1989. Perdas por evaporaçao e infiltraçao em pequenos açudes, Récife, SUDENE-DPG-PRN, 180p. (Brésil SUDENE, Hidrologia 25).
Molle, F.; Courcier, R.; Cadier, E. 1988. Quelques aspects de la petite irrigation dans le Nordeste brésilien, Les Cahiers de la Recherche-Développement, N°19, 10p.
Molle, F.; Cadier, E. 1986. Potencial dos açudes e dimensionamento dos perímetros irrigados. Revista Brasileira de Irrigaçao e Drenagem. ABID.
Molle F., Cadier E. 1992. Manual do pequeno açude (Manual of the small dam). Recife, 520p. (in portuguese)
Molle, F. and Collard, A.-L. 2024. Sharing water between nature and humans: Environmental flows and the politics of quantification. Water Alternatives 17(2): 510-532.
Laurenceau, M.; Molle, F. 2023. A convenient untruth: environmental water reallocation and the art of ambiguous arrangements in the Southeast of France. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. 25 (1), 118-134.
Barrazza, J.-J.et Molle, F. 2022. Les Etudes de Volumes Prélevables (EVP): bilan pour la région Occitanie (Bassin RMC). G-EAU Working Paper/Rapport de Recherche No.12. Montpellier, France. http://g-eau.fr/index.php/fr/productions/working-papers
Collard, A.-C.; Molle, F. and Rivière-Honegger, A. 2021. Manières de voir, manières de faire: "moderniser" les canaux gravitaires. VertigO 21(2): 1-25, https://journals.openedition.org/vertigo/32365
Laurenceau, M.; Molle, F.; Grau, M. 2021. Reducing water withdrawals: The implementation and negotiation of environmental policies in the Durance River Basin, France. Water Policy. 22(6): 1217–1236.
Collard, A.L.; Molle, F.; Rivière-Honegger, A. 2020. Le devenir des canaux d’irrigation gravitaire en Cévennes : entre gestion locale et nouvelle réglementation. Action n° 63 du Programme 2010, Agence de l’Eau RMC, ZABR.
Laurenceau, M. and Molle, F. 2019. Controverses environnementales et arbitrages politiques: le système Etang de Berre–Basse-Durance. VertigO 19(3): https://doi.org/10.4000/vertigo.26995
Other countries
Closas, A. and Molle, F. 2018. Chronicle of a demise foretold: State vs. local groundwater regulation in Texas and the High Plains Aquifer system. Water Alternatives 11(3): 511-532.
Méndez-Barrientos, L.E.; Kemerink, J.S.; Wester, P.; Molle, F. 2018. Circumventing water reform: Strategies of commercial farmers to maintain control over water resources in rural South Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development 34(2): 245-258.
Closas, A.; Molle, F. and Hernández-Mora, N. 2017. Sticks and carrots to manage groundwater overabstraction in La Mancha, Spain. Agricultural Water Management.
Closas, A.; Molle, F. and Hernández-Mora, N. 2017. Sticks and Carrots: Managing Groundwater Overabstraction in La Mancha, Spain. IWMI Working Papers Series.
Hertzog, T.; Adamczewski, A.; Molle, F.; Poussin J.C. and Jamin, J.Y. 2012. Ostrich-like strategies in Sahelian sands? Land and water grabbing in the Office du Niger, Mali. Water Alternatives 5(2): 304-321.
Molle. F. 1992. Projet RETAIL (Mali): Volet Recherche-Développement. Rapport de recherche. CIRAD. 300p.