Brevets (hors logiciels)

  1. Lannes G., 2008-2013: Porte charge prévu pour être attelé à un engin tracteur. CIRAD.

  2. Molle B., Tomas S., Deborde J., 2008-2013: Distributeur d'irrigation à débit autorégulé et son utilisation. IRSTEA. 12-58962.

  3. Ruelle P., 2008-2013: TGE - Tensiomètre à gamme élargie. IRSTEA. PCT/FR2013/050184.


Chapitres d'ouvrages de Vulgarisation ou parus dans des Revues de Vulgarisation Scientifique

  1. Barbier B., Kane A., B. Ouedraogo, Jamin J.Y., Poussin J.C., 2016: Water, a resource requiring better governance in West Africa, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (eds.), Montpellier. A new emerging rural world. An overview of rural change in Africa. 2nd edition. CIRAD, NEPAD. 66-67.

  2. Barbier B., Kane A., Ouedraogo B., Jamin J.Y., Poussin J.C. 2016. , 2016: L'eau, une ressource encore peu maîtrisée en Afrique de l'Ouest, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (eds.), Une nouvelle ruralité émergente - Regards croisés sur les transformations rurales africaines, Seconde édition revue et augmentée. Montpellier : CIRAD, NEPAD. 66-67.

  3. Bourgoin J., Valette E., Diop D., Adamczewski A., Dia D., Touré L., 2016: Le Delta du Fleuve Sénégal : quel modèle agricole ?, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (Eds.), Une nouvelle ruralité émergente - Regards croisés sur les transformations rurales africaines, Seconde édition revue et augmentée. Montpellier : CIRAD, NEPAD. 52-53.

  4. Bourgoin J., Valette E., Diop D., Adamczewski A., Dia D., Touré L., 2016: The Senegal River Delta: Which Model of Agricultural Development?, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (Eds.), Montpellier. A new emerging rural world. An overview of rural change in Africa. 2nd edition. CIRAD, NEPAD. 52-53.

  5. Farolfi S., Jamin J.Y., 2016: Blue gold and its challenges: water stress in Africa, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (eds.), Montpellier. A new emerging rural world. An overview of rural change in Africa. 2nd edition. CIRAD, NEPAD. 46-47.

  6. Farolfi S., Jamin J.Y., 2016: L'or bleu et ses enjeux : tensions hydriques en Afrique, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (Eds.), Une nouvelle ruralité émergente - Regards croisés sur les transformations rurales africaines, Seconde édition revue et augmentée. Montpellier : CIRAD, NEPAD. 46-47.

  7. Kuper M., Hammani A., Ameur F., Hamamouche F., Massuel S., Hartani T., 2016: Que faire avec les eaux souterraines en Afrique du Nord ?, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (Eds.), Une nouvelle ruralité émergente - Regards croisés sur les transformations rurales africaines, Seconde édition revue et augmentée. Montpellier : CIRAD, NEPAD. 64-65.

  8. Kuper M., Hammani A., Ameur F., Hamamouche F., Massuel S., Hartani T., 2016: What Should be Done with North Africas's Groudwater Resources?, in Pesche D., Losch B., Imbernon J. (eds.), Montpellier. A new emerging rural world. An overview of rural change in Africa. 2nd edition. CIRAD, NEPAD. 64-65.

  9. Lemoalle J., 2015: La végétation aquatique. Un capital naturel qui reflète la variabilité écologique, in Magrin G. Lemoalle J., Pourtier R. (eds), Paris. Atlas du lac Tchad. Passages. 47-48.

  10. Lemoalle J., 2015: Le bassin du lac Tchad. Plusieurs définitions possibles., in Magrin G. Lemoalle J., Pourtier R. (eds), Paris. Atlas du lac Tchad. Passages. 20-22.

  11. Lemoalle J., 2015: Les différents états du lac. Un perpétuel changement, in Magrin G. Lemoalle J., Pourtier R. (eds), Paris. Atlas du lac Tchad. Passages. 23-27.

  12. Lemoalle J., Oualbadet M., 2013: La pêche, in Paris, France. Atlas du Tchad (135 p.). Editions du Jaguar. 104-105.

  13. Lemoalle J., Sedick A., 2015: Bilan hydrique du lac Tchad. Le lac comme amplificateur des variations de la pluie sur le bassin, in Magrin G. Lemoalle J., Pourtier R. (eds), Paris. Atlas du lac Tchad. Passages. 33-35.

  14. Loubier S., Garin P., 2013: Durabilité et fragilité des Associations Syndicales Autorisées en France, in M. Falque (Dir.), Paris. L’eau entre marché et réglementation. Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse - International Center For Research on Environmental Issues. Johanet Eds. 237-252.

  15. Magrin G., Lemoalle J., 2015: Les projets de transfert d’eau vers le lac Tchad. Des utopies initiales aux défis contemporains, in Magrin G. Lemoalle J., Pourtier R. (eds), Paris. Atlas du lac Tchad. Passages. 156 -158.

  16. Magrin G., Pourtier R., Lemoalle J., 2015: Introduction, in Magrin G., Pourtier R., Lemoalle J. (dir.), Paris. Atlas du lac Tchad. Passages. 15-18.

  17. Marre A., 2015: Eau, agriculture et pauvreté dans le bassin du Niger : synthèse des résultats du BFP Niger, in ligne) Physio-Géo (En, Eau, agriculture et pauvreté dans le bassin du Niger. Agropolis International. Clanet J.C. (Dir.), Ogilvie A. (Dir),. 21 novembre 2015. Volume 9, 21-24,

  18. Montginoul M., 2013: Prix et tarification, in Euzen A., Levi Y. (Eds), Paris, France. Tout savoir sur l’eau du robinet. CNRS éditions. 184-190.

Direction d'ouvrages de Vulgarisation Scientifique ou Coordination de Revues de Vulgarisation Scientifique


  1. Barbier R. (Coord.), Montginoul M. (Coord.), 2013: 120 m3 - Le consommateur d'eau en question, in Sciences Eaux et Territoires, Irstea, 10, Numéro Spécial.

  2. Clanet J.C., Ogilvie A., 2017: Eau, agriculture & pauvreté dans le bassin du Niger, Atlas, in Editions Agropolis, CPWF, Colombo, Sri Lanka, IRD Marseille, France, 96 p.

  3. Magrin G. (Dir.), Lemoalle  J. (Dir.), Pourtier R. (Dir.), 2015: Atlas du lac Tchad, in Paris, Passages.,

  4. Ogilvie A., Clanet J.C., 2014: Eau, agriculture & pauvreté dans le bassin du Niger, in Atlas Agropolis Editions, 96 p.

  5. Rollin D. (Coord.), Bouarfa S. (Coord.), 2013: L'irrigation en France - État des lieux, enjeux et perspectives in Sciences Eaux et Territoires, Irstea, 11, Numéro spécial.



!!!! Vous pouvez trouver la toute dernière collection HAL des publications de l'UMR G-EAU à l'adresse suivante :


Chapitres d'Ouvrages Scientifiques

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013


OS 2020

  1. Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Mayaux Pierre-Louis, Mateo-Sagasta Javier, Hartani Tarik, Molle Bruno, 2020: Water reuse: A resource for Mediterranean agriculture, in Water Resources in the Mediterranean Region, Elsevier, Mehrez Zribi, Yves Tramblay, Luca Brocca, François Molle. 978-0-12-818086-0.

  2. Barreteau Olivier, Leenhardt Delphine, Voltz Marc, 2020: Des outils et des méthodes à articuler pour une gestion coordonnée de l'eau, in L'eau en milieu agricole. Outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale., Editions Quae, 9782759231232.

  3. Billen Gilles, Garnier Josette, Le Noë Julia, Viennot Pascal, Gallois Nicolas, Puech Thomas, Schott Céline, Anglade Juliette, Mary Bruno, Beaudoin Nicolas, Joel Leonard, Mignolet Catherine, Thery Sylvain, Thieu Vincent, Silvestre Marie, Passy Paul, 2020: The Seine watershed water-agro-food system: long-term trajectories of C, N, P metabolism, in The Seine River basin, Springer, Flipo N., Labadie P., Lestel L.

  4. Carré Catherine, Meybeck Michel, Garnier Josette, Chong Natalie, Deroubaix José-Frédéric, Flipo Nicolas, Goutte Aurélie, Le Pichon Céline, Seguin Laura, Tournebize Julien, 2020: River Basin Visions: Tools and Approaches from Yesterday to Tomorrow, in The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,

  5. Debril Thomas, Sylvain Barone, Gaudin Alexandre, 2020: Les trajectoires négociées de l’infraction environnementale : le cas des usages agricoles de l’eau, in L'eau en milieu agricole. Outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale, Quae, Paris, Delphine Leenhardt, Marc Voltz, Olivier Barreteau.

  6. Dieye M., Dia D., Barbier B., Sylla E.H.M, Sall M., Bader Jean-Claude, Bossa A.Y., Sanfo S., Fall C.S., 2020: L'agriculture de décrue en Afrique de l'Ouest et du centre : une certaine résilience face à la variabilité climatique et à la régulation des fleuves, in Risques climatiques et agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest, IRD, Sultan Benjamin, Bossa A. Y., Salack S., Sanon M. p. 121-131. 978-2-7099-2820-5.

  7. Diop A.N., Sylla E.H.M, Barbier B., Bader Jean-Claude, Sall M., Fall C.S., Dieye M., 2020: L'agriculture de décrue a-t-elle un avenir au Sénégal ? : une analyse selon la méthode FFOM : "Forces-Faiblesses-Opportunités-Menaces", in Risques climatiques et agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest, IRD, Sultan Benjamin, Bossa A. Y., Salack S., Sanon M. p. 133-143. 978-2-7099-2820-5.

  8. Douez Olivier, du Peuty Jean Eudes, Lepercq Daniel, Montginoul Marielle, 2020: Developing Substitution Resources as Compensation for Reduced Groundwater Entitlements: The Case of the Poitou Marshes (France), in Sustainable grounwater management. A comparative analysis of French and Australian policies and implication top other countries, 333-353.

  9. Fall C.S., Barbier B., Diop A.N., Sall M., Bader Jean-Claude, Sylla E.H.M., Dieye M., Bossa A.Y., 2020: "Entre deux eaux" : l’agriculture de décrue face aux politiques transfrontalières dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal, in Risques climatiques et agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest, IRD, Sultan Benjamin, Bossa A. Y., Salack S., Sanon M. p. 153-161. 978-2-7099-2820-5.

  10. Holley Cameron, Rinaudo Jean-Daniel, Barnett Steve, Montginoul Marielle, 2020: Sustainable groundwater management in France and Australia: setting extraction limits, allocating rights and reallocation, in Sustainable groundwater management: a comparative analysis of French and Australian policies and implications to other countries, 1-15.

  11. Manlay Raphaël J., Freschet Grégoire, T, Abbadie Luc, Barbier Bruno, Chotte Jean-Luc, Feller Christian, Leroy Maya, Serpantié Georges, 2020: Séquestration du carbone et usage durable des savanes ouest-africaines : synergie ou antagonisme ?, in Carbone des sols en Afrique. Impacts des usages des sols et des pratiques agricoles, IRD Éditions/FAO, Marseille and Rome, France and Italy, Tiphaine Chevallier, Tantely Razafimbelo, Lydie Chapuis-Lardy, Michel Brossard. 241-254. 9782709928366.

  12. Montginoul Marielle, Rinaudo Jean-Daniel, Alcouffe Charlotte, 2020: Compliance and enforcement: the Achilles heel of French water policy, in Sustainable groundwater management: a comparative analysis of French and Australian policies and implications to other countries, Springer, Jean-Daniel Rinaudo, Cameron Holley, Steve Barnett, Marielle Montginoul. 24, 435-459. 978-3-030-32765-1.

  13. Venot Jean-Philippe, Dressayre E., Hofmann A., Noel N., Papazian V., 2020: Les sociétés publiques d'aménagement et de gestion de l'irrigation : un modèle à bout de souffle ou à réinventer ?, in Quelles agricultures irriguées demain ? : répondre aux enjeux de la sécurité alimentaire et du développement durable, Quae, Bouarfa S., Brelle F., Coulon C. p. 121-136. 978-2-7592-3132-4.

  14. Voltz Marc, Leenhardt Delphine, Barreteau Olivier, 2020: Les besoins méthodologiques pour une gestion de l'eau plus intégrée, in L'eau en milieu agricole. Outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale., Editions Quae, 9782759231232.

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OS 2019

  1. Collard A.L., Riaux J., Elloumi M., 2019: Aux origines d’une petite agriculture familiale à Haffouz : les coopératives et leurs héritages en Tunisie Centrale, in Agricultures familiales et territoires dans les Suds, Coédition Karthala - IRMC Tunis, Gana A. Mesclier E., Rebaï N. (Dir.),. 336 p.

  2. Kiari Fougou H., Lemoalle J., 2019: Etude technologique et gestion d'un espace halieutique dans la cuvette nord du lac Tchad, in Le Tchad des lacs : les zones humides sahéliennes au défi du changement global, IRD, Marseille, Raimond C. Sylvestre F., Zakinet D., Moussa A. (eds),. 209-223 (Synthèses). ISBN 978-2-7099-2715-4.

  3. Magrin G., Lemoalle J., 2019: L'avenir du lac Tchad : les échelles de l'incertitude, in Le Tchad des lacs : les zones humides sahéliennes au défi du changement global, IRD, Marseille, Raimond C. Sylvestre F., Zakinet D., Moussa A. (eds),. 289-303 (Synthèses). ISBN 978-2-7099-2715-4.

  4. Molle F., 2019: Chapter 9: Egypt, in Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies, Springer, Molle F.; Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Avella, L. (Eds),. 243-277.

  5. Molle F., Closas A., 2019: Groundwater Governance, in Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, Wiley,

  6. Molle F., Sanchis-Ibor C., 2019: Irrigation policies in the Mediterranean: trends and challenges, in Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies., Springer, Molle F.; Ibor Sanchez, C. and Avella, L. (Eds),. 279-313.

  7. Molle F., Tanouti O., Faysse N., 2019: Chapter 3: Morocco, in Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies, Springer, Molle F.; Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Avella, L. (Eds). 51-88.

  8. Sanchis-Ibor C., Molle F., 2019: Introduction, in Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies, Springer, Molle F.; Sanchis-Ibor, C. and Avella, L. (Eds),. 1-14.

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OS 2018

  1. Barone S., Barbier R., Garin P., Destandau F., 2018: La gouvernance de l’eau, vingt ans de réforme perpétuelle, in Barone S. Barbier R., Destandau F., Garin P. (dir.), Gouvernance de l’eau : un mouvement de réforme perpétuelle ? Paris, L’Harmattan. 19-39.

  2. Bourblanc M., 2018: Sous-traiter au sein de l’administration publique de l’eau en Afrique du Sud. Les métamorphoses d’un réseau de politique publique, in Po Presses de Sciences, Gouvernement et Action Publique - "Penser l'action publique" en contextes africains. Versailles, Avril-Juin 2018. 7, 75-94. ISSN: 22600965.

  3. Chauvin E., Rangé C., Lemoalle J., Magrin G., Raimond C., Doua S.A., Fougou H.K., Mahamadou A., Tafida A.A., Tukur A.L., 2018: Le système régional : environnement, populations et ressources, in Magrin G. (ed.), Pérouse de Montclos M-A. (ed.), Crise et développement : la région du lac Tchad à l'épreuve de Boko Haram. AFD, Paris. 24-73. ISBN 978-2-379-02004-9.

  4. Doua S.A., Chauvin E., Dangbet Z., Don-Donné G.P., Hessana A., Higazi A., Fougou H.K., Lemoalle J., Magrin G., Mahamadou A., Mohammed K., Pérouse de Montclos M-A, Raimond C., Rangé C., afida A.A., Tukur A.L., Zieba F.W., 2018: Les indicateurs possibles : annexe 2, in Magrin G. (ed.) Pérouse de Montclos M-A. (ed.), Crise et développement : la région du lac Tchad à l'épreuve de Boko Haram. AFD, Paris. 269-281. ISBN 978-2-379-02004-9.

  5. Goutal N., Goeury C., Ata R., Ricci S., El Mocayd N., Rochoux M., Oubanas H., Gejadze I., Malaterre P.O., 2018: Uncertainty Quantification for River Flow Simulation Applied to a Real Test Case: The Garonne Valley, in Gourbesville P. Cunge J., Caignaert G. (eds) Advances in Hydroinformatics. Springer, Singapore, Springer Water. . First Online: 27 February 2018. 169-187. Online ISBN: 978-981-10-7218-5 -  Print ISBN: 978-981-10-7217-8

  6. Lachaal F., Chargui S., Messaoud R.B., Chekirbane A., Tsujimura M., Mlayah A., Massuel S., Leduc C., 2018: Impacts of Global Changes on Groundwater Resources in North-East Tunisia: The Case of the Grombalia Phreatic Aquifer, in Calvache M., Duque C., Pulido-Velazquez D. (eds), Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean Area. Environmental Earth Sciences. Springer, Cham. 179-188. Online ISBN : 978-3-319-69356-9 / Print ISBN : 978-3-319-69355-2.

  7. Loubier S., Ruf T., Garin P., 2018: Irrigation Policies in France, in Lorenzo Federico Avella Reus and Francois Molle (Eds), Irrigation in the Mediterranean: Technologies, Institutions and Policies. Springer, Global Issues in Water Policy Series.

  8. Magrin G., Pérouse de Montclos M-A., Lemoalle J., 2018: Options de politiques et scénarios, in Magrin G. (ed.) Pérouse de Montclos M-A. (ed.), Crise et développement : la région du lac Tchad à l'épreuve de Boko Haram. AFD, Paris. 242-259. ISBN 978-2-379-02004-9.

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OS 2017

  1. Adamczewski-Hertzog A., Jamin J.Y., Kuper M., Perret S., Tonneau J.P., 2017: Is the concept of territory miscible in irrigation water?, in Caron Patrick (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Wassenaar Tom (ed.), Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge Geo (ed.), Papazian V. (ed.), Living territories to transform the world. Versailles, Ed Quae, FAO. 44-48.

  2. Adamczewski-Hertzog A., Jamin J.Y., Kuper M., Perret S., Tonneau J.P., 2017: Le concept de territoire est-il soluble dans l’eau d’irrigation ?, in Caron P., Valette E., Wassenaar T., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge G., Papazian V. (Eds), Des territoires vivants pour transformer le monde. Paris, Quae Editions. chapitre 5, 44-48.

  3. Andriyani I., Jourdain D., Shivakoti G., Lidon B., Kartiwa B., 2017: Can Uplanders and Lowlanders Share Land and Water Services? (A Case Study in Central Java Indonesia), in G. P. Shivakoti U. Pradhan and Helmi (Eds), Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia : Sustainable natural resources management in dynamic Asia. Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, Elsevier. 321-330. ISBN: 978-0-12-805454-3.

  4. Barreteau O., Bots P., Daniell K., Etienne M., Perez P., Barnaud C., Bazile D., Becu N., Castella J.C., Daré W., Trebuil G., 2017: Participatory approaches, in Simulating Social Complexity: a handbook. Springer Verlag. 253-292. ISBN 978-3-319-66947-2.

  5. Bekkar Y., Errahj M., Kuper M., 2017: Les arrangements autour de l'exploitation des eaux souterraines aux Tadla. Annexe 1, in Errahj Mostafa, Étude sur l'agriculture familiale à petite échelle au Proche-Orient et Afrique du Nord. Pays focus: Maroc. Rabat, Maroc, Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. 62-66. ISBN: 978-92-5-209640-5.

  6. Bossenbroek L., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M., 2017: Sour Grapes: Multiple groundwater enclosures in Morocco’s Saïss region, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M., Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge/Earth Scan Series. Chapter 6, 105-121.

  7. Chevrillon A., Ben Haha N., Burte J., 2017: Towards a territorialization of rural policies in Tunisia: the example of water and soil conservation policies, in Caron Patrick Valette Elodie Wassenaar Tom Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge Géo Papazian Vatché, Living territories to transform the world. Versailles, France, Ed. Quae. 167-173. ISBN: 978-2-7592-2731-0.

  8. Chevrillon A., Ben Haha N., Burte J., 2017: Vers une territorialisation des politiques rurales en Tunisie : l'exemple des politiques de conservation des eaux et des sols, in Caron Patrick Valette Elodie Wassenaar Tom Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge Géo Papazian Vatché, Des territoires vivants pour transformer le monde. Versailles, France, Ed. Quae. 172-178. ISBN: 978-2-7592-2654-2.

  9. Ciampalini R., Follain S., Cheviron B., Le Bissonnais Y., Couturier A., Moussa R., Walter C., 2017: LOCAL SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE LANDSOIL EROSION MODEL APPLIED TO A VIRTUAL CATCHMENT, in Petropoulos G.P., Srivastava P.K., Sensitivity Analysis in Earth Observation Modelling. 55-73. 978-0-12-803031-8; 978-0-12-803011-0. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000419250600004.

  10. Collectif Green, Rouchier J., Sabourin E., Barreteau O., Richard-Ferroudji A., Willinger M., Courtois P., Nessah R., Tazdait T., 2017: L’engagement d’acteurs hétérogènes dans l’action collective, in Une troisième voix entre l’Etat et de le marché Echanges avec Elinor Ostrom, Antona M. et Bousquet F.,. Ed. Quae. 73-81.

  11. Erdlenbruch K., Grelot F., 2017: Economic Assessment of Flood Prevention Projects, in Vinet F. (Ed), Floods: risk management. ISTE Editions. ISTE Publishing Knowledge and Elsevier. novembre 2017. Vol. 2, Chap. 21, 424 p., 321-334. ISBN : 9781785482694.

  12. Faysse N., Raiss I., 2017: La menthe: un “laboratoire” prometteur pour des filières de production raisonnée impliquant les agriculteurs familiaux. Annexe 6, in Errahj Mostafa, Étude sur l'agriculture familiale à petite échelle au Proche-Orient et Afrique du Nord. Pays focus: Maroc. Rabat, Maroc, Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. 82-83. ISBN: 978-92-5-209640-5.

  13. García-Aróstegui J.L., Baudron P., Taddei D., Fernández-Molina P., Leduc C., Gomariz-Castillo F., Blondet I., 2017: Caracterización de la recarga en un episodio de precipitación excepcional e implicaciones sobre un lagoon costero asociado (campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor, SE España), in Calvache M., Duque C., Pulido-Velazquez D. (eds), Impacts of Global Change on Western Mediterranean Aquifers. Granada, Spanish, International Association of Hydrogeologists-Spanish Chapter and Digital Edition and universidad de Granada. 319-324. ISBN: 978-84-338-6152-8.

  14. Gharbi I., Elloumi M., Jamin J.Y., 2017: Le faire-valoir indirect et ses conséquences sur le fonctionnement des exploitations irriguées. Cas d’un périmètre irrigué au Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie, in Paoli J.-C. Anthopoulou T., Ben Saad A., Bergeret P., Elloumi M., Napoléone C., Vianey G. (eds.), La petite exploitation agricole méditerranéenne, une réponse en temps de crise. Montpellier, CIHEAM. vol n° 117, 141-152.

  15. Glover D., Venot J.P., Maat H., 2017: On the movement of agricultural technolocies: Packagin, Unpacking and situated configuration, in Sumberg J. (Ed.), Agronomy for Development: The Politics of Knowledge in Agricultural Research. Abingdon & New York, Routledge. 14-30.

  16. Henriquez D., Kuper M., Escobar M., Chia E., Vasquez C., 2017: Creating small farm entrepreneurs or doing away with peasants? State driven implementation of drip irrigation in Chile, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M., Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge/Earth Scan Series. Chapter 7, 122-133.

  17. Jourdain D., Srisopaporn S., Perret S.R., Shivakoti G., 2017: The Role of Information Provision on Public GAP Standard Adoption: The Case of Rice Farmers in the Central Plains of Thailand, in G.P. Shivakoti, U. Pradhan, (Eds) Helmi, Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia : Sustainable natural resources management in dynamic Asia, . Amsterdam, Elsevier. Volume 1, 331-350.

  18. Kuper M., Ameur F., Hammani A., 2017: Unraveling the enduring paradox of increased pressure on groundwater through efficient drip irrigation, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge/Earth Scan Series. Chapter 5, 85-104. ISBN: 978-1-13-868707-3.

  19. Kuper M., Benouniche M., 2017: Le goutte à goutte comme innovation locale dans le domaine de l'irrigation. Annexe 2, in Errahj Mostafa, Étude sur l'agriculture familiale à petite échelle au Proche-Orient et Afrique du Nord. Pays focus: Maroc. Rabat, Maroc, Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. 67-72. ISBN: 978-92-5-209640-5.

  20. Kuper M., Benouniche M., Naouri M., Zwarteveen M., 2017: ‘Bricolage’ as an Everyday Practice of Contestation of Smallholders Engaging with Drip Irrigation, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M (Eds). Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge/Earth Scan Series. Chapter 15, 256-265.

  21. Kuper M., Molle F., 2017: Durabilité de l’exploitation des eaux souterraines ? Les enjeux sont ailleurs : exemples du pourtour Méditerranéen, in Caron P., Valette E., Wassenaar T., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge G., Papazian V. (Eds), Des territoires vivants pour transformer le monde. Collection « Agricultures et défis du monde ». Paris, Quae Editions. chapitre 6, 49-53. ISBN: 978-2-7592-2654-2.

  22. Kuper M., Molle F., 2017: Sustainability of groundwater exploitation in the Mediterianean region, in Caron Patrick Valette Elodie Wassenaar Tom Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge Géo Papazian Vatché (Eds), Living territories to transform the world. Versailles, France, Ed. Quae. CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (MAR); IRD (FRA), 49-53. ISBN: 978-2-7592-2731-0.

  23. Kuper M., Venot J.P., Zwarteveen M., 2017: Introduction: Panda or Hydra? The untold stories of drip irrigation, in Venot J.P, Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Abingdon & New York, Routledge/Earth Scan Series. 1-15. ISBN: 978-1-13-868707-3.

  24. Lannes G., 2017: Les récents progrès de la mécanisation en riziculture camarguaise, in Mouret J.C., Leclerc B. (coord.), Le Riz et la Camargue. Vers des agroécosystèmes durables. Cardère – Éducagri. 243-252.

  25. Lejars C., Venot J.P., 2017: Intermediaries in drip irrigation systems: A focus on retailers in the Sais region in Morocco, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip irrigation for Agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Abingdon & New York, Routledge. 284-302.

  26. Lejars C., 2017: En amont et en aval de petits producteurs: une grande diversité d'intermédiaires et d'emplois. Annexe 5, in Errahj Mostafa, Étude sur l'agriculture familiale à petite échelle au Proche-Orient et Afrique du Nord. Pays focus: Maroc. Rabat, Maroc, Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture. CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (NCL), 79-81. 978-92-5-209640-5.

  27. Mabrouk H., Ben Jemaa F., Feurer D., Massuel S., 2017: Un exemple de l'utilisation des drones dans la gestion technique d'un verger de pêcher en Tunisie, in Watch Letter. CIHEAM. 38:7,

  28. Molle F., 2017: Preface to the book in edited by Marshall A. and Lavie, E.,, "Oasis in the globalization: ruptures and continuities". Springer.

  29. Molle F., 2017: River basin management and development, in edited by D. Richardson N. Castree, M. Goodchild, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi, R. Marston, Wiley-AAG International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. 12 p.

  30. Molle F., Closas A., Zubari W., 2017 (sous presse): Governing groundwater in the Middle East and North Africa Region, in Villholth K., van der Gun J., Lopez-Gunn E., Conti K., Garrido A., Advances in Groundwater Governance. Balkema. Chapter

  31. Naouri M., Hartani T., Kuper M., 2017: The innovation factory: User-led incremental innovation of drip irrigation systems in Algerian Sahara, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge/Earth Scan Series. Chapter 16, 266-283. ISBN: 978-1-13-868707-3.

  32. Sebai A., Massuel S., Tarhouni J., Jerbi H., 2017: Groundwater Recharge of the Kairouan Plain Aquifer: Evidence of Preferential Flow Paths Through the El Haouareb Limestones?, in Ouessar M., Gabriels D., TsunekawaA., Evett S. (eds), Water and Land Security in Drylands: Response to Climate Change. Cham, Springer International Publishing. 57-65. ISBN : 978-3-319-54021-4.

  33. van der Kooij S., Kuper M., de Fraiture C., Lankford B., Zwarteveen M., 2017: Re-allocating yet-to-be-saved water in irrigation modernization projects. The case of the Bittit Irrigation System, Morocco, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip Irrigation for Agriculture: Untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge/Earth Scan Series. Chapter 4, 68-84. ISBN: 978-1-13-868707-3.

  34. Venot J.P., Veldwisch G.J., 2017: Sociotechnical Myths in Development. Introduction to a Special Issue, in Jean-Philippe Venot et Gert Jan Veldwisch (Eds), Anthropologie & développement. 46-47, 7-48.

  35. Venot J.P., 2017: From obscurity to prominence: How drip irrigation conquered the world, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip irrigation for Agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Abingdon & New York, Routledge. 16-37.

  36. Wang H., Felis F., Tomas S., Anselmet F., Amielh M., 2017: An Improved Image Processing Method for Particle Characterization by Shadowgraphy, in Payri R., Margot X., 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Ilass-Europe 2017. 962-967. ISBN: 978-84-9048-580-4. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000428143600119.

  37. Wanvoeke J., Venot J.P., Zwarteveen M., de Fraiture C., 2017: The conundrum of low cost drip irrigation in Burkina Faso: why development interventions that have little to show continue, in Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds), Drip irrigation for Agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Abingdon & New York, Routledge. 218-236.

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OS 2016

  1. Barone S., 2016: La force des groupes d’intérêt faibles. Professions halieutiques et définition de l’intérêt général dans le bassin de Thau, in Cadiou S. (dir.), Gouverner sous pression ? La participation des groupes d'intérêt aux affaires territoriales. Paris, Lextenso-LGDJ,. 247-260.

  2. Barreteau O., Farolfi S., Perret S., 2016: Joint management of water resources in response to climate change disruptions, in Torquebiau Emmanuel Manley David Cowan Paul, Climate change and agriculture worldwide. Heibelberg, Allemagne, Springer. CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-DG-Direction générale/Service d'appui auprès des unités de recherche et des services (FRA), 155-165. 978-94-017-7460-4.

  3. Barreteau O., Caballero Y., Hamilton S., Jakeman A.J., Rinaudo J.D., 2016: Isentangling the Complexity of Groundwater Dependent Social-ecological Systems, in Jakeman A.J., Barreteau O., Hunt R.J., Rinaudo J.D., Ross A. (Eds.), Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges. Springer International Publishing. 49-73.

  4. Bessou C., Basset-Mens C., Benoist A., Biard Y., Burte J., Feschet P., Payen S., Tran T., Perret S., 2016: Life cycle assessment to understand agriculture-climate change linkages, in Torquebiau Emmanuel Manley David Cowan Paul, Climate change and agriculture worldwide. Heibelberg, Allemagne, Springer. CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR Systèmes de pérennes (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR BioWooEB (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (TUN); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR GECO (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR Qualisud (THA); CIRAD-DG-Direction générale/Service d'appui auprès des unités de recherche et des services (FRA), 263-275. 978-94-017-7460-4.

  5. Bouleau G., Rivière Honegger A., Barthélémy C., Girard S., Farinetti A., Comby E., Allard P., Armani G., Bertrand M., Braud I., Dumont B., Labeur C., Landon N., Le Lay Y.F., Loubier S., Parmentier H., Piégay H., Sauquet E., 2016: Regarder différemment : les découpages du temps, de l'espace et des objets pour un débat pluraliste (projet Créateurs de Drôme), in Goeldner Gianella L., Barreteau O., Euzen A., Pinon Leconte M., Gautier Q., Arnould P., Concilier la gestion de l'eau et des territoires. Paris, Johanet. 81-95, ISBN 979-10-91089-25-8.

  6. Damien J., Srisopaporn S, Perret S.R., Shivakoti G.P., 2016: The role of information provision on public GAP standard adoption., in Ganesh Shivakoti, Ujjwal Pradhan, (eds.) Helmi Helmi, Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia: sustainable natural resources management in dynamic Asia, Volume 1. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 331-350. ISBN 978-0-12-805454-3.

  7. Durand S., Richard-Ferroudji A., 2016: Le principe de prévention à l’épreuve des cultures locales du risque d’inondation, in (Eds) Rudolf F., Les Villes à la croisée des stratégies globales et locales des enjeux climatiques. Presses universitaires de Laval. 267-290.

  8. Durand S., Richard-Ferroudji A., 2016: Vivre avec le risque inondation ? Analyse des mécanismes de mise en (in)visibilité du danger  dans deux quartiers du sud de la France, in Becerra S. Lalanne, M. et Weisbein J. (Eds.), Faire face aux risques dans les sociétés contemporaines. Toulouse, Octarès, Collection Le travail en débats, 253-266. ISBN : 978-2-3663-0060-4.

  9. El Hajj M., Baghdadi N., Cheviron B., Belaud G., Zribi M., Ieee, 2016: INTEGRATION OF REMOTE SENSING DERIVED PARAMETERS IN A CROP MODEL: CASE OF HAY, in 2016 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 7149-7152. 2153-6996

  10. 978-1-5090-3332-4. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000388114606240.

  11. Gramaglia C., 2016: Dwelling in polluted places: how issues about health risks are raised, avoided or kept silent in two southern french towns, in Peilin L., Roulleau Berger L., Ecological risks and disasters: New experiences in China and Europe. London, Routledge. 170-191,

  12. Jourdain D., Boere E., van den Berg M., Quang D.D., Thanh C.P., Affholder F., 2016: Cash-Based Versus Water-Based Payment for Environmental Services in the Uplands of Northern Vietnam: Potential Farmers’ Participation Using Farm Modeling, in Mai Van Thanh, Tran Duc Vien, S. J. Leisz, (Eds) G. P. Shivakoti, Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia : upland natural resources and social ecological systems in northern Vietnam. Amsterdam, Elsevier.

  13. Kuper M., Faysse N., Hammani A., Hartani T., Marlet S., Hamamouche F., Ameur F., 2016: Liberation or Anarchy? The Janus Nature of Groundwater Use on North Africa's New Irrigation Frontiers, in Jakeman A.J., Barreteau O., Hunt R.J., Rinaudo J.D., Ross A. (Eds.), Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges. Springer International Publishing. 764 p., 583-615.

  14. Leduc C., Pulido-Bosch A., Remini B., Massuel S., 2016: Changes in Mediterranean groundwater ressources, in The Mediterranean region under climate change, in Thiébault S., Moatti J.P. (eds), The Mediterranean region under climate change : a scientific update. Marseille, IRD-Allenvi. 327-333.

  15. Mulligan M., Burke S., Ogilvie A., 2016: Much more than simply “desertification”: understanding agricultural sustainability and change in the Mediterranean, in Behnke Roy, Mortimore Michael (eds.), The End of Desertification? Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 427-450.

  16. Ogilvie A., Clanet J.C., Serpantié G., Lemoalle J., 2016: Water and agricultures in the Niger basin through the twentieth century, in Tvedt T. & Oestigaard, T. (eds.),, A History of Water. London, , I.B. Tauris Series 3, Volume 3 - Water and Food: From hunter-gatherers to global production in Africa - part 2: Water Control and Irrigation, 251-274.

  17. Riaux J., 2016: Petites paysanneries hydrauliques en Tunisie Centrale. Héritages et perspectives autour des eaux du Merguellil, in (Eds) R. Saïdi et M. Streith, Petites paysanneries au nord et au sud de la Méditerranée. Questions de méthodes (II). Paris, Publisud. 121-147. ISBN : 978-2-36291-091-3.

  18. Riaux J., Massuel S., Billaud J.P., Cornu P., Richard Ferroudji A., Barreteau O., 2016: Expériences interdisciplinaires : quel retour vers les disciplines ?, in Hubert B., Mathieu N. (Eds), Interdisciplinarité, entre Natures et sociétés,. Bruxelles,, Peter Lang, Ecopolis,. 26, 305-322. ISBN : 9782807600188.

  19. Richard-Ferroudji A., Barreteau O., Abrami G., Barone S., Cernesson F., Garin P., Maurel P., Souchère V., Werey C., 2016: La modélisation d'accompagnement comme espace d'hybridation de connaissances sur les eaux et sur les territoires, in Goeldner-Gianella L., Barreteau O., Euzen A., Pinon-Leconte M., Gautier Q., Arnould P. (Eds), Concilier la gestion de l’eau et des territoires. Johanet. 157-175. ISBN 979-10-91089-25-8.

  20. Rinaudo J.D., Moreau C., Garin P., 2016: Social justice and groundwater allocation in agriculture : a french case study, in Jakeman A.J., Barreteau, O., Hunt, R.J., Rinaudo, J.-D. and Ross, A. (eds),, Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges. AG Switzerland, Springer International Publishing. 273-293. ISBN 978-3-319-23576-9 (eBook).

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OS 2015

  1. Amichi H., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., 2015: Les arrangements informels en agriculture irriguée en Algérie : stratégies de survie ou
options de développement ?, in Vianey G Requier-Desjardins M. Paoli J. C., Accaparement, action publique, stratégies individuelles et ressources naturelles : regards croisés sur la course aux terres et à l’eau en contextes méditerranéens. Montpellier, France, CIHEAM. IRSTEA (FRA); IRSTEA (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (MAR), 311-324. 2-85352-535-X.

  2. Bailly J.S., Vinatier F., Belaud G., Combemale D., 2015: VEGETATION PATCH EFFECTS ON FLOW RESISTANCE AT CHENNEL SCALE, in Mynett A., Proceedings of the 36th Iahr World Congress: Deltas of the Future and What Happens Upstream. 3078-3082. 978-90-824846-0-1. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000398996203023.

  3. Barone S., Négrier E., 2015: Voter Front national en milieu rural. Une perspective ethnographique, in Crépon S. Dézé A., Mayer N. (dir.), Les faux-semblants du Front national. Sociologie d’un parti politique. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po. 417-434.

  4. Barraqué B., Montginoul M., 2015: How to Integrate Social Objectives into Water Pricing, in eds Dinar A. Pochat V., et al., Water Pricing Experiences and Innovations. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 359-371.

  5. Barreteau O., Farolfi S., Perret S., 2015: La gestion des territoires hydrologiques à l'épreuve du changement climatique, in Torquebiau Emmanuel, Changement climatique et agricultures du monde. Versailles, France, Ed. Quae. CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-DG (FRA), 147-156.

  6. Belaud G., Litrico X., 2015: Transport of Water versus Particular Transport in Open-Channel Networks, in OcampoMartinez C., Negenborn R. R., Transport of Water Versus Transport over Water: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Transport and Water. 58, 95-110. 1387-666X. 978-3-319-16133-4; 978-3-319-16132-7. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000365948000007.

  7. Bessou C., Basset-Mens C., Benoist A., Biard Y., Burte J., Feschet P., Payen S., Tran T., Perret S., 2015: L'analyse de cycle de vie pour élucider les liens entre agriculture et changement climatique, in Torquebiau Emmanuel, Changement climatique et agricultures du monde. Versailles, France, Ed. Quae. CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR Systèmes de pérennes (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR BioWooEB (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (TUN); ; CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR HortSys (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR Qualisud (THA); CIRAD-DG (FRA), 246-256.

  8. Bijankhan M., Kouchakzadeh S., Belaud G., 2015: PARALLEL JET INTERACTIONS DUE TO THE GATE PIERS, in Mynett A., Proceedings of the 36th Iahr World Congress: Deltas of the Future and What Happens Upstream. 2990-2994. 978-90-824846-0-1. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000398996203013.

  9. Bouarfa S., Poussin J.C., Jamin J.Y., 2015: L'agriculture irriguée et ses enjeux au XXIe siècle, in Euzen Agathe Jeandel Catherine Mosseri Rémy, L'eau à découvert. Paris, France, CNRS Editions. IRSTEA (FRA); IRD (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA), 978-2-271-08829-1.

  10. Clavel D., Feintrenie L., Jamin J.Y., Torquebiau E., Bazile D., 2015: Challenges of managing and using natural resources, in Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Family farming and the Worlds to come. Dordrecht, Pays-Bas, Springer [Pays-Bas]. CIRAD-BIOS-UMR AGAP (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UPR BSef (CMR); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR AIDA (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UPR GREEN (ITA), 217-232.

  11. Daré W., Venot J.P., Le Page C., 2015: Favoriser un dialogue multi-niveaux pour limiter l’impact des inondations dans un sous-bassin de la Volta., in Etienne M. (Ed.), La modélisation d’accompagnement : partager des représentations, simuler des dynamiques. FormaSciences, FPN, INRA.

  12. Dorchies D., Malaterre P.O., 2015: Automatic Tuning of PI Controllers for Water Level Regulation of a Multi-pool Open-Channel Hydraulic System, in OcampoMartinez C., Negenborn R. R., Transport of Water Versus Transport over Water: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Transport and Water. 58, 145-167. 1387-666X. 978-3-319-16133-4; 978-3-319-16132-7. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000365948000010.

  13. El Hajj M., Baghdadi N., Zribi M., Belaud G., Cheviron B., Courault D., Charron F., Ieee, 2015: SOIL MOISTURE RETRIEVAL OVER IRRIGATED GRASSLANDS USING X-BAND SAR DATA COMBINED WITH OPTICAL DATA ACQUIRED AT HIGH RESOLUTION, in 2015 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 1328-1331. 2153-6996. 978-1-4799-7929-5. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000371696701111.

  14. Guérin-Schneider L., 2015: Modalités de gestion des services d'eau et d'assainissement : un affrontement public privé ?, in Euzen Agathe, Jeandel Catherine, Mosseri Rémy, L'eau à découvert. CRNS Editions. Paris, 6.15, 276-278.

  15. Malaterre P.O., Jean-Baptiste N., Doree C., 2015: Data Assimilation to Improve Models used for the Automatic Control of Rivers or Canals, in OcampoMartinez C., Negenborn R. R., Transport of Water Versus Transport over Water: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of Transport and Water. 58, 35-58. 1387-666X. 978-3-319-16133-4; 978-3-319-16132-7. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000365948000004.

  16. Montginoul M., Loubier S., Barraqué B., Agenais A.L., 2015: Water Pricing in France: Toward more incentives to save water, in eds Dinar A. ; Pochat V. et al., Water Pricing Experiences and Innovations. Springer International Publishing Switzerland,. 141-162.

  17. Moussa R., Cheviron B., 2015: Modeling of Floods-State of the Art and Research Challenges, in Rowinski P., RadeckiPawlik A., Rivers-Physical, Fluvial and Environmental Processes. 169-192. 2190-5193. 978-3-319-17719-9; 978-3-319-17718-2. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000377249000008.

  18. Reinhardt W., Guerin-Schneider L., 2015: Governance  and  Regulation  of  the  Urban Water Sector: Quoi de Neuf?, in Grafton Q., et al. (Eds), Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Springer. 423-446.

  19. Richard-Ferroudji A., 2015: Le jeu comme cadre privilégié d’exploration : un instrument de la démocratie technique, in (Eds.) Mermet L. et Zaccai-Reyners N., Au prisme du jeu, Concepts, Pratiques, Perspectives. Hermann.

  20. Richard-Ferroudji A., 2015: Les professionnels de la gestion territoriale de l’eau : des médecins de famille plutôt que des spécialistes pour soigner les milieux aquatiques, in Arpin I. Bouleau G, Candau J, Richard-Ferroudji A. (Eds), Activités professionnelles à l’épreuve de l’environnement. Toulouse, Octarès, 189-207.

  21. Rinaudo J.D., Montginoul M., Desprats J.F., 2015: The  Development  of  Private  Bore-Wells  as  Independent  Water Supplies: Challenges for Water Utilities in France and Australia, in Grafton Q., et al. (Eds), Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Springer. 155-174.

  22. Sraïri M.T., Kuper M., 2015: Réhabiliter les systèmes agricoles basés sur la diversification culturale et l'intégration de l'élevage en vue de favoriser la sécurité alimentaire au Maroc, in Paciello Maria Cristina, Building Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Challenges and Policy Options. Rome, Italie, Edizioni Nuova Cultura. IAV Hassan II (MAR); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (MAR), 139-156. 9788868125080.

  23. Vinatier F., Bailly J.S., Belaud G., Combemale D., 2015: USING A TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNER TO CHARACTERIZE VEGETATION-INDUCED FLOW RESISTANCE IN A CONTROLLED CHANNEL, in Mynett A., Proceedings of the 36th Iahr World Congress: Deltas of the Future and What Happens Upstream. 3083-3087. 978-90-824846-0-1. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000398996203024.

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OS 2014

  1. Barreteau O., Sauquet E., Riaux J., Gailliard N., Barbier R., 2014: Agent based simulation of drought management in practice, in B. Kaminski & G. Koloch (Eds), Advances in social simulation. Springer. 237-248. ISBN: 3642398286.

  2. Borrell-Estupina V., Ladouche B., Malaterre P.O., Ricci S., Caballero Y., Coustau M., Dorfliger N., Fleury P., Jay-Allemand M., Marechal J.C., Thual O., 2014: Forecasting and mitigation of flooding in a Mediterranean karstic watershed, in Daniell T. M., VanLanen H. A. J., Demuth S., Laaha G., Servat E., Mahe G., Boyer J. F., Paturel J. M., Dezetter A., Ruelland D., Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions. 363, 288-294. 0144-7815. 978-1-907161-41-4. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000357968600047.

  3. Clavel D., Feintrenie L., Jamin J.Y., Torquebiau E., Bazile D., 2014: Défis de gestion et d'usage des ressources naturelles, in Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Agricultures familiales et mondes à venir. Versailles, France, Ed. Quae. CIRAD-BIOS-UMR AGAP (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UPR BSef (CMR); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR AIDA (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UPR GREEN (FRA), 219-234. 978-2-7592-2141-7.

  4. Gailliard N., Barreteau O., Richard-Ferroudji A., 2014: Participatory policy making in practice: Simulating boundary work in water governance, in B. Kaminski & G. Koloch (Eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 229 AISC, 333-342.

  5. Guérin-Schneider L., Breuil L., Lupton S., 2014: Liberalisation of water services in Europe: the end of the French water exception?, in (Ed.) Schneier-Madanes G., Globalized Water, a question of Governance. Springer. Springer. 77‐93.

  6. Hassenforder E., 2014: Transboundary river basin management, in V.R. Squire H.M. Milner, K.A. Daniell (Eds),, River Basin Management in the Twenty-First Century: Understanding People and Place. CRC Press. 129‐161.

  7. Langlais S., Favreau G., Tapia R., Leduc C., 2014: La diffusion des techniques de pompage et de creusement des puits à travers le Sahara et le Sahel, in Baldi S., Magrin G. (eds), Les échanges et la communication dans le bassin du lac Tchad. Naples, Universita degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale". 59-84.

  8. Lemoalle J., 2014: Apports sédimentaires et ensablement, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale 115-122.

  9. Lemoalle J., 2014: La pêche : à la recherche d’une gestion intégrée, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale. 370-394.

  10. Lemoalle J., 2014: Le fonctionnement hydrologique du lac Tchad, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale. 16-58.

  11. Magrin G., Lemoalle J., 2014: Urgence au lac Tchad : le besoin d’y voir clair, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale. 7-14.

  12. Magrin G., Lemoalle J., Raimond C., 2014: Les futurs du lac Tchad : réflexions prospectives en guise de conclusion, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale. 600-638.

  13. Mugelé R., Lemoalle J., 2014: L’importance inégale des activités liées à l’exploitation des autres ressources naturelles, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale. 395-422.

  14. Ngounou Ngatcha B., Lemoalle J., 2014: Variabilité des paysages et de la biodiversité du Petit lac Tchad, in Lemoalle J. Magrin G. (eds), Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs. Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale. 94-114.

  15. Riaux J., 2014: Première affectation : « partenariat institutionnel » ou « collaborations scientifiques » ?, in Vidal L. (Ed.), Expériences du partenariat au Sud - Le regard des sciences sociales. Marseille, IRD Editions. 123-141. ISBN : 978-2-7099-1835-0.

  16. Rouviere E., Latouche K., 2014: Référentiels volontaires et contrôle sanitaire des importations européennes: quelles conséquences sur les chaînes de valeur en Europe ?, in Sécurité des aliments commerce et développement: Etat des lieux, analyses économiques et points de vue des acteurs. Eds : Abdelhakim Hammoudi (INRA), Yves Surry (Université d’Uppsala), et Cristina Grazia (Université de Bologne): HERMES-LAVOISIER,

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OS 2013

  1. Adamczewski A., Burnod P., Papazian H., Coulibaly Y., Tonneau J.P., Jamin J.Y., 2013: Domestic and foreign investments in irrigable land in Mali: Tensions between the dream of large-scale farming and the reality of family farming in Evers S., Seagle C., Krijtenburg F. (Eds), Boston. Africa for Sale?: Positioning the State, Land and Society in Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa. Brill, Afrika-Studiecentrum Series, Leiden. 159-180, 301 p.

  2. Barreteau O., Bots P.W.G., Daniell K.A., Etienne M., Perez P., Barnaud C., Bazile D., Becu N., Castella J.C., Daré W., Trébuil G., 2013: Participatory approaches and simulation of social complexity, in Edmonds B., Meyer R. (Eds), A Handbook on: Simulating Social Complexity. Springer. 197-234.

  3. Cecchi P., Nikiema A., sous presse 2013: Pourquoi et pour qui développer la pêche au Burkina Faso ? , in Les potentialités de développement du Burkina Faso (numéro spécial). Cahiers d’Outre-Mer.

  4. Debourdeau A., Gramaglia C., 2013: Les pollutions métallurgiques de Viviez (Aveyron), la fabrication d’un héritage encombrant, in Letté M., Le Roux T. (eds), Débordements industriels dans la Cité et leurs conflits, XVIIIe-XXe siècles. Presses universitaires de Rennes. 335-360.

  5. Kadiri Z., Kuper M., Errahj M., 2013: A dual process of learning from an institutional innovation: The case of participatory irrigation management in Morocco, in Coudel Emilie Devautour Hubert Soulard Christophe-Toussaint Faure Guy Hubert Bernard, Wageningen, Pays-Bas. Renewing innovation systems in agriculture and food : How to go towards more sustainability? Wageningen Academic Publishers. CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (MAR); ENAM (MAR), 196-197. 978-90-8686-214-6.

  6. Latouche K., Rouvière E., 2013: Référentiels volontaires et contrôle sanitaire des importations européennes : quelles conséquences sur les chaînes de valeur en Europe., in "Sécurité des aliments commerce et développement : Etat des lieux, analyses économiques et points de vue des acteurs". Edited by Abdelhakim Hammoudi,  Yves Surry et Cristina Grazia (Université de Bologne) : Chapitre 3 HERMES-LAVOISIER,

  7. Le Page C., Barreteau O., 2013: Quelques élucubrations sur Jacques Weber et la modélisation, in Bouamrane M., Antona M., Barbault R., Cormier-Salem M.C. (Eds), Rendre possible. Jacques Weber, itinéraire d’un économiste passe-frontières. Eds. QUAE, coll. Indiscipines. 167-177.

  8. Ogilvie A., Le Goulven  P., Leduc  C., Calvez R., Mulligan M., Ayachi M., 2013: Cumulative influence of small reservoirs on downstream flows in a semi-arid catchment: Merguellil, central Tunisia, in Schumann A. (ed.) Belyaev V. (collab.), Gargoury E. (collab.), Kuczera G. (collab.), Mahé Gil (collab.), Mallory S. (collab.),, Gothenburg, Sweden. Considering hydrological change in reservoir planning and management : proceedings of H09, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI assembly. Wallingford : AISH - IAHS-IAPSO. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans-IASPEI.International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior Assembly. July 2013. 362, 166-171. ISBN 978-1-907-161-40-7.

  9. Richard-Ferroudji A., Garin P., Matignon M., Maton L., Montginoul M., Rinaudo J.D., et al., 2013: Engager des agriculteurs à répondre à l’injonction d’adapter la gestion de l’eau au changement climatique. Une démarche de prospective participative avec des agriculteurs usagers des nappes du Roussillon (France), in Ancey V., Dedieu B., Antona M. et al (Eds), Agir en situation d'incertitude en agriculture. Regards pluridisciplinaires au Nord et au Sud. Peter Lang, Editions scientifiques internationales. 17, 419 p. ISBN 978-2-87574-037-3.

  10. Sanou K., Nikiema A., Dipama J.M., Cecchi P., 2013: Communalisation et gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans le bassin du Nariarlé (Burkina Faso) : échelles imbriquées et perspectives tronquées, in Charlery de la Masselière B., Thibaud B., Duvat-Magnan V. (dir), Dynamiques rurales dans les pays du Sud. L'enjeu territorial. Presses Universitaires du Mirail (PUM). 227-241.

  11. Ward J., Kaczan D., Ogilvie A., Lukasiewicz A., 2013: Challenging hydrological panaceas. Evidence from the Niger River Basin, in Young M.D., Esau C. (Eds), Investing in Water for a Green Economy: Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management. Earthscan, Routledge. 177-197.

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!!!! Vous pouvez trouver la toute dernière collection HAL des publications de l'UMR G-EAU à l'adresse suivante :


Direction d'ouvrages Scientifiques ou Coordination de numéros spéciaux de Revues Scientifiques

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013


 DOS 2020

  1. Leenhardt Delphine, Voltz Marc, Barreteau Olivier, 2020: L'eau en milieu agricole, in Editions Quae. 9782759231232.

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 DOS 2019

  1. Barone S., Mayaux P.L., 2019: Les politiques de l'eau, in Clefs, Politique, LGDJ-Lextenso. Paris. 160 p. ISBN : 978-2-275-06003-3.

  2. Bourblanc M., 2019: L'agriculture à l'épreuve de l'environnement. Trente ans de lutte pour la qualité des eaux en Bretagne, in coll. Sociologies et Environnement, Préface de Bernard Barraqué, L'Harmattan. Paris. 282 p. ISBN : 978-2-343-16620-9.

  3. Molle F., Sanchis-Ibor C., Avella Reus L., 2019: Irrigation in the Mediterranean: technologies, institutions, policies, in Molle F., Sanchis-Ibor C., Avella Reus L. (Eds), Global Issues in Water Policy, Springer. 320 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-03698-0.

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DOS 2018

  1. Aoudou Doua S., Chauvin E., Dangbet Z., G.P. Don-Donne, Hessana A, Higazi A., Kiari Fougou H., Lemoalle  J., Magrin G., Mahamadou A, Mohammed K., Perouse De Montclos M.A., Raimond C., Range C., Abubakar Tafida A., Liman Tukur A, Watang Zieba F., 2018: La région du lac Tchad à l'épreuve de Boko Haram, in Géraud Magrin Marc-Antoine Perouse De Montclos (Coord.), Crise et développement - Document de recherche - Paix et justice - Cameroun Niger Nigéria Tchad, Agence Française de Développement, 294 p. ISSN: 2492-8313.

  2. Barone S., Barbier R., Destandau F., Garin P., 2018: Gouvernance de l’eau : un mouvement de réforme perpétuelle ?, in environnement collection « Sociologies et, Paris, L’Harmattan, Barone S., Barbier R., Destandau F., Garin P. (Dir). ISBN : 978-2-343-15029-1.

  3. Barone S., Guerrin J., 2018: Politiques environnementales et New Public Management, in Pôle Sud, Barone S. Guerrin J., (coord.). numéro spécial n°48. ISSN : 1262-1676.

  4. Colon M., 2018: Le contrôle de gestion dans l’analyse institutionnelle - Les contrats de performance dans le secteur de l'eau ougandais, in Presses des Mines. 196 p. ISBN: 9782356714930.

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DOS 2017

  1. Bouaziz A., Hammani A., Kuper M., 2017: Les oasis en Afrique du Nord : dynamiques territoriales et durabilité des systèmes de production agricole, in Cahiers Agricultures, Ahmed Bouaziz Ali Hammani, Marcel Kuper (Coordonnateurs). Numéro thématique 26, 3 

  2. Dionnet M., Imache A., Marlet S., Mnajja A., 2017: Guide pour l’action : transfert de la gestion des périmètres publics irrigués aux associations d’irrigants en Tunisie, in Tome 2 : La démarche DIMA : un dialogue multi-acteurs pour la gestion concertée des ressources et des territoires, CIRAD, Montpellier, 64 p. ISBN: 978-2-87614-727-0.

  3. Errahj M., Lejars C., Sellika I., Kuper M., Faysse N., Dugue P., Bekkar Y., El Ghassem Z., Impiglia A., 2017: Étude sur l'agriculture familiale à petite échelle au Proche-Orient et Afrique du Nord. Pays focus: Maroc, in Rabat, Maroc, Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture, IAV Hassan II (MAR); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (NCL); Université Mohamed V (MAR); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU ISBN: 978-92-5-209560-7.

  4. Jiggins J., Jamin J.Y., 2017: Innovation Platforms and Projects to Support Smallholder Development - Experiences from sub-Saharan Africa, in Cahiers Agricultures, Jiggins J., Jamin J.Y. (coord.). Topical Issue, ISSN: 1166-7699 - eISSN: 1777-5949.

  5. Leduc  C., Massuel S., Riaux J., Calvez R., Ogilvie A., Ben Aissa N., Lachaal F., Jenhaoui Z., 2017: Changement global et ressources en eau souterraines dans la région de Kairouan (Tunisie Centrale): évolutions rapides et à long terme, in Calvache M., Duque C., Pulido-Velazquez D. (eds), Granada, Spanish. Impacts of Global Change on Western Mediterranean Aquifers. International Association of Hydrogeologists-Spanish Chapter and Digital Edition and universidad de Granada. 263-269. ISBN: 978-84-338-6152-8.

  6. Marlet S., Mnajja A., 2017: Guide pour l’action : transfert de la gestion des périmètres publics irrigués aux associations d’irrigants en Tunisie, in Tome 1 : Mise en œuvre et adaptation de la stratégie nationale. Retour d’expérience du projet PAP-AGIR pour l’autonomie progressive des associations, CIRAD Montpellier, ISBN: 978-2-87614-726-3.

  7. Mayaux P.L., 2017: La privatisation dans tous ses états - Protestations et consentement dans les services d'eau d'Amérique Latine, in Paris, L'Harmattan, L'Harmattan. 422 p. ISBN : 978-2-343-12813-9.

  8. Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M., 2017: Drip Irrigation for Agriculture - Untold Stories of Efficiency, Innovation and Development, in Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management, Routledge, Venot J.P., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M. (Eds). 352 p. ISBN : 978-1-138-68707-3.

  9. Venot J.P., Veldwisch G.J., 2017: Sociotechnical Myths in Development - Mythes sociotechniques et développement, in Anthropologie & développement, Venot J.P., Veldwisch G.J. (Eds). Vol. 46-47, 280 p. ISBN: 979-10-93476-05-6.

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DOS 2016

  1. Abrami G., Ferrand N., Ducrot R., Morardet S., Hassenforder E., Garin P., Bonte B., Robin P., Aquae-Gaudi W., 2016: Paper and pebbles simulations and modelling for the governance of socio-environmental systems: a review of 8 years of experimenting with the Wat-AGame toolkit, in Sauvage S. (ed.), Sánchez-Pérez J.M. (ed.), Rizzoli A.E. (ed.), Environmental modelling and software for supporting a sustainable future, Toulouse : Université de Toulouse, Résumé, 851., 5 vol (1335 p.), ISBN 978-88-9035-745-9.

  2. Goeldner Gianella L., Barreteau O., Euzen A., Pinon Leconte M., Gautier Q., Arnould P., 2016: Concilier la gestion de l'eau et des territoires, in Goeldner Gianella L., Barreteau O., Euzen A., Pinon Leconte M., Gautier Q., Arnould P., Johanet Eds, 390 p. ISBN 979-10-91089-25-8.

  3. Jakeman  A.J., Barreteau O., Hunt R.J., Rinaudo J.D., Ross A., 2016: Integrated Groundwater Management - Concepts, Approaches and Challenges, in Springer International Publishing, Jakeman  A.J., Barreteau O., Hunt R.J., Rinaudo J.D., Ross A. (Eds). ISBN: 978-3-319-23575-2 (Print) 978-3-319-23576-9 (Online).

  4. Mutondo J., Farolfi S., Dinar A., 2016: Water governance decentralization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Between myth and reality, in Cham : Springer (Springer Briefs in Water Science and Technology), 125 p. ISBN 978-3-319-29422-3.

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DOS 2015

  1. Arpin I., Bouleau G., Candau J., Richard-Ferroudji A., 2015: Activités professionnelles à l’épreuve de l’environnement,, in Toulouse, Octarès,, 222 p.

  2. Bader J.C., 2015: Monographie hydrologique du fleuve Sénégal. De l'origine des mesures jusqu'en 2011, in Editions IRD, Bader J.C., (dir.), livret 79 p. + CD-ROM 920 p. ISBN 978-2-7099-1885-5.

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DOS 2014

  1. Hassan R., Mtsweni A., Wilkinson M., Weston D., Mutundo J., Magagula T., Pinimidzai Sithole, Farolfi S., Dinar A., 2014: Water governance decentralization in Africa : a framework for reform process and performance analysis, in Gezina, Afrique du Sud, WRC, University of Pretoria (ZAF); Pegasys Strategy and Development (ZAF); Prime Africa Consultants (ZAF); Pegasys Strategy and Development (ZAF); IWEGA (MOZ); Prime Africa Consultants (ZAF); Pegasys Strategy and Development (ZAF); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); University of California (USA). 978-1-4312-0583-7.

  2. Lemoalle J., Magrin G. (eds), 2014: Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles, in Marseille,, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale, 215 p. + clé USB 636 p.

  3. Lemoalle J., Magrin G. (eds), 2014: Le développement du lac Tchad : situation actuelle et futurs possibles. Contributions intégrales des auteurs, in Marseille, IRD Éditions, coll. Expertise collégiale, 638 p.

  4. Peyraud J.L., Cellier P., Donnars C., Vertès F., (eds),, Aarts F., Béline F., Bockstaller C., Bourblanc M., Delaby L., Dourmad J.Y., Dupraz P., Durand P., Faverdin P., Fiorelli J.L., Gaigné C., Girard A., Kuikman P., Langlais A., Le Goffe P., Le Perchec S., Lescoat P., Morvan T., Nicourt C., Parnaudeau V., Réchauchère O., Rochette P., Veysset P., 2014: Réduire les pertes d'azote dans l'élevage : expertise scientifique collective, in Matière à débattre et décider, Versailles, France, Ed. Quae, INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); PRI (NLD); IRSTEA (FRA); INRA (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (ZAF); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); Alterra (NLD); Université de Rennes I (FRA); Agrocampus Ouest (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); INRA (FRA); Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (CAN); INRA (FRA). 978-2-7592-2245-2.

  5. Pommerieux M., Bourblanc M., Ducrot R., 2014: Monitoring and evaluation of a participative planning process for the integrated management of natural resources in the uThukela District Municipality (South Africa), in Working Paper, Pretoria, France, University of Pretoria, CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (FRA); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (ZAF); CIRAD-ES-UMR G-EAU (MOZ). 978-0-620-40776-2.

  6. Smajgl A., Barreteau O. (Eds), 2014: Empirical Agent-Based Modelling - Challenges and Solutions, in New York, Springer-Verlag, 1, 249 p. ISBN 978-1-4614-6134-0.

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DOS 2013

  1. Aubriot O., Riaux J., 2013: Savoirs sur l'eau, techniques et pouvoirs, in Autrepart. Revue des sciences sociales au Sud, Coordination numéro spécial. 65, 199 p. ISSN : 1278-3986.

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!!!! Vous pouvez trouver la toute dernière collection HAL des publications de l'UMR G-EAU à l'adresse suivante :


Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture non répertoriées par l’AERES ou dans des bases de données internationales

2020 2019  2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013


 ACLN 2020

  1. Jourdain Damien, Lairez Juliette, Striffler Bruno, Affholder François, 2020: Farmers’ preference for cropping systems and the development of sustainable intensification: a choice experiment approach. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 10.1007/s41130-020-00100-4. 2425-6870.

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ACLN 2019

  1. Faysse N., 2019: L’agroécologie: une approche pouraméliorerdurablementles conditions de vie des familles - Entretien avec Elphège Ghestem-Zahir, Directrice adjointe des opérations, Agrisud International. Alternatives Rurales, 7, 5 p.

  2. Mayaux P.L., Bensmaïl A., 2019: A la recherche de la réutilisation des eaux urbainesen agriculture : rationalité technicienne etimpensés institutionnels dans le projet d’irrigation de Settat-Sidi El Aidi. Alternatives Rurales, 7, 19 p.

  3. Ouassissou R., Kuper M., Hammani A., El Amrani M., 2019: Le contrat de gestion participative pourrait-il résoudre la crise de gouvernance des eaux souterraines ? Cas de lanappe de Berrechid au Maroc. ACLN, 7, 15 p.

  4. Todome L., Lejars C., Hamimaz R., 2019: Les contrats agricoles affectent-ils différemment les producteurs et les productrices ? Cas de la filière riz au Bénin. Alternatives Rurales, 7, 15 p.

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ACLN 2018

  1. Barone S., 2018: Environmental impunity. The state between differential management of illegalisms and global withdrawal. Champ Penal-Penal Field, 15 (SI),

  2. Barone S., 2018: L’impunité environnementale. L’Etat entre gestion différentielle des illégalismes et désinvestissement global. Champ Pénal/Penal Field [En ligne], Vol. XV | 2018, DOI : 10.4000/champpenal.9947.

  3. Bourblanc M., 2018: Sous-traiter au sein de l’administration publique de l’eau en Afrique du Sud. Les métamorphoses d’un réseau de politique publique. Gouvernement et Action Publique - "Penser l'action publique" en contextes africains, 2, 2, 75-94. ISSN: 22600965.

  4. Guérin-Schneider L., Roux P., 2018: Diffuser l'analyse du cycle de vie dans les services d'assainissement. Techni.Cités, 313, 23-24.

  5. Kuper M., Naouri M., Hartani T., 2018: Agriculture in Motion: Intertwined Geographical and Socio-professional Mobilities in North Africa’s Groundwater Economy. Meltem İzmir Akdeniz Akademisi Dergisi, 4, 33-45. DOI: 10.32325/iaad.2018.31.

  6. Rey-Valette H., Beuret J.E., Richard-Ferroudji A., 2018: Des indicateurs pour identifier les effets des démarches participatives : application au cas du département du Gard. Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine, 2018/1 (Janvier), 5-32. DOI : 10.3917/reru.181.0005.

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ACLN 2017

  1. Ameur F., Kuper M., Hammani A., 2017: Méthodes d'estimation et d'extrapolation des pompages des eaux souterraines par l'intégration des pratiques locales: cas de la plaine du Saïss au Maroc. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5, 1, 52-63. ISSN: 2028-991X.

  2. Ben Mustapha A., Faysse N., 2017: Pratiques de coordination dans les Groupements de Développement Agricole en Tunisie : des coalitions actives mais fragiles. Alternatives Rurales, 5, 116-131. ISSN: 2421-9037.

  3. Bourziza R., Hammani A., Kuper M., Bouaziz A., 2017: Performances du goutte à goutte enterré pour l'irrigation de jeunes palmiers dattiers. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5, 1, 5-12. 2028-991X.

  4. Correia de Oliveira F., Lavanholi R., Camargo A.P., Frizzone A., Ait-Mouheb N., Tomas S., Molle B., 2017: Influence of Concentration and Type of Clay Particles on Dripper Clogging. Irrigation and Drainage System Engineering, 6, 184, doi: 10.4172/2168-9768.1000184. ISSN: 2168-9768.

  5. Del Vecchio K., Mayaux P.L., 2017: Gouverner les eaux souterraines au Maroc. L’État en aménageur libéral. Gouvernement et action publique, 1, 1, 107-130. DOI: 10.3917/gap.171.0107. ISBN : 9782724634952.

  6. El Khoumsi W., Hammani A., Kuper M., Bouaziz A., 2017: La durabilité du système oasien face à la détérioration des ressources en eaux souterraines: cas de la palmeraie de Tafilalet. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5, 1, 41-51. 2028-991X.

  7. Hmouri A., Bouzidi Z., Kuper M., 2017: Révéler ce qui fait communauté dans un système irrigué par l'analyse des dynamiques conflictuelles. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5, 1, 83-95. ISSN: 2028-991X.

  8. Molle F., Tanouti O., 2017: La micro-irrigation et les ressources en eau au Maroc: un coûteux malentendu. Alternatives Rurales, 5,

  9. Promme P., Kuwornu J.K.M., Jourdain D., Shivakoti G.P., Soni P., 2017: Factors influencing rubber marketing by smallholder farmers in Thailand. Development in Practice, 27, 6, 865-879. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2017.1340930. 0961-4524ISSN: .

  10. Sabri A., Bouaziz A., Hammani A., Kuper M., Douaik A., Badraoui M., 2017: Effet de l'irrigation déficitaire contrôlée sur la productivité et l'efficience d'utilisation de l'eau du palmier dattier cv Majhoul. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5, 1, 23-31. ISSN: 2028-991X.

  11. Sabri A., Bouaziz A., Hammani A., Kuper M., Douaik A., Badraoui M., 2017: Évaluation de la qualité des dattes de la variété Majhoul produites sous différents régimes hydriques. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 5, 2, 149-153. ISSN: 2028-991X.

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ACLN 2016

  1. Bento S., Varanda M., Richard-Ferroudji A., Faysse N., 2016: Is climate change research truly collaborative? Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 3, 2, 217-236. ISSN: 2183-0886

  2. Daré W., Venot J.P., 2016: Dynamiques des postures de chercheurs-engagés. Retour sur la participation dans les politiques de l’eau au Burkina Faso. Anthropologie & Développement, 44, 149-178.

  3. Frija I., Frija A., Marlet S., Leghrissi H., Faysse N., 2016: Gestion de l'usage d'une nappe par un groupement d'agriculteurs : l'expérience de Bsissi Oued El Akarit en Tunisie. Alternatives Rurales, 4, 12 p.

  4. Grafton Q., McLindin M., Hussey K., Wyrwoll P., Wichelns D., Ringler C., Garrick D., Pittock J., Wheeler S., Orr S., Matthews N., Ansink E., Aureli A., Connell D., De Stefano L., Dowsley K., Farolfi S., Hall J., Katic P., Lankford B., Leckie H., McCartney M., Pohlner H., Ratna N.N., Rubarenzya M.H., Narayan S., Raman S., Wheeler K., Williams J., 2016: Responding to global challenges in food, energy, environment and water: Risks and options assessment for decision-making. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 3, 2, 275-299. Online ISSN: 2050-2680.

  5. Raïs I., Faysse N., El Hirch A., Ait El Mekki A., 2016: Contribution pour la mise en place d’une filière de menthe de qualité garantie à Casablanca et Meknès. Alternatives Rurales, 4, 14 p.

  6. Raïs I., Faysse N., Lejars C., 2016: Impacts d’un changement de politiques énergétiques sur les exploitations irriguées : éclairage sur la base d’un échantillon d’exploitations dans le Saiss (Maroc). Alternatives Rurales, 4, 14 p.

  7. Sellika I., Faysse N., Rinaudo J.D., Errahj M., 2016: Concilier développement agricole et usage pérenne des eaux souterraines : un dialogue multi-acteurs dans la zone d’Ain Timguenay (province de Séfrou). Alternatives Rurales, 4, 17 p.

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ACLN 2015

  1. Alves D.G., Pinto M.F., Molle B., Tomas S., Ait-Mouheb N., Botrel T.A., 2015: Sensibilidade dos microtubos à obstrução por agentes físicos. Revista Brasileira de Agricultura Irrigada, 9, 4, 193-203. DOI: 10.7127/rbai.v9n400310.

  2. Amichi H., Mayaux P.L., Bouarfa S., 2015: Une libéralisation par encouragement à la subversion: recomposition de l’État et évolution de l’accès au foncier sur les terres publiques du Bas-Chéliff (Algérie). Politique Africaine, 1, 71-93.

  3. Aroussi Bachiri N., Faysse N., Abdellaoui E.H., Sebgui M., 2015: Le retour des jeunes diplômés en zone rurale au Maroc : quelles interactions entre trajectoires individuelles et projets collectifs ? Alternatives Rurales, 37-47. 2421-9037.

  4. Barone S., Dedieu C., 2015: GEMAPI : la réforme de l’eau au milieu du gué. Pouvoirs locaux, 106, 9-15.

  5. Binta BA A., Barbier B., 2015: Economic and environmental performances of organic farming system compared to conventional farming system: A case farm model to simulate the horticultural sector of the Niayes Region in Senegal. Journal of Horticulture, 02, 4, 10 p. 10.4172/2376-0354.1000152. 2376-0354.

  6. Bonnal P., Sabourin E., Faysse N., 2015: Les politiques d'appui à l'agriculture familiale au Brésil : quelques éléments de comparaison avec le Maroc. Alternatives Rurales, 3, 12 p. 2421-9037.

  7. Bouzidi Z., Faysse N., Kuper M., Billaud J.P., 2015: Les projets des jeunes ruraux : des stratégies diversifiées pour accéder au foncier et obtenir l'appui de l'État. Alternatives Rurales, 13-24. 2421-9037.

  8. Faysse N., 2015: The rationale of the Green Morocco Plan: Missing links between goals and implementation. Journal of North African Studies, 20, 4, 622-634. 10.1080/13629387.2015.1053112. 1362-9387.

  9. Faysse N., Bouzidi Z., Zadiri Z., Abdellaoui E.H., Chattou Z., 2015: Les jeunes ruraux aujourd'hui : Edito du hors-série. Alternatives Rurales, 4-12. 2421-9037.

  10. Fofack R., Kuper M., Petit O., 2015: Hybridation des règles d'accès à l'eau souterraine dans le Saiss (Maroc) : entre anarchie et Léviathan ? Etudes rurales, 196, 127-150. 0014-2182.

  11. Ftouhi H., Hadioui M., Hdidi K., Tajni S., Faysse N., Bouzidi Z., Abdellaoui E.H., Essadiki A., 2015: L'implication des jeunes ruraux dans les projets de développement dans la préfecture de Meknès et la province d'El Hajeb. Alternatives Rurales, 25-36. 2421-9037.

  12. Hartani T., Naouri M., Kuper M., 2015: L'entrée des jeunes dans l'agriculture : cas du maraïchage sous serre dans les Ziban (Algérie). Alternatives Rurales, 69-78. 2421-9037.

  13. Hdidi K., Faysse N., Abdellaoui E.H., Sebgui M., 2015: Mise en oeuvre et premiers effets d'un projet d'agrégation céréalier dans la région de Bni Saden (province de Séfrou). Alternatives Rurales, 3, 16 p. 2421-9037.

  14. Leduc C., Nazoumou Y., Favreau G., Massuel S., Oï M., Boureima O., 2015: Anthropisation et fluctuations climatiques au Sahel nigérien : évolution à long terme de la nappe phréatique du Continental Terminal près de Niamey Géologues, 187, 52-56. ISSN : 0016.7916.

  15. Mullick R.A., Babel M.S., Yudianto D., Prasad K.C., Perret S., Triweko R.W., Wahid S.M., 2015: Optimal system operation of the drops-cascading Konto system, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 3, 2, 105-121. 10.1080/23249676.2015.1033657. 2324-9676.

  16. Sellika I.E., Faysse N., Bousadni A., Ait El Mekki A., 2015: Perspectives de production et de commercialisation des prunes et des pruneaux au Maroc à l'horizon 2025. Alternatives Rurales, 3, 14 p. 2421-9037.

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ACLN 2014

  1. Benouniche M., Kuper M., Hammani A., 2014: Mener le goutte à goutte à l'économie d'eau : ambition réaliste ou poursuite d'une chimère? Alternatives Rurales, 2, 12 p. 2421-9037.

  2. Bensidi H., Faysse N., Zahid F., 2014: La qualité du lait entre logiques des coopératives et logiques des éleveurs et éleveuses. Introduction d'un analyseur de qualité du lait dans des coopératives laitières du Gharb. Alternatives Rurales, 2, 11 p. 2421-9037.

  3. Bouzidi Z., Faysse N., Kuper M., 2014: Les agriculteurs du Gharb manquent-ils réellement "d'esprit coopératif" ? Analyse de l'action collective entre discours et pratiques. Alternatives Rurales, 1, 10 p. 2421-9037.

  4. Castel A., Faysse N., El Hirch A., Rinaudo J.D., 2014: Vulnérabilité, résilience et capacité à se développer des exploitations agricoles familiales dans le périmètre irrigué de Bittit (plaine du Saiss). Alternatives Rurales, 2, 12 p. 2421-9037.

  5. de la Croix K., Dao A., Ferry L., Landy F., Muther N., Martin D., 2014: Les systèmes de pêches collectives fluviales somono dans le Manden (Mali) - Un révélateur territorial et social unique en sursis sur le Niger supérieur. Dynamiques Environnementales - Jour. internat. géoscien. environ., 32, 125-143.

  6. Dionnet M., Guerin Schneider L., 2014: La coordination inter‐organisationnelle, levier de la gouvernance territoriale : quelles leçons tirer de la gestion de l'eau interbassin. Géographie Economie Société, 16, 4, 399‐420.

  7. Don-Donné Goudoum P., Lemoalle J., 2014: La crue du lac Tchad en 2013 vue par le satellite Landsat 8. Revue scientifique du Tchad, 40-44.

  8. El Mokaddem A., Lejars C., Benchekroun F., Doukkali R., 2014: Adaptation et conditions de formalisation des paiements pour services environnementaux pour la conservation des pâturages collectifs au Maroc. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2, 2, 15 p. 2028-991X.

  9. Faysse N., 2014: Faire réussir les coopératives agricoles Une étude des coopératives indiennes par Tushaar Shah. Alternatives Rurales, 1, 5 p. 2421-9037.

  10. Faysse N., 2014: Les projets locaux de développement : leçons de quelques études au niveau international et au Maroc. Alternatives Rurales, 2, 6 p. 2421-9037.

  11. Faysse N., El Amrani M., Errahj M., Addou H., Slaoui Z., Thomas L., Mkadmi S., 2014: Des hommes et des arbres : relation entre acteurs dans les projets du Pilier II du Plan Maroc Vert. Alternatives Rurales, 1, 75-83. 2421-9037.

  12. Ferry L., Mietton M., Touchart L., Hamerlynck O., 2014: Lake Alaotra (Madagascar) is not about to disappear. Hydrological and sediment dynamics of an environmentally and socio-economically vital wetland. Dynamiques Environnementales, 32, 105-122.

  13. Hadioui M., Faysse N., Kemmoun H., 2014: Participation des agriculteurs à la conception d'un projet de reconversion à l'irrigation localisée dans le périmètre du Tadla. Alternatives Rurales, 2, 13 p. 2421-9037.

  14. Lejars C., Courilleau S., 2014: La filière d'oignon d'été dans le Saïs au Maroc : la place et le rôle des intermédiaires de la commercialisation. Alternatives Rurales, 2, 14 p. 2421-9037.

  15. Mietton M., Ferry L., 2014: Points d'eau, chemins et territoires de l'eau dans les pays de la ceinture tropicale - Ressources et patrimoines (introduction). Dynamiques Environnementales - Jour. internat. géoscien. environ., 32, 9-11.

  16. Mohamed Z., Faysse N., Errahj M., Bekkari L., El Amrani M., 2014: Eléments d'une démarche d'accompagnement à la maturation des projets collectifs d'irrigation localisée. Alternatives Rurales, 2, 11 p. 2421-9037.

  17. Renard-Toumi A., de la Croix K., 2014: Les mares des plaines alluviales du Niger supérieur - Des points d’eau et leurs pratiques sociales comme révélateur hydrodynamique et culturel. Dynamiques Environnementales - Jour. internat. géoscien. environ., 32 "Chemins et territoires de l'eau dans les pays de la ceinture tropicale - Ressources et patrimoines (sous la direction de L. Ferry et M. Mietton), 15-35.

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ACLN 2013

  1. Adamczewski A., Jamin J.Y., Tonneau J.P., 2013: Appel aux investisseurs. Quelles conséquences sur les rapports fonciers à l'office du Niger au Mali ? Territoires d'Afrique, 5, 18 p. 2230-0023.

  2. Adamczewski A., Hugon P., 2013: La crise libyenne et son impact sur les transactions foncières en Afrique. Le projet Malibya ay Mali. Afrique contemporaine, 1, 245, 105-107.

  3. Belaïd H., Riaux J., 2013: Appropriation et gestion des eaux en Tunisie à l’époque coloniale. Une histoire de dépossession(s) ? Cas du Kairounnais. RAWAFID Revue de l’Institut Supérieur d’Histoire de la Tunisie Contemporaine, 18, 13-36.

  4. Bourrié G., Trolard F., Chanzy A., Ruget F., Lecerf R., Charron F., 2013: Sustainable intensive agriculture: evidence from aqueous geochemistry. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 93-96.

  5. Gramaglia C., 2013: Sentinel Organisms: “they look out for the environment! Limn, 3, revue web.

  6. Le Goulven  P., Manciati C., Calvez R., Pouget J.C., Ruf T., 2013: Un patrimoine hydraulique en difficulté dans les Andes de l'Equateur. Dynamiques Environnementales - Jour. internat. géoscien. environ., 32, 57-73.

  7. Mietton M., Ferry L., Gareyane M., Bader J.C., Coulibaly N., Muther N., 2013: Permanence d’une voie d’eau entre Tombouctou et le fleuve Niger. Intérêts et contraintes. Dynamiques Environnementales, 32, 41-55.

  8. Mullick R.A., Perret S., Babel M.S., 2013: Benefit functions for instream water uses: A case of the Teesta River, Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 1, 2, 118-128. 10.1080/23249676.2013.875490. 2324-9676.

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!!!! Vous pouvez trouver la toute dernière collection HAL des publications de l'UMR G-EAU à l'adresse suivante :

ACL - Articles dans des revues internationales ou nationales avec comité de lecture répertoriées par l’AERES ou dans les bases de données internationales (ISI Web of Knowledge, Pub Med…)

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013


 ACL 2020

  1. Aires F., Venot Jean-Philippe, Massuel Sylvain, Gratiot Nicolas, Pham-Duc B., Prigent C., 2020: Surface water evolution (2001-2017) at the Cambodia/Vietnam border in the upper Mekong delta using satellite modis observations. Remote Sensing, 12, 5, art. no 800 [19 p.]. 10.3390/rs12050800. 2072-4292.

  2. Albasha R., Jovanovic N., Cheviron Bruno, De Clercq W., Mailhol Jean-Claude, 2020: Optimizing Tomato Water and Fertilizer Uses in Smallholder Farms in South Africa Using the Piloten Model. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 100-116. 10.1002/ird.2071. 1531-0353.

  3. Amichi F., Bouarfa Sami, Kuper Marcel, Caron Patrick, 2020: From Oasis Archipelago to Pioneering Eldorado in Algeria's Sahara. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 168-176. 10.1002/ird.2308. 1531-0353.

  4. Azeb Latifa, Hartani Tarik, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Pradeleix Ludivine, Hajjaji Nouredddin, Aribi Soumaya, 2020: Life cycle assessment of cucumber irrigation: Unplanned water reuse versus groundwater resources in Tipaza (Algeria). Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 10, 3, 227-238. 10.2166/wrd.2020.015. 2220-1319.

  5. Barreteau Olivier, Anderies John, Guerbois Chloe, Quinn Tara, Therville Clara, Mathevet Raphael, Bousquet François, 2020: Transfers of vulnerability through adaptation plan implementation: an analysis based on networks of feedback control loops. Ecology and Society, 25, 2, 10.5751/es-11402-250203. 1708-3087.

  6. Barthélemy Carole, Allouche Aurélien, Armani Gilles, Bonnet Gaïa, Gramaglia Christelle, Nicolas Laurence, 2020: Ecologisation of agricultural practices and family links with the territory. A comparison of the use of pesticides between Camargue and Beaujolais. Développement durable et territoires, 11, 1, 10.4000/developpementdurable.16822. 1772-9971.

  7. Bonan Bertrand, Albergel Clément, Zheng Yongjun, Barbu Alina, Lavinia, Fairbairn David, Munier Simon, Calvet Jean-Christophe, 2020: An ensemble square root filter for the joint assimilation of surface soil moisture and leaf area index within the Land Data Assimilation System LDAS-Monde: application over the Euro-Mediterranean region. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 325 - 347. 10.5194/hess-24-325-2020. 1027-5606.

  8. Cecchi Philippe, Forkuor G., Cofie O., Lalanne F., Poussin Jean-Christophe, Jamin J.Y., 2020: Small reservoirs, landscape changes and water quality in Sub‐Saharan West Africa [plus Supplementary materials]. Water, 12, 7, art. 1967 [25 p. + 3 p.]. 10.3390/w12071967. 2073-4441.

  9. Chang Ni-Bin, Hossain Uzzal, Valencia Andrea, Qiu Jiangxiao, Zheng Qipeng, P, Gu Lixing, Chen Mengnan, Lu Jia-Wei, Pires Ana, Kaandorp Chelsea, Abraham Edo, ten Veldhuis Marie-Claire, Van De Giesen Nick, Molle Bruno, Tomas Séverine, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Dotta Deborah, Declercq Rémi, Perrin Martin, Conradi Léon, Mollé Geoffrey, 2020: Integrative technology hubs for urban food- energy-water nexuses and cost-benefit-risk tradeoffs (I): Global trend and technology metrics. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 10.1080/10643389.2020.1759328. 1064-3389.

  10. Chang Ni-Bin, Hossain Uzzal, Valencia Andrea, Qiu Jiangxiao, Zheng Qipeng, P, Gu Lixing, Chen Mengnan, Lu Jia-Wei, Pires Ana, Kaandorp Chelsea, Abraham Edo, ten Veldhuis Marie-Claire, Van De Giesen Nick, Molle Bruno, Tomas Séverine, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Dotta Deborah, Declercq Rémi, Perrin Martin, Conradi Léon, Mollé Geoffrey, 2020: Integrative technology hubs for urban food- energy-water nexuses and cost-benefit-risk tradeoffs (II): Design strategies for urban sustainability View supplementary material. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 10.1080/10643389.2020.1761088. 1064-3389.

  11. Cornacchia Ivano, Tomas Severine, Douzals Jean Paul, Courault Dominique, 2020: Assessment of airborne transport of potential contaminants in a wind tunnel. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 1, 146, 04019031. 10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0001423. 0733-9437.

  12. Daniell K.A., Plant Roel, Pilbeam V., Sabinot C., Paget N., Astles K., Steffens R., Barreteau Olivier, Bouard S., Coad P., Gordon Alan, Ferrand Nils, Le Meur P.Y., Lejars Caroline, Maurel Pierre, Rubio A., Rougier Jean-Emmanuel, White I., 2020: Evolutions in estuary governance? Reflections and lessons from Australia, France and New Caledonia. Marine Policy, 112, 103704. 10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103704. 0308-597X.

  13. de Sousa Pereira Diego José, Lavanholi Rogério, de Araújo Ana, de Camargo Antonio, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Frizzone José, Molle Bruno, 2020: Evaluating Sensitivity to Clogging by Solid Particles in Irrigation Emitters: Assessment of a Laboratory Protocol. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 146, 11, 04020033. 10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0001509. 0733-9437.

  14. Dubois Dimitri, Farolfi Stefano, Rouchier Juliette, Nguyen Van Phu, 2020: Contrasting effects of information sharing on common-pool resource extraction behavior: experimental findings. PLoS ONE, 15 (10): e0240212, 10.1371/journal.pone.0240212. 1932-6203.

  15. Ducrot Raphaelle, Leite M., Gentil C., Bouarfa Sami, Rollin Dominique, Famba Sebastiao, 2020: Strengthening the capacity of irrigation schemes to cope with flood through improved maintenance: a collaborative approach to analyse the case of Chókwè, Mozambique. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 126-138. 10.1002/ird.2229. 1531-0353.

  16. Farolfi Stefano, Erdlenbruch Katrin, 2020: A classroom experimental game to improve the understanding of asymmetric common-pool resource dilemmas in irrigation water management. International Review of Economics Education, 100199. 10.1016/j.iree.2020.100199. 1477-3880.

  17. Favre Marine, Montginoul Marielle, 2020: How to optimally observe urban water consumption? The case of Nantes Métropole. Techniques Sciences Méthodes, 1-2, 29-42. 10.36904/tsm/201901028. 0299-7258.

  18. Felis F., Tomas Séverine, Vallet Ariane, Amielh M., Anselmet F., 2020: Experimental analysis of the flow characteristics of a pressure-atomised spray. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 85, 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108624. 0142-727X.

  19. Froebrich Jochen, Bouarfa Sami, Rollin Dominique, Coulon Caroline, Belaud Gilles, 2020: Innovations in irrigation systems in Africa. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 3-5. 10.1002/ird.2397. 1531-0353.

  20. Guerrin Joana, Sylvain Barone, 2020: Récits d'action publique et opérations de traductions : la restauration écologique du fleuve Rhône (France). Politique et Sociétés, 39, 2, 49-79. 10.7202/1070039ar. 1203-9438.

  21. Hamamouche Meriem Farah, Kuper Marcel, Hartani Tarik, Bouarfa Sami, 2020: Overlapping groundwater service markets in a palm grove in the Algerian Sahara. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 155-167. 10.1002/ird.2178. 1531-0353.

  22. Hanafi S., Marlet S., Jamin J.Y., Imache A., Zaïri Asma, Bahri Haithem, Rougier Jean-Emmanuel, Bouarfa Sami, 2020: Participation in a complex and conflicting context: implementing a shared diagnosis in a Northern Tunisia irrigation scheme. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 60-69. 10.1002/ird.2224. 1531-0353.

  23. Hassenforder Emeline, Barreteau Olivier, Daniell Katherine Anne, Ferrand Nils, Kabaseke Clovis, Muhumuza Moses, Tibasiima Thaddeo, 2020: The effects of public participation on multi-level water governance, lessons from Uganda. Environmental Management, 10.1007/s00267-020-01348-8. 0364-152X.

  24. Houéménou Honoré, Tweed Sarah, Dobigny Gauthier, Mama Daouda, Alassane Abdoukarim, Silmer Roland, Babic Milanka, Ruy Stephane, Chaigneau Alexis, Gauthier Philippe, Socohou Akilou, Dossou Henri-Joël, Badou Sylvestre, Leblanc Marc, 2020: Degradation of groundwater quality in expanding cities in West Africa. A case study of the unregulated shallow aquifer in Cotonou. Journal of Hydrology, 582, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124438. 0022-1694.

  25. Kherbache Nabil, 2020: Water policy in Algeria: limits of supply model and perspectives of water demand management (WDM). Desalination and Water Treatment, 180, 2020, 141-155. 10.5004/dwt.2020.25009. 1944-3994.

  26. Kherbache Nabil, Oukaci K., 2020: Assessment of capital expenditure in achieving sanitation-related MDG targets and the uncertainties of the SDG targets in Algeria. World Development Perspectives, 19, 100236 [12 p.]. 10.1016/j.wdp.2020.100236. 2452-2929.

  27. Landy Frédéric, Ruiz Laurent, Jacquet Julie, Richard-Ferroudji Audrey, Sekhar M., Guetat-Bernard Hélène, Oger-Marengo Marlène, Venkatasubramanian G., Noûs Camille, 2020: Commons as Demanding Social Constructions: The Case of Aquifers in Rural Karnataka. International Journal of Rural Management, 097300522094542. 10.1177/0973005220945428. 0973-0052.

  28. Lavanholi Rogério, Pires De Camargo Antonio, Bombardelli Wagner, Wilson Ávila, Frizzone Antônio, José, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Da Silva Eric, Alberto, Correia De Oliveira Fabrício, 2020: Prediction of pressure-discharge curves of trapezoidal labyrinth channels from nonlinear regression and artificial neural networks. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 146, 8, 10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0001485. 0733-9437.

  29. Lequette Kevin, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Wéry Nathalie, 2020: Hydrodynamic effect on biofouling of milli-labyrinth channel and bacterial communities in drip irrigation systems fed with reclaimed wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 738, 139778. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139778. 0048-9697.

  30. Manasfi Rayana, Brienza Monica, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Montemurro Nicola, Perez Sandra, Chiron Serge, 2020: Impact of long-term irrigation with municipal reclaimed wastewater on the uptake and degradation of organic contaminants in lettuce and leek. Science of the Total Environment, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142742. 0048-9697.

  31. Ndiaye P.M., Bodian A., Diop L., Deme A., Alain Dezetter, Djaman K., Ogilvie Andrew, 2020: Trend and Sensitivity Analysis of Reference Evapotranspiration in the Senegal River Basin Using NASA Meteorological Data. Water, 12, 7, 1957. 10.3390/w12071957. 2073-4441.

  32. Poussin Jean-Christophe, Martin D., Bader Jean-Claude, Dia D., Seck S.M., Ogilvie Andrew, 2020: Variabilité agro-hydrologique des cultures de décrue : une étude de cas dans la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal. International Journal of Integrated Care, 29, art. no 23 [11 p. en ligne]. 10.1051/cagri/2020022. 1568-4156.

  33. Pradeleix Ludivine, Bouarfa Sami, Bellon-Maurel Véronique, Roux Philippe, 2020: Assessing environmental impacts of groundwater irrigation using the life cycle assessment method: application to a Tunisian arid region. Irrigation and Drainage, 69, S1, 117-125. 10.1002/ird.2241. 0168-6291.

  34. Raso Luciano, Bader Jean-Claude, Weijs Steven, 2020: Reservoir Operation Optimized for Hydropower Production Reduces Conflict with Traditional Water Uses in the Senegal River. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146, 4, 05020003. 10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0001076. 0733-9496.

  35. Riaux Jeanne, Ogilvie Andrew, Jenhaoui Z., 2020: More than just water ! Hydraulic materiality and the process of resource making : a sociohydrological reading of Tunisian hillside reservoirs. Journal of Rural Studies, 79, p. 125–135. 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.041. 0743-0167.

  36. Richard Bastien, Bonté Bruno, Barreteau Olivier, Braud Isabelle, 2020: The abandonment of water daily slot and its operational consequences on collective irrigated systems. A situational multi-agent approach applied to a gravity-fed canal of Middle-Durance (France). La Houille Blanche - Revue internationale de l'eau, 4, 43-55. 10.1051/lhb/2020033. 0018-6368.

  37. Rudi Gabrielle, Bailly Jean-Stéphane, Belaud Gilles, Dagès Cécile, Lagacherie Philippe, Vinatier Fabrice, 2020: Multifunctionality of agricultural channel vegetation : A review based on community functional parameters and properties to support ecosystem function modeling. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2020.03.004. 1642-3593.

  38. Trottier Julie, Darques Régis, Ait-Mouheb Nassim, Partiot Emma, Bakhache William, Deffieu Maika, Gaudin Raphael, 2020: Post-lockdown detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the wastewater of Montpellier, France. One Health, 10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100157. 2352-7714.

  39. Tweed S., Massuel S., Seidel J.L., Chhuon K., Lun S., Eang K.E., Venot J.P., Belaud G., Babic M., Leblanc M., 2020: Seasonal influences on groundwater arsenic concentrations in the irrigated region of the Cambodian Mekong Delta. Science of the Total Environment, 728, 138598. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138598. 0048-9697.

  40. Vos J., Boelens R., Venot Jean-Philippe, Kuper M., 2020: Rooted water collectives : towards an analytical framework. Ecological Economics, 173, art. no 106651 [11 p.]. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106651. 0921-8009.


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ACL 2019

  1. Ait-Mouheb N., Schillings J., Al Muhammad J., Bendoula R., Tomas S., Amielh M., Anselmet F., 2019: Impact of hydrodynamics on clay particle deposition and biofilm development in a labyrinth-channel dripper. Irrigation Science, 37, 1, 1-10.

  2. Al-Muhammad J., Tomas S., Ait-Mouheb N., Amielh M., Anselmet F., 2019: Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the Vortex Zones along a Labyrinth Milli-Channel Used in Drip Irrigation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2019.108500.

  3. Amichi F., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., Caron P., 2019: From oasis archipelago to pioneering eldorado in Algeria's sahara. Irrigation and Drainage,

  4. Anderies John M., Barreteau O., 2019: Governance principles for robust and resilient coastal systems in the face of global change. Regional Environmental Change, 19, 7, 1831-1833.

  5. Anderies John M., Barreteau O., Brady U., 2019: Refining the Robustness of Social-Ecological Systems Framework for comparative analysis of coastal system adaptation to global change. Regional Environmental Change, 19, 7, 1891-1908.

  6. Auvet B., 2019 (Accepté): Les infrastructures hydrauliques et la maîtrise de l’eau en Crau : de la production de l’abondance à la lutte contre la rareté (Accepted). Développement Durable et Territoires,

  7. Balana B., Sanfo S., Barbier B., Williams T.O., Kolavalli S., 2019: Assessment of flood recession agriculture for food security in northern Ghana: a bio-economic modelling approach. Agricultural System, 173 (C), 536-543. DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2019.03.021.

  8. Belaud G., Mateos L., Buisson M.C., Faci E., Gendre S., Ghinassi G., Gonzales Perea R., Lejars C., Maruejols F., Zapata N., 2019: Irrigation and energy: issues and challenges. Irrigation and Drainage, DOI: 10.1002/ird.2343.

  9. Ben Fraj W., Elloumi M., Molle F., 2019: The politics of interbasin transfers: Socio-environmental impacts and actor strategies in Tunisia. Natural Resources Forum, 43, 1, 17-30. DOI: 10.1111/1477-8947.12165.

  10. Bonte B., Farolfi S., Ferrand N., Abrami G., Diallo M.C., Dubois D., Johannet A., Gaudi W.A., 2019: Building new kinds of meta-models to analyse experimentally (companion) modelling processes in the field of natural resource management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 120,

  11. Bonte B., Therville C., Bousquet F., Abrami G., Dhenain S., Mathevet R., 2019: Analyzing coastal coupled infrastructure systems through multi-scale serious games in Languedoc, France. Regional Environmental Change, 19, 7, 1879-1889.

  12. Bourblanc M., Blanchon D., 2019: Political ecologies of water in South Africa: A literature review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water, 6, 5,

  13. Bouzidi Z., Faysse N., Kuper M., Billaud J.P., 2019: Investigating the invisible roots of a prevailing narrative of farmers’ failed collective action in Morocco. The Journal of North African Studies, 1-21.

  14. Comptour M., Cosiaux A., Coomes O.T. , Bader J.C., Malaterre P.O., Yoka J., Caillon S., McKey D., 2019: Agricultural innovation and environmental change on the floodplains of the Congo River. The Geographical Journal, DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12314.

  15. Correia F., De Oliveira R., Antonio Lavanholi, De Camargo Pires, Ait-Mouheb N., Frizzone J.A., Tomas S., Molle B., 2019: Clogging of Drippers Caused by Suspensions of Kaolinite and Montmorillonite Clays. Irrigation Science,

  16. Coste M., Riaux-Gobin C., Riaux J., Saenz-Agudelo P., Ector L., Calvez R., Benaissa N., 2019: Aïn Bou Rkhiss and Aïn KiBrit, two springs from the Merguellil Basin (Kairouan, central Tunisia): Diatom assemblages, Biological polluosensitivity índices, hydrogeology and societal aspects. Vie et Milieu, 69, 1, 1-17.

  17. Daniell K.A., Maurel P., Rubio A., Barreteau O., Bouard S., Rougier J.E., Astles K., Gordon A., Rodary E., Le Meur P.Y., Sabinot C., Coad P., Paget N., White I., Plant R., Pilbeam V., Lejars C., Ferrand N., 2019: Evolutions in estuary governance? Reflections and lessons from Australia, France and New Caledonie. Marine Policy, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103704.

  18. Daré W., Venot J.P., Kabore E., Tapsoba A., Traoré F., Gérard F., Carboni S., Idani D., Kambiré H., Napon K., 2019: Grands aménagements hydroagricoles, inégalités environnementales et participation : le cas de Bagré au Burkina Faso. VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 19, 1, 10.4000/vertigo.23971.

  19. De Frutos Cachorro J., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., 2019: Sharing a Groundwater Resource in a Context of Regime Shifts. Environmental and Resource Economics, 72, 4, 913-940. ISSN 09246460.

  20. Faysse N., Phiboon K., Filloux T., 2019: Public policy to support young farmers in Thailand. Outlook on Agriculture,

  21. Gejadze I., Malaterre P.O., Shutyaev V., 2019: On the use of derivatives in the polynomial chaos based global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis applied to the distributed parameter models. Journal of Computational Physics, 381, 218-245.

  22. Gramaglia C., Mélard F., 2019: Looking for the cosmopolitical fish: monitoring marine pollution with anglers and congers in the Gulf of Fos, southern France. Science , Technology & Human Values, 4, 44, 29p.

  23. Hassenforder E., Barone S., 2019: Institutional arrangements for water governance. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 35, 5, 778-802.

  24. Hassenforder E., Clavreul D., Akhmouch A., Ferrand N., 2019: What's the middle ground? Institutionalized vs. emerging water-related stakeholder engagement processes. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 35, 3, 525-542. DOI:10.1080/07900627.2018.1452722.

  25. Huat J., Fusillier J.L., Dossou-Yovo E., Lidon B., Malé Kouyaté A., Touré A., Bassi Simpara M., Hamadoun A., 2019: Benefits and limits of inland valley development to enhance agricultural growth: a farmers’ perception approach in southern Mali. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-19.

  26. Ivars B., Venot J.P., 2019: Entre Politiques Publiques et Matérialité : Associations d’Usagers et Infrastructures d’Irrigation au Cambodge. Nature, Sciences, Sociétés,

  27. Ivars B., Venot J.P., 2019: Grounded and global : water infrastructure development and policymaking in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar. Water Alternatives : an Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development, 12, 3, 1038-1063.

  28. Jouini M., Burte J., Biard Y., Benaissa N., Amara H., Sinfort C., 2019: A framework for coupling a participatory approach and life cycle assessment for public decision-making in rural territory management. Science of the Total Environment, 655, 1017-1027.

  29. Keïta A., Koïta M., Niang D., Lidon B., 2019: WASO: An innovative device to uncover independent converging opinions of irrigation system farmers. Irrigation and Drainage, 11 p. DOI: 10.1002/ird.2319.

  30. Kpadonou R.A.B., Barbier B., Owiyo T., Denton F., Ruingwa F., 2019: Manure and adoption of modern seeds in cereal-based systems in West African drylands: linkages and (non)complementarities. Natural Resources Forum, 43, 1, 41-55. DOI:10.1111/1477-8947.12163.

  31. Leauthaud C., Hiernaux P., Musila W., Kergoat L., Grippa M., Duvail S., Albergel J., Rode N.O., 2019: Influence of Floods and Growth Duration on the Productivity of Wet Grasslands of Echinochloa stagnina (Retz) P. Beauv. in an East African Floodplain. Wetlands,

  32. Lejars C., Bouard S., Sabinot C., 2019 (à paraitre dec 2019): Quand « l’eau, c’est le lien » : Suivre l’évolution des réseaux d’eau pour éclairer les pratiques et les transformations sociales dans les tribus kanak. Développement Durable et Territoires,

  33. Lequette K., Ait-Mouheb N., Wéry N., 2019: Drip irrigation biofouling with treated wastewater: bacterial selection revealed by high-throughput sequencing. Biofouling, 35, 2, 217-229. DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2019.1591377.

  34. Levasseur P., 2019: Can social programs break the vicious cycle between poverty and obesity? Evidence from urban Mexico. World Development, 113, 143-156.

  35. Molle F., Rap E., Ezzat Al-Agha D., El Hassan W.A., Freeg M., 2019: Irrigation improvement projects in the Nile Delta: Promises, challenges, surprises. Agricultural Water Management, 216, 425-435.

  36. Molle F., Closas A., 2019: Comanagement of groundwater: A review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1394.

  37. Molle F., Closas A., 2019: Why is state‐centered groundwater governance largely ineffective? A review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1395.

  38. Montginoul M., Garin P., Abannar K., Lepercq D., 2019: Le compteur communicant : perception des irrigants. Techniques Sciences Méthodes, 1, 2, 39-47.

  39. Ogilvie A., Riaux J., Massuel S., Mulligan M., Belaud G., Le Goulven  P., Calvez R., 2019: Socio-hydrological drivers of agricultural water use in small reservoirs. Agricultural Water Management, 218, C, 17-29.

  40. Ouassissou R., Kuper M., Dugue P., El Amrani M., Haminani A., Ameur F., 2019: Rivalries and cooperative arrangements for access to groundwater in the Berrechid plain in Morocco. Cahiers Agricultures, 28, 4, 10 p.

  41. Phiboon K., Cochetel C., Faysse N., 2019: Support programmes and the diversity of young farmers in Thailand: A good match? Outlook on Agriculture,

  42. Rap E., Molle F., Gaafar I., Al-Agha D.E., Abou El Hassan W., 2019: The limits to participation: Branch-Canal Water Users Associations in the Egyptian Delta. Water International, 44, 1, 31-50.

  43. Raso L., Chiavico M., Dorchies D., 2019: Optimal and centralized reservoir management for drought and flood protection on the upper Seine-Aube river system using stochastic dual dynamic programming. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145, 3, 12.

  44. Raso L., Barbier B., Bader J.C., 2019: Modeling dynamics and adaptation at operational and structural scales for the ex-ante economic  evaluation of large dams in an African context. Water Resources Economics, 26, 100125.

  45. Richert C., Boisgontier H., Grelot F., 2019: Economic assessment of precautionary measures against floods: insights from a non-contextual approach. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19, 11, 2525-2539.

  46. Richert C., Erdlenbruch K., Grelot F., 2019: The impact of flood management policies on individual adaptation actions: Insights from a French case study. Ecological Economics, 165,

  47. Rizk N., Ait Mouheb N., Molle B., Roche N., 2019: Treated wastewater reuse in micro-irrigation: effect of shear stress on biofilm development kinetics and chemical precipitation. Environmental Technology, 11.

  48. Rosero‐López D., Todd Walter M., Flecker  A.S., Lloret P., De Bièvre B., González‐Zeas D., Calvez R., Dangles O., 2019: Streamlined eco‐engineering approach helps define environmental flows for tropical Andean headwaters. Freshwater Biology, DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13307.

  49. Sauquet E., Richard B., Devers A., Prudhomme C., 2019: Water restrictions under climate change : a Rhone-Mediterranean perspective combining bottom-up and top-down approaches. . Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 9, 3683-3710.

  50. Serra-Wittling C., Molle B., Cheviron B., 2019: Plot level assessment of irrigation water savings due to the shift from sprinkler to localized irrigation systems or to the use of soil hydric status probes. Application in the French context. Agricultural Water Management, 223, 105682,

  51. Therville C., Brady U., Barreteau O., Bousquet F., Mathevet R., Dhenain S., Grelot F., Bremond P., 2019: Challenges for local adaptation when governance scales overlap. Evidence from Languedoc, France. Regional Environmental Change, 19, 7, 1865-1877.

  52. Veldwisch G.J., Venot J.P., Woodhouse P., Komakech H.C., Brockington D., 2019: Re-introducing politics in african farmer-led irrigation development : introduction to a special issue. . Water Alternatives : an Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development, 12, 1, 1-12.

  53. Viatgé J., Pinna T., Ficchi A., Perrin C., Dorchies D., Garandeau L., Tilmant F., 2019: Towards an enhanced temporal flexibility of the GRP flood forecasting operational model. La Houille Blanche, 2, 72-80.

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ACL 2018

  1. Ait-Mouheb N., Bahri A., Ben Thayer B., Benyahia B., Bourrié G., Cherki B., Condom N., Declercq R., Gunes A., Héran M., Kitir N., Molle B., Patureau D., Pollice A., Rapaport A., Renault P., Riahi K., Romagny B., Sari T., Sinfort C., Steyer J.P., Talozi S., Topcuoglu B., Turan M., Wéry N., Yildirim E., Harmand J., 2018: The reuse of reclaimed water for irrigation around the Mediterranean Rim: a step towards a more virtuous cycle? Regional Environmental Change, 13 p.

  2. Barone S., Mayaux P.L., Guerrin J., 2018: Que fait le New Public Management aux politiques environnementales ? Pôle Sud - Revue de science politique de l'Europe méridionale, N° 48, 7-25. ISSN : 1262-1676.

  3. Bouaziz A., Hammani A., Kuper M., 2018: Les oasis en Afrique du Nord : dynamiques territoriales et durabilité des systèmes de production agricole - Oases in North Africa: territorial dynamics and sustainability of farming systems. Cahiers Agricultures, 27, 1, art. N° 14001 - 5 p. DOI:

  4. Bouaziz A., Hammani A., Kuper M., 2018: Thèses de doctorat sur les oasis, soutenues et en cours. Cahiers Agricultures, 27, 1, 27001. DOI:

  5. Braiki H., Burte J., Imache A., Hassenforder E., Habaieb H., Bouarfa S., 2018: Experiment a consultation process: a key for more efficient environmental policies? An innovating multi-stakeholders approach in central Tunisia - Expérimenter la concertation : une clé pour des politiques environnementales plus efficaces ? Une démarche multi-acteurs innovante en Tunisie centrale. Cahiers Agricultures, 27, 1, Art. 15003, 8p. DOI: 10.1051/cagri/2017064. ISSN: 1777-5949.

  6. Colon M., Richard S., Roche P.A., 2018: The evolution of water governance in France from the 1960s: disputes as major drivers for radical changes within a consensual framework. Water International, 43, 1, 109-132. 10.1080/02508060.2018.1403013. 0250-8060.

  7. Colon M., Richard S., Roche P.A., 2018: The evolution of water governance in France from the 1960s: disputes as major drivers for radical changes within a consensual framework. Water International, 43, Issue 1: The OECD Principles on Water Governance: from policy standards to practice 109-132.

  8. Dare W., Venot J.P., 2018: Room for manoeuvre: User participation in water resources management in Burkina Faso. Development Policy Review, 36, 2, 175-189. 10.1111/dpr.12278. 0950-6764. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000424114400002.

  9. De Frutos Cachorro J., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., à paraître 2018 Sharing a Groundwater Resource in a Context of Regime Shifts. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-28.

  10. Dicko M., Diawara B., Tangara B, Jamin J.Y., Rougier J.E., Bah S., 2018: Une approche participative pour améliorer la maintenance du réseau et la gestion de l’eau dans un périmètre irrigué au Mali. Irrigation and Drainage,

  11. Elamri Y., Cheviron B., Mange A., Dejean C., Liron F., Belaud G., 2018: Rain concentration and sheltering effect of solar panels on cultivated plots. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 2, 1285-1298. DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-1285-2018. ISSN: 1027-5606.

  12. Erdlenbruch K., Bonté B., 2018: Simulating the dynamics of individual adaptation to floods. Environmental Science & Policy, 84, 134-148.

  13. Farolfi S., Dubois D., Morardet S., Nouichi I., Marlet S., 2018: Information provision and willingness to pay irrigation water in Tunisian local associations for agricultural development. An experimental economics study - Fourniture d'information et consentement à payer l'eau d'irrigation dans les groupements de développement agricole tunisiens. Une étude par l'économie expérimentale. Cahiers Agricultures, 27, 2, Art. N° 25001. DOI: 10.1051/cagri/2018007. ISSN: 1777-5949. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000427299000001.

  14. Fofack R., Billaud J.P., Kuper M., Petit O., 2018: Analyse du basculement des modes d’extraction des eaux souterraines dans le Saïss (Maroc) - Vers une reconfiguration des mondes des eaux cachées ? Développement Durable et Territoires, Dossier : Les temps des territoires - Les perceptions des changements environnementaux N° 9, 2, DOI : 10.4000/developpementdurable.12197.

  15. Gejadze I.Y., Shutyaev V.P., Le Dimet F.X., 2018: Hessian-based covariance approximations in variational data assimilation. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 33, 1, 25-39.

  16. Grafton R.Q., Williams J., Perry C.J., Molle F., Ringler C., Steduto P., Udall B., Wheeler S.A., Wang Y., Garrick D., Allen R.G., 2018: The paradox of irrigation efficiency. Science, 361, 6404, 748-750. DOI: 10.1126/science.aat9314

  17. Guérin-Schneider L., Tsanga-Tabi M., Roux P., Catel L., Biard Y., 2018: How to better include environmental assessment in public decision-making: lessons from the use of an LCA-calculator for wastewater systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 187, 1057-1068.

  18. Hanafi S., S. Marlet, Jamin J.Y., Imache A., Zaïri A.A., Bahri H., Rougier J.E., Bouarfa S., 2018: Participation in a complex and conflicting context: Implementing a shared diagnosis in a Northern Tunisia irrigation scheme. Irrigation and Drainage, 10 p.

  19. Hassenforder E., Barone S., 2018: Institutional arrangements for water governance. International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2018.1431526.

  20. Hassenforder E., Clavreul D., Akhmouch A., Ferrand N., 2018: What’s the middle ground? Institutionalized vs. emerging water-related stakeholder engagement processes. International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2018.1452722.

  21. Lidon B., Lopez J.M., Sosiawan H., Kartiwa B., Triomphe B., Jamin J.Y., Farolfi S., Bourgeois R., Becu N., 2018: Approach and impact of a participatory process for the reorganization of irrigation management: a case study in Indonesia. Cahiers Agricultures, 27, 2, article N° 25006, 9 p.

  22. Mailhol J.C., Albasha R., Cheviron B., Lopez J.M., Ruelle P., Dejean C., 2018: The PILOTE-N model for improving water and nitrogen management practices: application in a Mediterranean context. Agricultural Water Management, 204, 162-179.

  23. Massuel S., Riaux J., Molle F., Kuper M., Ogilvie A., Collard A.L., Leduc C., Barreteau O., 2018: Inspiring a Broader Socio-Hydrological Negotiation Approach With Interdisciplinary Field-Based Experience. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2017WR021691.

  24. Mietton M., Gunnell Y., Nicoud G., Ferry L., Razafimahefa R., Grandjean P., 2018: ‘Lake’ Alaotra, Madagascar: A late Quaternary wetland regulated by the tectonic regime. Catena, 165, 22-41.

  25. Molle F., Gaafar I., El-Agha D.E., Rap E., 2018: The Nile delta's water and salt balances and implications for management. Agricultural Water Management, 197, 110-121. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2017.11.016. ISSN: 0378-3774. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000423001400011.

  26. Montginoul M., Vestier A., 2018: Smart metering: A water-saving solution? Consider communication strategies and user perceptions first. Evidence from a French case study. Environmental Modelling & Software, 104, 188-198. ISSN: 1364-8152.

  27. Ogilvie A., Belaud G., Massuel S., Mulligan M., Le Goulven P., Calvez R., 2018: Surface water monitoring in small water bodies: potential and limits of multi-sensor Landsat time series. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 4349-4380.

  28. Oubanas H., Gejadze I., Malaterre P.O., Mercier F., 2018: River discharge estimation from synthetic SWOT-type observations using variational data assimilation and the full Saint-Venant hydraulic model. Journal of Hydrology, 559, 638-647.

  29. Oubanas H., Gejadze I.Y., Malaterre P.O., Durand M., Frasson R., Wui R., Domeneghetti A., 2018: Discharge estimation in ungauged basins through variational data assimilation: The potential of the SWOT mission. Water Resources Research, 54, 3, 2405-2423. Online ISSN: 1944-7973.

  30. Todome L., Lejars C., Lancon F., Hamimaz R., 2018: Why is local parboiled rice unavailable in urban markets in Benin? Cahiers Agricultures, 27, 1, DOI: 10.1051/cagri/2017067. ISSN: 1777-5949. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000423439900001.

  31. Tweed S., Celle-Jeanton H., Cabot L., Huneau F., De Montety V., Nicolau N., Travi Y., Babic M., Aquilina L., Vergnaud-Ayraud V., Leblanc M., 2018: Impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater resources in a temperate humid region. Science of the Total Environment, 613, 1302-1316. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.156. 0048-9697. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000414160500130.

  32. Voltz M., Ludwig W., Leduc C., Bouarfa S., 2018: Mediterranean land systems under global change: current state and future challenges. Regional Environmental Change, 4 p.

  33. Yang J., Yang Y.C.E., Khan H.F., Xie H., Ringler C., Ogilvie A., Seidou O., Djibo A.G., van Weert F., Tharme R., 2018: Quantifying the Sustainability of Water Availability for the Water‐Food‐Energy‐Ecosystem Nexus in the Niger River Basin. Earth's Future, 6, Online ISSN: 2328-4277.

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ACL 2017

  1. Al-Naber M., Molle F., 2017: Controlling groundwater overabstraction: policies vs. local practices in Jordan Highlands. Water Policy, 19, 4, 692-708.

  2. Al-Naber M., Molle F., 2017: Water and Sand: is Groundwater-based Farming in Jordan's Desert Sustainable? Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 5, 28-37.

  3. Ameur F., Amichi H., Kuper M., Hammani A., 2017: Specifying the differentiated contribution of farmers to groundwater depletion in two irrigated areas in North Africa. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1579-1591.

  4. Ameur F., Kuper M., Lejars C., Dugué P., 2017: Prosper, survive or exit: contrasted fortunes of farmers in the groundwater economy in the Saiss plain (Morocco). Agricultural Water Management, 191, 207-217.

  5. Andriyani I., Jourdain D., Lidon B., Soni P., Kartiwa B., 2017: UPLAND FARMING SYSTEM EROSION YIELDS AND THEIR CONSTRAINTS TO CHANGE FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION PRACTICES: A CASE STUDY OF LAND USE AND LAND COVER (LULC) CHANGE IN INDONESIA. Land Degradation & Development, 28, 2, 421-430. 10.1002/ldr.2598. 1085-3278. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000394955500004.

  6. Assassi S., Daoudi A., Lejars C., 2017: Excessive" profits of fruit and vegetables traders in Algeria: a reality or an unfounded prejudice? The case of early tomato from Biskra - Les profits " excessifs " des commerçants de fruits et légumes en Algérie : réalité ou préjugé infondé ? Le cas de la tomate primeur à Biskra. Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 2, e25002 (8 p.). 10.1051/cagri/2017009. 1777-5949. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000412158500003.

  7. Awaleh M.O., Baudron P., Soubaneh Y.D., Boschetti T., Hoch F.B., Egueh N.M., Mohamed J., Dabar O.A., Masse-Dufresne J., Gassani J., 2017: Recharge, groundwater flow pattern and contamination processes in an arid volcanic area: Insights from isotopic and geochemical tracers (Bara aquifer system, Republic of Djibouti). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 175, 82-98. ISSN: 0375-6742.

  8. Awaleh M.O., Boschetti T., Soubaneh Y.D., Baudron P., Kawalieh A.D., Dabar O.A., Ahmed M.M., Ahmed S.I., Daoud M.A., Egueh N.M., Mohamed J., 2017: Geochemical study of the Sakalol-Harralol geothermal field (Republic of Djibouti): Evidences of a low enthalpy aquifer between Manda-Inakir and Asal rift settings. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 331, 26-52. 0377-0273.

  9. Awaleh M.O., Baudron P., Soubaneh Y.D., Boschetti T., Hoch F.B., Egueh N.M., Mohamed J., Dabar O.A., Masse-Dufresne J., Gassani J., 2017: Recharge, groundwater flow pattern and contamination processes in an arid volcanic area: Insights from isotopic and geochemical tracers (Bara aquifer system, Republic of Djibouti). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 175, 82-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2017.01.005. ISSN: 0375-6742. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000394472600008.

  10. Awaleh M.O., Boschetti T., Soubaneh Y.D., Baudron P., Kawalieh A.D., Dabar O.A., Ahmed M.M., Ahmed S.I., Daoud M.A., Egueh N.M., Mohamed J., 2017: Geochemical study of the Sakalol-Harralol geothermal field (Republic of Djibouti): Evidences of a low enthalpy aquifer between Manda-Inakir and Asal rift settings. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 331, 26-52. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.11.008. 0377-0273. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000395215900003.

  11. Bader J.C., Belaud G., Lamagat J.P., Ferret T., Vauchel P., 2017: Modélisation de propagation d'écoulement entre lits mineur et majeur sur les fleuves Sénégal et Niger. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62, 3, 447-466. DOI : 10.1080/02626667.2016.1148815.

  12. Barone S., Sannier B., Razès M., Campardon M., Guérin-Schneider L., Richard-Ferroudji A., 2017: Qui sont les « élus de l’eau » ? À propos de l’investissement sectoriel des élus locaux. Développement Durable et Territoires, 8, 2, 18 p. DOI : 10.4000/developpementdurable.11832.

  13. Bijankhan M., Kouchakzadeh S., Belaud G., 2017: Application of the submerged experimental velocity profiles for the sluice gate's stage-discharge relationship. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 54, 97-108.

  14. Bourblanc M., 2017: State Transformation and Policy Networks: The Challenging Implementation of New Water Policy Paradigms in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Water Alternatives -an Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development, 10, 2, 303-321. 1965-0175. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000403232300007.

  15. Bourblanc M., 2017: State Transformation and Policy Networks: The Challenging Implementation of New Water Policy Paradigms in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Water Alternatives, 10, 2, 303-321. ISSN: 1965-0175.

  16. Bourblanc M., Blanchon D., 2017: Gérer ou gouverner la ressource en eau? Modélisation en temps réel et gestion de la pénurie au sein de la rivière Crocodile (Afrique du Sud). Natures Sciences Sociétés, 25, 2, 134-147. DOI: 10.1051/nss/2017022.

  17. Bourblanc M., Ducrot R., Mapedza E., 2017: Path Dependence in Nebo Plateau: Strategic Partnerships and Rural Poverty Alleviation in South African Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes. Journal of Southern African Studies, 43, 2, 381-396.

  18. Bourziza R., Hammani A., Mailhol J.C., Bouaziz A., Kuper M., 2017: Modeling subsurface drip irrigation for date palm under oasis conditions - Modélisation de l'irrigation en goutte à goutte enterré du palmier dattier sous les conditions oasiennes. Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 3, e35007 (8 p.). DOI: ISSN: 1777-5949.

  19. Bril-Mascarenhas T., Maillet A., Mayaux P. L., 2017: Process Tracing: Induction, Deduction, and Causal Inference. Revista De Ciencia Politica, 37, 3, 659-684. 0718-090X.

  20. Burton M., Rogers A., Richert C., 2017: Community acceptance of biodiversity offsets: evidence from a choice experiment. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 61, 1, 95-114. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8489.12151.

  21. Cachorro J.D., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., 2017: A dynamic model of irrigation and land-use choice: application to the Beauce aquifer in France. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44, 1, 99-120. 10.1093/erae/jbw005. 0165-1587. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000399766300004.

  22. Closas A., Molle F., Hernández-Mora N., 2017: Sticks and carrots to manage groundwater overabstraction in La Mancha, Spain. Agricultural Water Management, 194, 113-124.

  23. Crow-Miller B.;, Webber M., Molle F., 2017: The (re)turn to infrastructure for water management? Water Alternatives, 10, 2, 195-207.

  24. Daoudi A., Lejars C., Benouniche N., 2017: Groundwater governance in Algerian Sahara: challenges, legal framework and local practices - La gouvernance de l'eau souterraine dans le Sahara algérien : enjeux, cadre légal et pratiques locales. Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 3, 35004. DOI: ISSN: 1777-5949.

  25. Dauphin C.E., Gramaglia C., 2017: Toucher la pollution industrielle du doigt grâce aux lichens. Ethnographie d’une observation scientifique et citoyennede l’environnement à Fos-sur-Mer Techniques et culture, 2, 68 (supplément), 22 p. ISBN : 978-2-7132-2708-0.

  26. De Frutos Cachorro J., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., 2017: A dynamic model of irrigation and land-use choice: an application to the Beauce aquifer in France. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44, 1, 99-120.

  27. De Sousa W., Ducrot R., Munguambe P., Bjornlund H., Machava A., Cheveia E., Faduco J., 2017: Irrigation and crop diversification in the 25 de Setembro irrigation scheme, Mozambique. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 33, 5, 705-724. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2016.1262246. ISSN: 0790-0627.

  28. Declercq R., Loubier S., Condom N., Molle B., 2017: Socio-economic interest of treated wastewater reuse in agricultural irrigation and indirect potable water reuse: Clermont-Ferrand and Cannes case studies' cost-benefit analysis. Irrigation and Drainage, 15 p. ISSN: 1531-0361.

  29. Diarra A., Barbier B., Zongo B., Yacouba H., 2017: Impact of climate change on cotton production in Burkina Faso. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12, 7, 494-501. - Article Number: 01E4D7A62764 ISSN 1991-637X.

  30. Ducrot R., 2017: Is small-scale irrigation an efficient pro-poor strategy in the upper Limpopo basin in Mozambique? Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 100, 383-392. ISSN: 1474-7065.

  31. Ducrot R., 2017: When good practices by water committees are not relevant: Sustainability of small water infrastructures in semi-arid mozambique. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 102, 59-69. 10.1016/j.pce.2016.08.004. 1474-7065. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000415610200007.

  32. Ducrot R., Bourblanc M., 2017: Promoting equity in water access: the limits of fairness of a rural water programme in semi-arid Mozambique. Natural Resources Forum, 41, 131-144. DOI: 10.1111/1477-8947.12128. ISSN: 0165-0203.

  33. El Khoumsi W., Hammani A., Bouarfa S., Bouaziz A., Ben Aïssa I., 2017: Contribution of groundwater to date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) water use in the oases - Contribution de la nappe phréatique à l'alimentation hydrique du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera) dans les zones oasiennes. Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 4, Art. N° 45005 - 10 p. DOI: 10.1051/cagri/2017032. ISSN: 1777-5949.

  34. Ezzat D.;, Closas A., Molle F., 2017: Under the radar: Dynamics of groundwater use in the Nile delta. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 1621-1631.

  35. Faysse N., Ben Mustapha A., 2017: Finding common ground between theories of collective action: the potential of analyses at a meso-scale. International Journal of the Commons, 11, 2, 928-949. DOI: 10.18352/ijc.776. ISSN: 1875-0281.

  36. Faysse N., Rais I., Ait El Mekki A., Jourdain D., 2017: Prospects for a certified mint supply chain in Morocco based on an assessment of consumers' willingness to pay. New Medit, 16, 2, 47-54. ISSN: 1594-5685.,229,229,2017,167,1102,prospects-for-a-certified-mint-supply-chain-in-morocco-based-on-an-assessment-of-consumers%E2%80%99-willingness-to-pay-.htm.

  37. Faysse N., Sellika I.E., Rinaudo J.D., Errahj M., 2017: Participatory scenario planning for sustainable irrigated agriculture when actors seldom communicate: An experiment in Morocco. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 20 p. 10.1080/07900627.2017.1322500. ISSN: 0790-0627.

  38. Ferchichi I., Marlet S., Zairi A., 2017: How Farmers Deal with Water Scarcity in Community-Managed Irrigation SYSTEMS: A Case Study in Northern Tunisia. Irrigation and Drainage, 66, 4, 556-566. DOI: 10.1002/ird.2135. ISSN: 1531-0353.

  39. Gejadze I., Malaterre P.O., 2017: Discharge estimation under uncertainty using variational methods with application to the full Saint-Venant hydraulic network model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 83, 5, 405-430.

  40. Gejadze I., Oubanas H., Shutyaev V., 2017: Implicit treatment of model error using inflated observation-error covariance. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 707, 2496-2508.

  41. Ghavidel M., Kouchakzadeh S., Bijankhan M., Belaud G., 2017: Discussion of "Numerical Modeling of Submerged Hydraulic Jump from a Sluice Gate" by Veysel Gumus, Oguz Simsek, Nazire Goksu Soydan, Mevlut Sami Akoz, and Mehmet Salih Kirkgoz. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 143, 4, 3 p. DOI: 10.1061/(asce)ir.1943-4774.0001129. ISSN: 0733-9437. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000398515100002.

  42. Guérin-Schneider L., Tsanga Tabi M., 2017: L'Analyse du Cycle de Vie : nouvel outil d'évaluation environnementale à l'appui des politiques publiques locales : Quelle appropriation de l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie par les services d'assainissement ? Gestion & Management Public, 5, 4, 61-83.

  43. Hamamouche M.F., Kuper M., Hartani T., Bouarfa S., 2017: Overlapping groundwater service markets in a palm grove in the Algerian Sahara. Irrigation and Drainage, 13 p.

  44. Hamamouche M.F., Kuper M., Riaux J., Leduc C., 2017: Conjunctive use of surface and ground water resources in a community-managed irrigation system - the case of the Sidi Okba palm grove in the Algerian Sahara. Agricultural Water Management, 193, 116-130.

  45. Hertzog T., Poussin J.C., Tangara B., Jamin J.Y., 2017: Participatory foresight to address long-term issues in a large irrigation scheme. An example in Office du Niger, Mali. Land Use Policy, 64, 13-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.01.043. ISSN: 0264-8377.

  46. Honari M., Ashrafzadeh A., Khaledian M., Vazifedoust M., Mailhol J.C., 2017: Comparison of HYDRUS-3D soil moisture simulations of subsurface drip irrigation with experimental observations in the South of France. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE, 143, 7, 8 p.

  47. Huang X., Faysse N., Ren X., 2017: A multi-stakeholder platform involving a mining company and neighbouring villages in China: Back to development issues. Resources Policy, 51, 243-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2017.01.005. ISSN: 0301-4207.

  48. Idda S., Bonté B., Mansour H., Bellal S.-A., Kuper M., 2017: Historical monument or living system? Integrating pumped groundwater in the foggaras of the oases of the Touat, Algeria - Monument historique ou système bien vivant ? Les foggaras des oasis du Touat (Algérie) et leur réalimentation en eau par pompage. Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 5, Art. N° 55007, 9 p.

  49. Jourdain D., Vivithkeyoonvong S., 2017: Valuation of ecosystem services provided by irrigated rice agriculture in Thailand: a choice experiment considering attribute nonattendance. Agricultural Economics, 48, 5, 655-667. ISSN: 0169-5150.

  50. Kpadonou R., Owiyo T., Barbier B., Denton F., Kiema A., 2017: Advancing climate-smart-agriculture in developing drylands: joint analysis of the adoption of multiple on-farm soil and water conservation technologies in West African Sahel. Land Use Policy, 61, 196–207.

  51. Kuper M., Amichi H., Mayaux P.L., 2017: Groundwater use in North Africa as a cautionary tale for climate change adaptation. Water International, 42, 6, 725-740. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2017.1351058.

  52. Kuper M., Leduc C., Massuel S., Bouarfa S., 2017: Topical Collection: groundwater-based agriculture in the Mediterranean. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1525-1528. doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1598-9.

  53. Lagacherie P., Álvaro-Fuentes J., Annabi M., Bernoux M., Bouarfa S., Douaoui A., Grünberger O., Hammani A., Montanarella L., Mrabet R., Sabir M., Raclot D., 2017: Managing Mediterranean soil resources under global change: expected trends and mitigation strategies. Regional Environmental Change, 10.1007/s10113-017-1239-9. 1436-378X.

  54. Leauthaud C., Cappelaere B., Demarty J., Guichard F., Velluet C., Kergoat L., Vischel T., Grippa M., Mouhaimouni M., Bouzou Moussa I., Mainassara I., Sultan B., 2017: A 60-year reconstructed high-resolution local meteorological data set in Central Sahel (1950–2009): evaluation, analysis and application to land surface modelling. International Journal of climatology, 37, 5, 2699-2718. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4874. ISSN: 0899-8418.

  55. Leduc C., Pulido-Bosch A., Remini B., 2017: Anthropization of groundwater resources in the Mediterranean region: processes and challenges. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1529-1547. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1572-6. ISSN: 1431-2174.

  56. Lejars C., Daoudi A., Amichi H., 2017: The key role of supply chain actors in groundwater irrigation development in North Africa. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1593–1606. DOI 10.1007/s10040-017-1571-7.

  57. Masson J., Lejars C., Fusillier J.L., Auzoux S., Poser C., 2017: Assessing economic and environmental benefits of dedicated energy cane using a simulation tool: ReefCane (R). Sugar Industry-Zuckerindustrie, 142, 5, 270-276. 0344-8657.

  58. Massuel S., Amichi F., Ameur F., Calvez R., Jenhaoui Z., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., Habaieb H., Hartani T., Hammani A., 2017: Considering groundwater use to improve the assessment of groundwater pumping for irrigation in North Africa. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1565-1577. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1573-5.

  59. Massuel S., Riaux J., 2017: Groundwater overexploitation: why is the red flag waved? Case study on the Kairouan plain aquifer (central Tunisia). Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1607-1620. doi:doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1568-2.

  60. Mekki I.;, Ghazouani W.;, Closas A., Molle F., 2017: Groundwater degradation in the Haouaria region in Tunisia: drivers and perceptions of change. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 5, 101-110.

  61. Mohamed A.S., Leduc C., Marlin C., Wagué O., Sidi Cheikh M.A., 2017: Impacts of climate change and anthropization on groundwater resources in the Nouakchott urban area (coastal Mauritania). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 349, 6-7, 280-289. DOI: 10.1016/j.crte.2017.09.011. ISSN: 1631-0713.

  62. Molle F., Tanouti O., 2017: Squaring the circle: impacts of irrigation intensification on water resources in Morocco. Agricultural Water Management, 192, 170-179.

  63. Nilsalab P., Gheewala S.H., Mungkung R., Perret S.R., Silalertruksa T., Bonnet S., 2017: Water demand and stress from oil palm-based biodiesel production in Thailand. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22, 11, 1666-1677. DOI: 10.1007/s11367-016-1213-7. ISSN: 0948-3349.

  64. Oates N., Hisberg A., Rodríguez Ros J., Solomon H., Ludi E., Marlet S., Jamin J.Y., 2017: The implications of state intervention for self-governed irrigation schemes: Insights from Tigray, Ethiopia. Irrigation and Drainage, 12 p.

  65. Ould Rebai A., Hartani T., Chabaca Mohamed N., Kuper M., 2017: Une innovation incrémentielle : la conception et la diffusion d'un pivot d'irrigation artisanal dans le Souf (Sahara algérien). Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 3, e35005 (9 p.). DOI:

  66. Pariyapat Nilsalab, Shabbir H. Gheewala, Rattanawan Mungkung, Perret Sylvain R., Thapat Silalertruksa, Bonnet Sébastien, 2017: Water demand and stress from oil palm-based biodiesel production in Thailand. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22, 11, 1666-1677. DOI 10.1007/s11367-016-1213-7. ISSN 0948-3349.

  67. Paturel J.E., Mahe G., P. Diello, Barbier B., Dezetter A., Dieulin C., Karambiri H., Yacouba H., Maiga A., 2017: Using land cover changes and demographic data to improve hydrological modelling in the Sahel: Improving hydrological modelling in the Sahel. Hydrological Processes, 31, 4, 811-824. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11057. ISSN: 0885-6087.

  68. Petit O., Kuper M., López-Gunn E., Rinaudo J.D., Daoudi A., Lejars C., 2017: Can Agricultural Groundwater Economies collapse? An Inquiry into the Pathways of four Groundwater Economies Under Threat. Hydrogeology Journal, 25, 6, 1549-1564. DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1567-3. ISSN: 1431-2174.

  69. Pinto M.F., Molle B., Alves D.G., Ait-Mouheb N., de Camargo A.P., Frizzone A., 2017: Flow rate dynamics of pressure-compensating drippers under clogging effect. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 21, 5, 304-309. ISSN: 1807-1929.

  70. Pouget J.C., Proaño D., Vera A., Villacis M., Condom T., Escobar M., Le Goulven P., Calvez R., 2017: Glacio-hydrological modelling and water resources management in the Ecuadorian Andes: the example of Quito - Modélisation glacio-hydrologique et gestion des ressources en eau dans les Andes équatoriennes : l’exemple de Quito. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques, 62, 3, 431-446. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2015.1131988. ISSN: 0262-6667.

  71. Qian C., Sasaki N., Jourdain D., Kim S.M., Shivakoti P.G., 2017: Local livelihood under different governances of tourism development in China - A case study of Huangshan mountain area. Tourism Management, 61, 221-233. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman2017.01.006. ISSN: 0261-5177.

  72. Raso L., Malaterre P.O., Bader J.C., 2017: Effective streamflow process modeling for optimal reservoir operation using stochastic dual dynamic programming. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143, 4,

  73. ISSN (print): 0733-9496 | ISSN (online): 1943-5452.

  74. Raso L., Malaterre P.O., 2017: Combining short-term and long-term reservoir operation using infinite horizon model predictive control. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE, 143, 3, 7 p.

  75. Rebai A.O., Hartani T., Chabaca M.N., Kuper M., 2017: An incremental innovation: design and diffusion of an artisanal center pivot for irrigation in the Souf (Algerian Sahara). Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 3, Art. N° 35005. DOI: 10.1051/cagri/2017024. ISSN: 1777-5949. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000412159800004.

  76. Riaux J., Massuel S., Venot J.P., 2017: Retour réflexif sur une expérience interdisciplinaire exploratoire : l’atelier « Interdisciplinarité autour des petits barrages », Montpellier, décembre 2015. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 25, 2, 163-171. DOI : 10.1051/nss/2017026.

  77. Richert C., Boschetti F., Walker I., Price J., Grigg N., 2017: Testing the consistency between goals and policies for sustainable development: mental models of how the world works today are inconsistent with mental models of how the world will work in the future. Sustainability science, 12, 1, 45-64. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-016-0384-2. ISSN: 1862-4065.

  78. Richert C., Erdlenbruch K., Figuières C., 2017: The determinants of households' flood mitigation decisions in France - on the possibility of feedback effects from past investments. Ecological Economics, 131, 342-352. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.014. ISSN: 0921-8009.

  79. Rizk N., Ait-Mouheb N., Bourrié G., Molle B., Roche N., 2017: Parameters controlling chemical deposits in micro-irrigation with treated wastewater. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua, 66, 8, 587-597.

  80. Rouviere E., Royer A., 2017: Public Private Partnerships in Food Industries: a Road to success? Food Policy, 69, 135–144. DOI : 10.1016/j.foodpol.2017.04.003. ISSN: 0306-9192.

  81. Sabri A., Bouaziz A., Hammani A., Kuper M., Douaik A., Badraoui M., 2017: Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on growth and development of leaf date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

  82.  - Effet de l'irrigation déficitaire contrôlée sur la croissance et le développement foliaire du palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Cahiers Agricultures, 26, 5, Art. N° 55005. DOI: 10.1051/cagri/2017033. ISSN: 1777-5949.

  83. Sameut M.K., Hartani T., Mailhol J.C., Douaoui A., 2017: Modeling soil water reserves and biomass in a semiarid, drip irrigated artichoke plot using PILOTE. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72, 2, 150-157.

  84. Sanfo S., Barbier B., Dabire W.I.P, Vleck L.G.P., William M.F., Boubacar I., Boubacar B., 2017: Rainfall Variability Adaptation Strategies:  An Ex-Ante Assessment of Supplemental Irrigation from Farm Ponds in Southern Burkina Faso. Agricultural Systems, 152, 80-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2016.12.011. ISSN: 0308-521X.

  85. Sanfo S., Barbier B., Zangre A., 2017: Horticultural Production in Burkina Faso: A comprehensive socio economic analysis. Irrigation and Drainage, 66, 5, 828-841. DOI: 10.1002/ird.2158. ISSN: 1531-0353.

  86. Shen H., Leblanc M., Frappart F., Seoane L., O’Grady D., Tweed S., 2017: A comparative study of GRACE with continental evapotranspiration estimates in Australian semi-arid and arid basins. Water, 9, 9, 614. DOI: 10.3390/w9090614. ISSN: 2073-4441.

  87. Shutyaev V., Gejadze I., Vidard A., Le Dimet F. X., 2017: Optimal solution error quantification in variational data assimilation involving imperfect models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 83, 3, 276-290.

  88. Smajgl A., Barreteau O., 2017: Framing options for characterising and parameterising human agents in empirical ABM. Environmental Modelling & Software, 93, 29-41.

  89. Somé T.E., Mbaye A.A., Barbier B., 2017: Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in Agriculture: Trade-off or Win-Win Situation for Small Farmers in the Sudanian Area of Burkina Faso? African Development Review, 29, S2, 163-178. doi_10.1111_1467-8268.12270. ISSN: 1017-6772.

  90. Tabbagh A., Cheviron B., Henine H., Guérin R., Bechkit M., 2017: Numerical determination of vertical water flux based on soil temperature profiles. Advances in Water Resources, 105, 217-226.

  91. Techamahasaranont J., Shresth S., Babel M.S., Shrestha R.P., Jourdain D., 2017: Spatial and temporal variation in the trends of hydrological response of forested watersheds in Thailand. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76, 12, e430 (18 p.). DOI: 10.1007/s12665-017-6764-9. ISSN: 1866-6280.

  92. Vallet-Coulomb C., Seraphin P., Goncalves J., Radakovitch O., Cognard-Plancq A.L., Crespy A., Babic M., Charron F., 2017: Irrigation return flows in a mediterranean aquifer inferred from combined chloride and stable isotopes mass balances. Applied Geochemistry, 86, 92-104. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.10.001. ISSN: 0883-2927. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000415633500009.

  93. van der Kooij S., Kuper M., Zwarteveen M.Z., de Fraiture C.M.S., 2017: A user-centred approach to irrigation performance: drip irrigation in the Khrichfa area, Morocco. Water International, 42, 7, 794-809. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2017.1373319. ISSN: 0250-8060.

  94. Vinatier F., Bailly J.S., Belaud G., 2017: From 3D grassy vegetation point cloud to hydraulic resistance grassy vegetation point cloud to hydraulic resistance: Application to close-range estimation of Manning coefficients for intermittent open channels. Ecohydrology, 10, 8, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1885. ISSN: 1936-0584.

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ACL 2016

  1. Alba R., Bolding A., Ducrot R., 2016: The politics of water payments and stakeholder participation in Limpopo river basin, Mozambique. Water Alternatives, 9, 3, 569-587.

  2. Al-Naber M., Molle F., 2016: The politics of accessing desert land in Jordan. Land Use Policy, 59, 492-503.

  3. Alvarez M.E., Di Marco S., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., 2016: A MIXED CONTROL PROBLEM OF THE MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Natural Resource Modeling, 29, 3, 353-373. DOI: 10.1111/nrm.12085. ISSN: 0890-8575. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000380914800002.

  4. Amichi H., Jamin J.Y., Morardet S., Gharbi I., Azizi A., Faidani F., Ghileb M., Marlet S., Elloumi M., 2016: The role of indirect farming in the generational renewal of farmers in irrigated agriculture in Tunisia - Le rôle du faire-valoir indirect dans le renouvellement générationnel des agriculteurs irrigants en Tunisie. Cahiers Agricultures, 25, 3, e35004 (7 p.).

  5. Andriyani I., Jourdain D., Lidon B., Soni P., Kartiwa B., 2016: Upland Farming System Erosion Yields and Their Constraints to Change for Sustainable Agricultural Conservation Practices: A Case Study of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change in Indonesia. Land Degradation & Development, 28, 2, 421-430. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2598. ISSN: 1085-3278.

  6. Barakat M., Cheviron B., Angulo-Jaramillo R., 2016: Influence of the irrigation technique and strategies on the nitrogen cycle and budget: A review. Agricultural Water Management, 178, 225-238.

  7. Barone S., Dedieu C., Guérin-Schneider L., 2016: La suppression de l’ingénierie publique de l’Etat dans le domaine de l’eau : les effets paradoxaux d’une réforme néo-managériale. Politiques et Management Public, 33, 1, 49-67.

  8. Barone S., 2016: Building a Narrative on Environmental Policy Success. Reflections From a Watershed Management Experience. Critical Policy Studies, 10, 3, Print ISSN: 1946-0171 - Online ISSN: 1946-018X.

  9. Barreteau O., Giband D., Schoon M., Cerceau J., DeClerck F., Ghiotti S., James T., Masterson V.A., Mathevet R., Rode S., Ricci  F., Therville C., 2016: Bringing together social-ecological system and territoire concepts to explore nature-society dynamics. Ecology and Society, 21, 4, DOI: 10.5751/ES-08834-210442.

  10. Baudron P., Sprenger C., Lorenzen G., Ronghang M., 2016: Hydrogeochemical and isotopic insights into mineralization processes and groundwater recharge from an intermittent monsoon channel to an overexploited aquifer in eastern Haryana (India). Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 5, 434. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4911-8. ISSN: 1866-6299.

  11. Ben Mustapha A., Faysse N., Marlet S., Jamin J.Y., 2016: Une action collective analysée par ses acteurs : une association d'irrigants en Tunisie. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 23, 4, 356-366. ISSN : 1240-1307.

  12. Benouniche M., Errahj M., Kuper M., 2016: The seductive power of an innovation: Enrolling non-conventional actors in a drip irrigation community in Morocco. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22, 1, 61-79. 10.1080/1389224x.2014.977307. 1389-224X.

  13. Boubakar Hassane A., Leduc  C., Favreau G., Bekins B. A., Margueron T., 2016: Impacts of a large Sahelian city on groundwater hydrodynamics and quality: example of Niamey (Niger). Hydrogeology Journal, 24, 2, 407-423.

  14. Bounoua S., Tomas S., Labille J., Molle B., Granier J., Haldenwang P., Nuur Izzati S., 2016: Understanding physical clogging in drip irrigation : in situ, in lab and numerical approaches. Irrigation Science, 34, 327-342.

  15. Bourblanc M., 2016: Définir des indicateurs en milieu controversé: Retour sur l'expertise scientifique "Algues vertes" en France. VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 16, 2. Article publié dans le numéro spécial intitulé "La trajectoire socio-politique des indicateurs écologiques", coordonné par Gabrielle Bouleau, DOI : 10.4000/vertigo.17601.

  16. Bousquet F., Botta A., Alinovi L., Barreteau O., Bossio D., Brown K., Caron P., D'Errico M., De Clerck F., Dessard H., Enfors Kautsky E., Fabricius C., Folke C., Fortmann L., Hubert B., Magda D., Mathevet R., Norgaard R.B. , Quinlan A., Staver C., 2016: Resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation. Ecology and Society, 21, 3, 40. URL:

  17. Brown K.L., Gejadze I., Ramage A., 2016: A multilevel approach for computing the limited-memory Hessian and its inverse in variational data assimilation. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38, 5, A2934-A2963. ISSN (print): 1064-8275.

  18. Cauvy-Fraunie S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Calvez R., Jacobsen D., Dangles O., 2016: Ecological responses to experimental glacier-runoff reduction in alpine rivers. Nature Communications, 7, 10.1038/ncomms12025. 2041-1723. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000379091500001.

  19. Cheviron B., Moussa R., 2016: Determinants of modelling choices for 1-D free-surface flow and morphodynamics in hydrology and hydraulics: a review. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, doi:10.5194/hess-20-1-2016.

  20. Cheviron B., Vervoort R.W., Albasha R., Dairon R., Le Priol C., Mailhol J.C., 2016: A framework to use crop models for multi-objective constrained optimization of irrigation strategies. Environmental Modelling & Software, 86, 145-157.

  21. Chouikri I., el Mandour A., Jaffal M., Baudron P., García-Aróstegui J.L., Manar A., Casas A., 2016: Gravimetry contributions to the study of the complex western Haouz aquifer (Morocco): Structural and hydrogeological implications. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 115, 234-245. 1464-343X.

  22. Communal T., Faysse N., Bleuze S., Aceldo B., 2016: Effects at Farm and Community Level of the Adoption of Sprinkler Irrigation in the Ecuadorian Andes. Irrigation and Drainage, 65, 4, 559-567.

  23. Daoudi A., Lejars C., 2016: From oasis agriculture to saharan agriculture in the Ziban region. Actors of dynamism and factors of uncertainty - De l'agriculture oasienne à l'agriculture saharienne dans la région des Zibans en Algérie. Acteurs du dynamisme et facteurs d'incertitude. New Medit, 2, 45-52.

  24. Dedieu C., 2016: André-Jean Arnaud : La gouvernance. Un outil de participation, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, L.G.D.J. &#8211; Lextenso éditions, Droit et Société « Les Petits Manuels », 2015. Pôle Sud : Revue de Science Politique de l'Europe Méridionale, 44, 3. 1262-1676.

  25. Dinar A., Correa J.O., Farolfi S., Mutondo J., 2016: Quantifying the process and performance of river basin water management decentralisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Economies, 25, 2, 267-299. 10.1093/jae/ejv023. 0963-8024.

  26. Dorchies D., Thirel G., Perrin C., Bader J.C., Thepot R., Rizzoli J.L., Jost C., Demerliac S., 2016: Climate change impacts on water resources and reservoirs management in the Seine river basin (France). La Houille Blanche, 5, 32-37.

  27. El Hajj M., Baghdadi N., Cheviron B., Belaud G., Zribi M., 2016: Integration of remote sensing derived parameters in crop models: Application to the PILOTE model for hay production. Agricultural Water Management, 176, 67-79. 10.1016/j.agwat.2016.05.017. 0378-3774. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000384865500007.

  28. El Hajj M., Baghdadi N., Zribi M., Belaud G., Cheviron B., Courault D., Charron F., 2016: Soil moisture retrieval over irrigated grassland using X-band SAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 176, 202-218.

  29. El Mokaddem A., Morardet S., Lejars C., Doukkali R., Benchekroun F., 2016: Conception d'un paiement pour services environnementaux en pâturages collectifs. Une expérimentation des choix. Economie Rurale, 355, 67-89.

  30. Faysse N., Thomas L., 2016: Getting Technical: Farmers' New Strategies to Exercise Agency in Negotiating Development Projects in Morocco. Forum for Development Studies, 43, 2, 229-249. 10.1080/08039410.2015.1094509. 0803-9410. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000376267800003.

  31. Ficchí A., Raso L., Dorchies D., Pianosi F., Malaterre P.O., Van Overloop P.J., Jay-Allemand M., 2016: Optimal Operation of the Multireservoir System in the Seine River Basin Using Deterministic and Ensemble Forecasts. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142, 1, ISSN: 0733-9496.

  32. Gamri S., Soric A., Tomas S., Molle B., Roche N., 2016: Effects of pipe materials on biofouling under controlled hydrodynamic conditions. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 06, 1, 167-174.

  33. Garrido M., Cecchi P., Collos Y., Agostini, Goffart A., Marchand B., Pasqualini V., 2016: How to promote dinoflagellate dominance? Pernicious effects of eutrophication remediation measures on the phytoplankton communities of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 104, 1-2, 139-152.

  34. Gejadze I.Y., Malaterre P.O., 2016: Design of the control set in the framework of variational data assimilation. Journal of Computational Physics, 325, 358-379.

  35. Guérin-Schneider L., Mayaux P.L., Bourblanc M., Colon M., 2016: Y a-t-il un sens de l'histoire dans les services d'eau ? Un modèle post-évolutionniste. Politiques et Management Public, 33, 1, 5-25.

  36. Hassane A.B., Leduc C., Favreau G., Bekins B.A., Margueron T., 2016: Impacts of a large Sahelian city on groundwater hydrodynamics and quality: example of Niamey (Niger). Hydrogeology Journal, 24, 2, 407-423. 10.1007/s10040-015-1345-z. ISSN: 1431-2174. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000371083400012.

  37. Hassenforder E., Ducrot R., Ferrand N., Barreteau O., Daniell K.A., Pittock J., 2016: Four challenges in selecting and implementing methods to monitor and evaluate participatory processes: Example from the Rwenzori region, Uganda. Journal of Environmental Management, 180, 504-516.

  38. Hodbod J., Barreteau O., Allen C., Magda D., 2016: Managing adaptively for multifonctionality in agricultural Systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 183, 379-388.

  39. Kheereemangkla Y., Shrestha R.P., Shrestha S., Jourdain D., 2016: Modeling hydrologic responses to land management scenarios for the Chi River Sub-basin Part II, Northeast Thailand. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 1-16. ISSN: 1866-6280 (Print), 1866-6299 (Online)

  40. Koech R., Pires de Camargo A., Molle B., Saretta E., Frizzone J.A., Benhu G., Pezzaniti D., 2016: Intercomparison testing and evaluation of sprinklers within the INITL. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE, 142, 2, 04015048-1-04015048-8.

  41. Loubet P., Roux P., Guerin Schneider L., Bellon Maurel V., 2016: Life cycle assessment of forecasting scenarios for urban water management: a first implementation of the WaLA model on Paris suburban area. Water Research, 90, 128-140.

  42. Mapedza E., Van Koppen B., Sithole P., Bourblanc M., 2016: Joint venture schemes in Limpopo Province and their outcomes on smallholder farmers livelihoods. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 92, 92-98.

  43. Méndez-Barrientos L.E.;, Kemerink J.S.;, Wester P.;, Molle F., 2016: Circumventing water reform: Strategies of commercial farmers to maintain control over water resources in rural South Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 14 p.

  44. Molle B., Tomas S., Huet L., Audouard M., Olivier Y., Granier J.,  () : 04016031, 2016: Experimental approach to assess aerosol dispersion in the perspective of treated wastewater reuse in sprinkler irrigation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE, 142, 9, ISSN (print): 0733-9437 - ISSN (online): 1943-4774.

  45. Montade V., Diogo I.J.S., Bremond L., Favier C., da Costa I.R., Ledru M.P., Paradis L., Martins Espr., Burte J., Silva Fhme, Verola C.F., 2016: Pollen-based characterization of montane forest types in north-eastern Brazil. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 234, 147-158. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.07.003. 0034-6667. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000387526600011.

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  47. Ogilvie A., Belaud G., Massuel S., Mulligan M., Le Goulven P., Calvez R., 2016: Assessing Floods and Droughts in Ungauged Small Reservoirs with Long-Term Landsat Imagery. Geosciences, 6, 4, 42. DOI:10.3390/geosciences6040042.

  48. Ogilvie A., Le Goulven P., Leduc C., Mulligan M., Calvez R., 2016: Réponse hydrologique d’un bassin semi aride aux événements pluviométriques et aménagements de versant (bassin du Merguellil, Tunisie centrale). Journal des sciences hydrologiques, 61, 2, 441-453. DOI:10.1080/02626667.2014.934249.

  49. Paget N., Daniell K.A., Rubio Zuazo A., Barreteau O., 2016: Environmental information sharing: a means to support the legitimization of oyster farmers’ stewardship over water quality management in NSW, Australia. Natural Resources Forum, 40, 21-36.

  50. Payen S., Basset-Mens C., Núñez M., Follain S., Grünberger O., Marlet S., Perret S., Roux P., 2016: Salinisation impacts in life cycle assessment: a review of challenges and options towards their consistent integration. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21, 4, 577-594.

  51. Richard-Ferroudji A., Faysse N., Bouzidi Z., Menon R., Rinaudo J.D., 2016: The DIALAQ project on sustainable groundwater management: a transdisciplinary and transcultural approach to participatory foresight. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 20, 56–60.

  52. Rouviere E., 2016: Small is beautiful: firm size, prevention and food safety. Food Policy, 63, 12-22.

  53. Sakprachawut S., Jourdain D., 2016: Land titles and formal credit in Thailand. Agricultural Finance Review, 76, 270-287. ISSN: 0002-1466.

  54. Sandra P., Basset Mens C., Núñez M., Follain S., Grünberger O., Marlet S., Perret S., Roux P., 2016: Salinisation impacts in life cycle assessment: a review of challenges and options towards their consistent integration. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 21, 4, 577-594.

  55. Shutyaev V., Vidard A., Le Dimet F.X., Gejadze I., 2016: On model error in variational data assimilation. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 31, 2, 105-113. DOI : 10.1515/rnam-2016-0011.

  56. Sraïri M.T., Benjelloun R., Karrou M., Ates S., Kuper M., 2016: Biophysical and economic water productivity of dual-purpose cattle farming. Animal (Cambridge), 10, 2, 283-291. DOI : 10.1017/s1751731115002360. 1751-7311.

  57. Stevenin C., Tomas S., Vallet A., Amielh M., Anselmet F., 2016: Flow characteristics of a large-size pressureatomized spray using DTV. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 84, 264-278.

  58. Stevenin C., Vallet A., Tomas S., Amielh M., Anselmet F., 2016: Eulerian atomization modeling of a pressure-atomized spray for sprinkler irrigation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 57, 142-149.

  59. Timsina K.P., Jourdain D., Shivakoti G., 2016: Farmer preference for seed quality: A choice experiment with tomato growers in Nepal. International Journal of Value Chain Management, DOI: 10.1504/IJVCM.2016.10001342.

  60. Tukaew S., Datta A., Shivakoti G.P., Jourdain D., 2016: Production Practices Influenced Yield and Commercial Cane Sugar Level of Contract Sugarcane Farmers in Thailand. Sugar Tech, 18, 3, 299-308.

  61. Tweed S., Leblanc M., Bass A., Harrington G.A., Munksgaard N., Bird M.I., 2016: Leaky savannas: The significance of lateral carbon fluxes in the seasonal tropics. Hydrological Processes, 30, 6, 873-887.

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  63. Ullah A., Perret S.R., Gheewala S.H., Soni P., 2016: Eco-efficiency of cotton-cropping systems in Pakistan: an integrated approach of life cycle assessment and data envelopment analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134, (2016; Part B), 623-632.

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  65. Vivithkeyoonvong S., Jourdain D., 2016: Willingness to pay for ecosystem services provided by irrigated agriculture in Northeast Thailand,. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13, 1, 14-26. DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2016.1242093. ISSN: 2151-3732.

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ACL 2015

  1. Abdellaoui E.H., Kadiri Z., Kuper M., Quarouch H., 2015: Compromising with the State: young graduates engaging in farming projects in Morocco's Sefrou region - Composer avec l'État : voies d'engagement des jeunes diplômés dans l'agriculture au Maroc. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 356-362. 10.1684/agr.2015.0792. 1166-7699.

  2. Adamczewski-Hertzog A., Hertzog T., Jamin J.Y., Tonneau J.P., 2015: Competition for irrigated land: Inequitable land management in the Office du Niger (Mali). International Journal of Sustainable Development, 18, 3, 161-179. 10.1504/ijsd.2015.070237. 0960-1406.

  3. Alazard M., Leduc C., Travi Y., Boulet G., Ben Salem A., 2015: Estimating evaporation in semi-arid areas facing data scarcity: Example of the El Haouareb dam (Merguellil catchment, Central Tunisia). Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 3, 265-284

  4. Albasha R., Mailhol J. C., Cheviron B., 2015: Compensatory uptake functions in empirical macroscopic root water uptake models - Experimental and numerical analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 155, 22-39. 10.1016/j.agwat.2015.03.010.

  5. Ameur F., Quarouch H., Dionnet M., Lejars C., Kuper M., 2015: Designing a debate on the role of young farmers in a context of agrarian change in the Saiss (Morocco) - Outiller un débat sur le rôle des jeunes agriculteurs dans une agriculture en transition dans le Saïss (Maroc). Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 363-371. 10.1684/agr.2015.0786. 1166-7699.

  6. Amichi F., Bouarfa S., Lejars C., Kuper M., Hartani T., Daoudi A., Amichi H., Belhamra M., 2015: Greenhouses and men: Farm holdings favouring territorial expansion and upward socio professional mobility on a Saharan pioneer front in Algeria - Des serres et des hommes : des exploitations motrices de l'expansion territoriale et de l'ascension socioprofessionnelle sur un front pionnier de l'agriculture saharienne en Algérie. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 1, 11-19. 10.1684/agr.2015.0736. 1166-7699.

  7. Amichi H., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., 2015: Arrangements informels et types d'agriculture sur les terres publiques en Algérie : quels arbitrages ? Tiers Monde, 221, 47-68. 10.3917/rtm.221.0047. 1293-8882.

  8. Amichi H., Kadiri Z., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., 2015: A generation looking for opportunities and recognition: young rural people and their pathways into irrigated agriculture in North Africa - Une génération en quête d'opportunités et de reconnaissance : les jeunes ruraux et leurs trajectoires innovantes dans l'agriculture irriguée au Maghreb. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 323-329. 10.1684/agr.2015.0791. ISBN: 1166-7699.

  9. Auvet B., Lidon B., Kartiwa B., Le Bissonnais Y., Poussin J.C., 2015: Modeling runoff and erosion risk in a small steep cultivated watershed using different data sources: from on-site measurements to farmers' perceptions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12, 9701-9740.

  10. Barone S., 2015: Le développement durable. Une nouvelle affaire d’Etat (Pierre Lascoumes et al.) », compte-rendu de lecture. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 23, 195-197.

  11. Baudron P., Cockenpot S., Lopez-Castejon F., Radakovitch O., Gilabert J., Mayer A., Garcia-Arostegui J.L., Martinez-Vicente D., Leduc C., Claude C., 2015: Combining radon, short-lived radium isotopes and hydrodynamic modeling to assess submarine groundwater discharge from an anthropized semiarid watershed to a Mediterranean lagoon (Mar Menor, SE Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 525, 55-71. ISBN: 0022-1694.

  12. Baudron P., Cockenpot S., Lopez-Castejon F., Radakovitch O., Gilabert J., Mayer A., Garcia-Arostegui J.L., Martinez-Vicente D., Leduc C., Claude C., 2015: Combining radon, short-lived radium isotopes and hydrodynamic modeling to assess submarine groundwater discharge from an anthropized semiarid watershed to a Mediterranean lagoon (Mar Menor, SE Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 525, 55-71. 0022-1694.

  13. Bijankhan M., Kouchakzadeh S., 2015: Free Hydraulic Jump Due to Parallel Jets. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 141, 2, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000797.

  14. Bijankhan M., Kouchakzadeh S., 2015: The hydraulics of parallel sluice gates under low flow delivery condition. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 41, 140–148.

  15. Bourblanc M., 2015: The South African ‘Ecological Reserve’, A Travelling Concept. Politikon, 42, 2, 275-292.

  16. Bouzidi Z., Kuper M., Faysse N., Billaud J.P., 2015: Mobilizing technical and social resources to set up in rural areas: strategies of rural youth in Morocco - Mobiliser des ressources techniques et sociales pour s'installer : stratégies des jeunes ruraux au Maroc. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 420-427. 10.1684/agr.2015.0781. 1166-7699.

  17. Carlson C., Barreteau O., Kirshen P., Foltz K., 2015: Storm Water Management as a Public Good Provision Problem: Survey to Understand Perspectives of Low-Impact Development for Urban Storm Water Management Practices under Climate Change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141, 6, 10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000476. 0733-9496. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000354556600003.

  18. Cassan L., Belaud G., Baume J.P., Dejean C., Moulin F., 2015: Velocity profiles in a real vegetated channel. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 15, 6, 1263-1279.

  19. Cheylan J.P., Riaux J., 2015: Sortir de son lit ! Les notions d’aléa et de risque vues du Haut Atlas : pratiques, savoirs et savoir-faire. VertigO - La revue en sciences de l'environnement,

  20. Collard A.L., Riaux J., Massuel S., Raïssi M., Burte J., 2015: "Why shouldn't we be like the farmers on the plain?'' Aspirations and limits of a fastgrowing small- holder agriculture in Central Tunisia - "Et si on faisait comme ceux de la plaine ?" Aspirations et limites d'une petite agriculture dynamique en Tunisie centrale. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 335-341. 10.1684/agr.2015.0779. 1166-7699.

  21. Colon M., Guerin-Schneider L., 2015: The reform of New Public Management and the creation of public values: compatible processes ? International Review of Administrative Sciences, 81, 2, 264-281.

  22. Doukkali R., Lejars C., 2015: Energy cost of irrigation policy in Morocco: a social accounting matrix assessment. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 31, 3, 422-435. 10.1080/07900627.2015.1036966. 0790-0627.

  23. Ducrot R., van Paassen A., Barban V., Daré W., Gramaglia C., 2015: Learning integrative negotiation to manage complex environmental issues: example of a gaming approach in the peri-urban catchment of São Paulo, Brazil. Regional Environmental Change, 15, 1, 67-78.

  24. Faysse N., Bouzekraoui M., Errahj M., 2015: Participation et amélioration des compétences dans des groupes restreints. Cas de coopératives féminines au Maroc. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 9, 3, 351-369. 10.3917/rac.028.0351. 1760-5393.

  25. Faysse N., El Mkadmi S., Errahj M., 2015: Capacités d'action des agriculteurs dans les projets locaux de développement agricole au Maroc. Revue Tiers Monde, 4, 224, 143-162. 0040-7356.

  26. Faysse N., Simon C., 2015: Holding all the cards? Quality management by cooperatives in a moroccan dairy value chain. European Journal of Development Research, 27, 140-155. DOI : 10.1057/ejdr.2014.23. 0957-8811.

  27. Faysse N., Thomas L., 2015 (Online): Getting Technical: Farmers' New Strategies to Exercise Agency in Negotiating Development Projects in Morocco. Forum for Development Studies, 21 p. DOI: 10.1080/08039410.2015.1094509. ISSN: 1891-1765 (Online).

  28. Ferry L., Mietton M., Renard A., Martin D., Barry M.A., Muther N., 2015: Plaine alluviale du Niger supérieur et mare de Baro (Guinée) - Fonctionnement hydrologique, gestion traditionnelle des ressources et perpectives après-barrage. Territoire en mouvement (TEM), 25-26 : "Gestions alternatives de la ressource en eau", 33 p. DOI : 10.4000/tem.2786.

  29. Figureau A.G., Montginoul M., Rinaudo J.D., 2015: Policy instruments for decentralized management of agricultural groundwater abstraction: A participatory evaluation. Ecological Economics, 119, 147-157.

  30. Fowe T., Karambiria H., Paturel J.E., Poussin J.C., Cecchi P., 2015: Water balance of small reservoirs in the Volta basin: A case studyof Boura reservoir in Burkina Faso. Agricultural Water Management, 152, 99-109.

  31. Gejadze I., Shutyaev V., 2015: On gauss-verifiability of optimal solutions in variational data assimilation problems with nonlinear dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 280, 439-456. DOI : 10.1016/

  32. Gonçalves F.M., Ribeiro R.S.F., Costa R.N.T., Burte J.D., 2015: A Management Analysis Tool for Emancipated and Public Irrigation Areas Using Neural Networks. Water Resources Management, 29, 7, 2393-2406.

  33. Guerrin J., 2015: A floodplain restoration project on the River Rhône (France): analyzing challenges to its implementation. Regional Environmental Change, 15, 3, 559-568.

  34. Gumiere S.J., Bailly J.S., Cheviron B., Raclot D., Bissonnais Y.L., Rousseau A.N., 2015: Evaluating the impact of the spatial distribution of land management practices on water erosion: Case study of a mediterranean catchment. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20, 6, art. no. C5014004.

  35. Hamamouche M.F., Kuper M., Lejars C., 2015: Emancipation des jeunes des oasis du Sahara algérien par le déverrouillage de l'accès à la terre et à l'eau. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 412-419. 10.1684/agr.2015.0777. 1166-7699.

  36. Hanafi S., Frija A., Jamin J.Y., Zairi A., Hamdane A., Mailhol J.C., 2015: Performance of small irrigated farms in Tunisia's lower medjerda valley. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 3, 170-176. 10.1684/agr.2015.0754.

  37. Hassenforder E., Barreteau O., Daniell K. A., Pittock J., Ferrand N.,, 2015: Drivers of environmental institutional dynamics in decentralized African countries. Environmental Management, 56, 6, 1428-1447.

  38. Hassenforder E., Ferrand N., Pittock J., Daniell K.A., Barreteau O., 2015: A Participatory Planning Process as an Arena for Facilitating Institutional Bricolage: Example from the Rwenzori Region, Uganda. Society and Natural Resources, 28, 9, 995-1012.

  39. Hassenforder E., Pittock J., Barreteau O., Daniell K.A., Ferrand N., 2015: The MEPPP Framework: A Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating Participatory Planning Processes. Environmental Management, 57, 1, 79-96. 10.1007/s00267-015-0599-5.

  40. Hassenforder E., Smajgl A., Ward J., 2015: Towards understanding participatory processes: Framework, application and results. Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 84-95.

  41. Hauswirth D., Pham T.S., Wery J., Tittonell P., Jourdain D., Affholder F., 2015: Exploiting farm typologies for designing conservation agriculture systems: A case study in northern Vietnam. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 2, 102-112

  42. Jarlan L., Khabba S., Er-Raki S., Le Page M., Hanich L., Fakir Y., Merlin O., Mangiarotti S., Gascoin S., Ezzahar J., Kharrou M. H., Berjamy B., Saaidi A., Boudhar A., Benkaddour A., Laftouhi N., Abaoui J., Tavernier A., Boulet G., Simonneaux V., Driouech F., El Adnani M., El Fazziki A., Amenzou N., Raibi F., El Mandour A., Ibouh H., Le Dantec V., Habets F., Tramblay Y., Mougenot B., Leblanc M., El Faiz M., Drapeau L., Coudert B., Hagolle O., Filali N., Belaqziz S., Marchane A., Szczypta C., Toumi J., Diarra A., Aouade G., Hajhouji Y., Nassah H., Bigeard G., Chirouze J., Boukhari K., Abourida A., Richard B., Fanise P., Kasbani M., Chakir A., Zribi M., Marah H., Naimi A., Mokssitg A., Kerr Y., Escadafal R., 2015: Remote Sensing of Water Resources in Semi-Arid Mediterranean Areas: the joint international laboratory TREMA. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36, 19-20, 4879-4917. 10.1080/01431161.2015.1093198. 0143-1161. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000364334500008.

  43. Kchouk S., Braiki H., Habaieb H., Burte J., 2015: Kairouan plain lowlands: from marginalized lands to experimental agriculture - Les bas-fonds de la plaine de Kairouan : de terres marginalisées à lieux d'expérimentation agricole. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 404-411. 10.1684/agr.2015.0790. 1166-7699.

  44. Kpadonou B.A., Barbier B., Wellens J., Sauret E., Zangré B.V.C. A., 2015: Water conflicts in tropical watersheds: hydroeconomic simulations of water sharing policies between upstream small private irrigators and downstream large public irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso. Water International, 40, 7, 1021-1039. 10.1080/02508060.2015.1086876. 0250-8060.

  45. Labbaci T., Dugué P., Kemoun H., Rollin D., 2015: Innovation and collective action: Direct seeding of rainfed crops in the middle Sebou region (Morocco). Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 2, 76-83.

  46. Leblanc M., Tweed S., Lyon B. J., Bailey J., Franklin C. E., Harrington G., Suckow A., 2015: On the hydrology of the bauxite oases, Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 528, 668-682. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.06.001.

  47. Lejars C., Courilleau S., 2015: Impact of agricultural groundwater use development on an irrigated sub-sector: The case of the onion in Sais (Morocco) - Impact du développement de l'accès à l'eau souterraine sur la dynamique d'une filière irriguée Le cas de l'oignon d'été dans le Saïs au Maroc. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 1, 1-10. 10.1684/agr.2014.0729. 1166-7699.

  48. Li H., Perret S.R., 2015: IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT REFORM IN NORTHERN CHINA: CASE STUDIES IN SHANXI PROVINCE. Irrigation and Drainage, 64, 2, 193-204. 10.1002/ird.1901. 1531-0353. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000352802700004.

  49. Luu N.Q., Affholder F., Montagne J., Jourdain D., Ripoche A., Capillon A., 2015: Sowing windows for a spring crop introduced in rice cultivation areas affected by low temperature and radiation. Experimental Agriculture, 51, 4, 540-566. 10.1017/s0014479714000465. 0014-4797.

  50. Mathias J.D., Bonte B., Cordonnier T., de Morogues F., 2015: Using the Viability Theory to Assess the Flexibility of Forest Managers Under Ecological Intensification. Environmental Management, 56, 5, 1170-1183. 10.1007/s00267-015-0555-4. 0364-152X. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000363718100012.

  51. Mohamed Z., Faysse N., Errahj M., Bekkari L., El Amrani M., 2015: Grid for analyzing projects concerning a collective shift to drip irrigation: application in Moroccan oases. Canadian Journal of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne D Etudes Du Developpement, 36, 4, 484-498. 10.1080/02255189.2015.1066665. 0225-5189. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000366678100004.

  52. Moreau C., Rinaudo J. D., Garin P., 2015: La justice sociale dans la construction du jugement d’acceptabilité. Analyse des réactions d’agriculteurs face à différentes règles de partage de l’eau souterraine. Economie Rurale, 346, 31-48.

  53. Mota Gonçalves F., Da Frota Ribeiro R.S., Tavora Costa R.N., Burte J., 2015: A management analysis tool for emancipated and public irrigation areas using neural networks. Water Resources Management, 29, 7, 2393-2406. 10.1007/s11269-015-0948-4. 0920-4741.

  54. Munier S., Polebistki A., Brown C., Belaud G., Lettenmaier D.P., 2015: SWOT data assimilation for operational reservoir management on the upper Niger River Basin. Water Resources Research, 51, 1, 554-575

  55. Munier S., Litrico X., Belaud G., Perrin C., 2015: Assimilation of Discharge Data into Semidistributed Catchment Models for Short-Term Flow Forecasting: Case Study of the Seine River Basin. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20, 5, 10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0001054. 1084-0699. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000353995400005.

  56. Naouri M., Hartani T., Kuper M., 2015: Mobility of rural youth and new forms of Saharan agriculture (Biskra, Algeria) - Mobilités des jeunes ruraux pour intégrer les nouvelles agricultures sahariennes (Biskra, Algérie). Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 379-386. 10.1684/agr.2015.0778. 1166-7699.

  57. Ogilvie A., Belaud G., Delenne C., Bailly J.S., Bader J.C., Oleksiak A., Ferry L., Martin D., 2015: Decadal monitoring of the Niger Inner Delta flood dynamics using MODIS optical data. Journal of Hydrology, 523, 368-383.

  58. Payen S., Basset-Mens C., Perret S., 2015: LCA of local and imported tomato: An energy and water trade-off. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87, 1, 139-148

  59. Poussin J.C., Renaudin L., Adogoba D., Sanon A., Tazen F., Dogbe W., Fusillier J.L., Barbier B., Cecchi P., 2015: Performance of small reservoir irrigated schemes in the Upper Volta basin: Case studies in Burkina Faso and Ghana. Water Resources and Rural Development, 6, 50-65.

  60. Pradeleix L., Roux P., Bouarfa S., Jaouani B., Lili-Chabaane Z., Bellon-Maurel V., 2015: Environmental Impacts of Contrasted Groundwater Pumping Systems Assessed by Life Cycle Assessment Methodology: Contribution to the Water-Energy Nexus Study Irrigation and Drainage, 64, 1, 124-138

  61. Quarouch H., Kuper M., Lejars C., 2015: Putting the language of institutions to good use: farming careers of young rural unemployed university graduates in Morocco's Saiss region - Recevoir la parole des institutions et la leur retourner : parcours agricoles de jeunes ruraux diplômés-chômeurs dans le Saïss – Maroc. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 6, 349-355. 10.1684/agr.2015.0782. 1166-7699.

  62. Quyen L.N., Affholder F., Montagne J., Jourdain D., Ripoche A., Capillon A., 2015: SOWING WINDOWS FOR A SPRING CROP INTRODUCED IN RICE CULTIVATION AREAS AFFECTED BY LOW TEMPERATURE AND RADIATION. Experimental Agriculture, 51, 4, 540-566. 10.1017/s0014479714000465. 0014-4797. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000365519500004.

  63. Racine Thiam D., Muchapondwa E., Kirsten J.F., Bourblanc M., 2015: Implications of water policy reforms for agricultural productivity in South Africa: Scenario analysis based on the Olifants river basin. Water Resources and Economics, 9, 60-75. 10.1016/j.wre.2014.11.001. 2212-4284.

  64. Riaux J., Nouri H., Giraldi M., 2015: Quand l’histoire orale s’invite dans la gestion de l’eau. L’espace irrigué de Kerma (Tunisie). Espaces et Sociétés, 160-161, 155-172.

  65. Richa A., Douaoui A., Bettahar N., Qiang Z., Mailhol J.C., 2015: ASSESSMENT AND MODELING THE INFLUENCE OF NITROGEN INPUT IN THE SOIL ON GROUNDWATER NITRATE POLLUTION: PLAIN OF UPPER-CHELIFF (NORTH ALGERIA). Global Nest Journal, 17, 4, 744-755. 1790-7632. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000373926000010.

  66. Rouchouse M., Faysse N., De Romemont A., Moumouni I., Faure G., 2015: Communication between Participants and Non-participants in Analytical Capacity Building Projects: Management Advice to Family Farms in Benin. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21, 4, 325-342. ISSN : 1389-224X.

  67. Saint-Geours N., Grelot F., Bailly J.S., Lavergne C., 2015: Ranking sources of uncertainty in flood damage modelling: a case study on the cost-benefit analysis of a flood mitigation project in the Orb Delta, France. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 8, 2, 161-176. 10.1111/jfr3.12068. 1753-318X. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000355246000006.

  68. Sapkota L.M., Shrestha R.P., Jourdain D., Shivakoti G.P., 2015: Factors affecting collective action for forest fire management: A comparative study of community forest user groups in Central Siwalik, Nepal. Environmental Management, 55, 1, 171-186. 10.1007/s00267-014-0404-x. 0364-152X.

  69. Seidel S.J., Schütze N., Fahle M., Mailhol J.C., Ruelle P. , 2015: Optimal Irrigation Scheduling, Irrigation Control and Drip Line Layout to Increase Water Productivity and Profit in Subsurface Drip-Irrigated Agriculture. Irrigation and Drainage, 64 4, 501-518.

  70. Shen H., Leblanc M., Tweed S., Liu W., 2015: Groundwater depletion in the Hai River Basin, China, from in situ and GRACE observations. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60, 4, 671-687.

  71. Soubeyran R., Tidball M., Tomini A., Erdlenbruch K., 2015: Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Conservation: When Endogenous Heterogeneity Matters. Environmental & Resource Economics, 62, 1, 19-34. 10.1007/s10640-014-9813-9. 0924-6460. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000359432000003.

  72. Srisopaporn S., Jourdain D., Perret S., Shivakoti G.P., 2015: Adoption and continued participation in a public Good Agricultural Practices program: The case of rice farmers in the Central Plains of Thailand. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 96, 242-253. 10.1016/j.techfore.2015.03.016. 0040-1625.

  73. Swe L.M.M., Shrestha R.P., Ebbers T., Jourdain D., 2015: Farmers' perception of and adaptation to climate-change impacts in the Dry Zone of Myanmar. Climate and Development, 17 p.

  74. Ullah R., Jourdain D., Shivakoti G.P., Dhakal S., 2015: Managing catastrophic risks in agriculture: Simultaneous adoption of diversification and precautionary savings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 12, 268–277.

  75. Van der Kooij S., Zwarteveen M., Kuper M., 2015: The material of the social: the mutual shaping of institutions by irrigation technology and society in Seguia Khrichfa, Morocco. International Journal of the Commons, 9, 1, 129-150. 1875-0281.

  76. van der Laan M., Jumman A., Perret S.R., 2015: ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF IMPROVED WATER AND NITROGEN MANAGEMENT IN IRRIGATED SUGAR CANE: A COMBINED CROP MODELLING AND LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT APPROACH. Irrigation and Drainage, 64, 2, 241-252. 10.1002/ird.1900. 1531-0353. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000352802700008.

  77. Venot J.P., Giordano M., Merrey D.J., 2015: On the sidelines: Social sciences and interdisciplinarity in an international research centre. Water Alternatives, 8, 3, 415-432.

  78. Wanvoeke J., Venot J.P., Zwarteveen M., de Fraiture C., 2015: Performing the success of an innovation: the case of smallholder drip irrigation in Burkina Faso. Water International, 40, 3, 432-445.

  79. Yakoubi Y., Aoudjit C., Benmebarek A., Faysse N., 2015: La difficile prise en main des petits périmètres irrigués par les agriculteurs en Algérie : cas du périmètre de Ladrat. Cahiers Agricultures, 24, 5, 277-282. 10.1684/agr.2015.0769. 1166-7699.

  80. Zeine M., Faysse N., Errahj M., Bekkari L., El Amrani M., 2015: Grille d'analyse de la maturation de projets collectifs de conversion à l'irrigation localisée : application dans des oasis du Maroc. Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Développement, 36, 4, 484-498. 10.1080/02255189.2015.1066665. 0225-5189.

  81. Zongo B., Diarra A., Barbier B., Zorom M., Yacouba H., Dogot T., 2015: Farmers' practices and acceptability of supplemental irrigation in Burkina Faso. International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 3, 1, 101-107. 2147-8988.

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ACL 2014

  1. Auzoux S., Lejars C., 2014: Improving mill value chain by coupling sugarcane supply management and payment system models. International Sugar Journal, 116, 1391, 52-56. 0020-8841.

  2. Baghdadi N., El Hajj M., Dubois-Fernandez P., Zribi M., Belaud G., Cheviron B., 2014: Signal Level Comparison Between TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Sensors. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, 12, 3, March 2015, 448-452. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2014.2342733.

  3. Bass A., O’Grady D., Leblanc M., Tweed S., Nelson P., Bird M., 2014: Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from a wet-dry tropical floodplain in northern Australia. Wetlands, 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-014-0522-5.

  4. Baudron P., Barbecot F., García Aróstegui J.L., Leduc C., Travi Y., Martinez-Vicente D., 2014: Impacts of human activities on recharge in a multilayered semiarid aquifer (Campo de Cartagena, SE Spain). Hydrological Processes, 28, 4, 2223–2236.

  5. Belaud G., Cassan L., Baume J.P., 2014: Discussion of “Revisiting the Energy-Momentum Method for Rating Vertical Sluice Gates under Submerged Flow Conditions” by Oscar Castro-Orgaz, Luciano Mateos, and Subhasish Dey. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), 140, 7, 07014019. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000691.

  6. Benouniche M., Errahj M., Kuper M., 2014: The Seductive Power of an Innovation: Enrolling Non-conventional Actors in a Drip Irrigation Community in Morocco. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 19 p. DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2014.977307.

  7. Benouniche M., Kuper M., Hammani A., Boesveld H., 2014: Making the user visible: analysing irrigation practices and farmers' logic to explain actual drip irrigation performance. Irrigation Science, 32, 6, 405-420. DOI : 10.1007/s00271-014-0438-0.

  8. Benouniche M., Zwarteveen M., Kuper M., 2014: #Bricolage# as innovation: opening the black box of drip irrigation systems. Irrigation and Drainage, 63, 5, 651-658. 10.1002/ird.1854. 1531-0353.

  9. Bouleau G., 2014: The Co‐production of Science and Waterscapes: the Case of the Seine and the Rhône Rivers, France. Geoforum, 57, 248‐257.

  10. Bourblanc M., 2014: Framing Environmental Problems: Problem Entrepreneurs and the Issue of Water Pollution from Agriculture in Brittany, 1970-2005. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 16, 1, 21-35.

  11. Bourblanc M., Blanchon D., 2014: The challenges of rescaling South African water resources management: Catchment Management Agencies and interbasin transfers. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part C, 0, 2381-2391. 0022-1694.

  12. Cabo F., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., 2014: Dynamic management of water transfer between two interconnected river basins. Resource and Energy Economics, 37, 17-38.

  13. Carlson C., Barreteau O., Kirshen P., Foltz K., 2014: Storm Water Management as a Public Good Provision Problem: Survey to Understand Perspectives of Low-Impact Development for Urban Storm Water Management Practices under Climate Change. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 141, 6, 13 p.

  14. Cauvy-Fraunié S., Andino P., Espinosa R., Calvez R., Anthelme F., Jacobsen D., Dangles O., 2014: Glacial flood pulse effects on benthic fauna in equatorial high-Andean streams. Hydrological Processes, 28, 6, 3008-3017.

  15. Cheviron B., Delmas M., Cerdan O., Mouchel J.M., 2014: Calculation of river sediment fluxes from uncertain and infrequent measurements. Journal of Hydrology, 508, 364‐373.

  16. Daniell K.A., Barreteau O., 2014: Water governance across competing scales: Coupling land and water management. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part C, 0, 2367-2380. 0022-1694.

  17. De Frutos Cachorro J., Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., 2014: Optimal adaptation strategies to face shocks on groundwater resources. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 40, 134-153.

  18. Dorchies D., Thirel G., Jay-Allemand M., Chauveau M., Dehay F., Bourgin P. Y., Perrin C., Jost C., Rizzoli J. L., Demerliac S., Thépot R., 2014: Climate change impacts on multi-objective reservoir management: case study on the Seine River basin, France. International Journal of River Basin Management, 12, 3, 265-283. ISSN : 15715124.

  19. Dugué P., Lejars C., Ameur F., Amichi F., Braiki H., Burte J., Errahj M., Hamamouche M.F., Kuper M., 2014: Recompositions des agricultures familiales : une analyse comparative dans trois situations d'irrigation avec les eaux souterraines. Tiers Monde, 220, 99-118. 10.3917/rtm.220.0101. 1293-8882.

  20. El Hajj M., Baghdadi N., Belaud G., Zribi M., Cheviron B., Courault D., Hagolle O., Charron F., 2014: Irrigated Grassland Monitoring Using a Time Series of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed X-Band SAR Data. Remote Sensing, 6, 10, 10002-10032.

  21. Erdlenbruch K., Tidball M., Zaccour G., 2014: Quantity-quality management of a groundwater resource by a water agency. Environmental Science and Policy, 44, 201-214.

  22. Farolfi S., Désolé M., Rio P., 2014: Influence of Context on Player Behavior: Experimental Assessment. Simulation and Gaming, 45, 627-665.

  23. Farolfi S., Gallego-Ayala J., 2014: Domestic water access and pricing in urban areas of Mozambique: between equity and cost recovery for the provision of a vital resource. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 30, 4, 728-744. 10.1080/07900627.2014.907734. 0790-0627.

  24. Faysse N., Errahj M., Imache A., Kemmoun H., Labbaci T., 2014: Paving the Way for Social Learning when Governance is Weak: Supporting Dialogue between Stakeholders to Face a Groundwater Crisis in Morocco. Society and Natural Resources, 27, 3, 249-264.

  25. Faysse N., Rinaudo J.D., Bento S., Richard-Ferroudji A., Errahj M., Varanda M., Imache A., Dionnet M., Rollin D., Garin P., Kuper M., Maton L., Montginoul M., 2014: Participatory analysis for adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean agricultural systems: possible choices in process design. Regional Environmental Change, 14, 1, 57-70. 10.1007/s10113-012-0362-x. 1436-3798.

  26. Feng L., Mailhol J.C., Rey H., Griffon S., Auclair D., De Reffye P., 2014: Corrigendum to "Comparing an empirical crop model with a functional structural plant model to account for individual variability" [Europ. J. Agronomy 53 (2014) 16-27]. European Journal of Agronomy, 58, 73.

  27. Feng L., Mailhol J.C., Rey H., Griffon S., Auclair D., De Reffye P., 2014: Comparing an empirical crop model with a functional structural plant model to account for individual variability. European Journal of Agronomy, 53, 16-27.

  28. Figureau A.G., Montginoul M., Rinaudo J.D., 2014: Scénarios de régulation décentralisée des prélèvements agricoles en eau souterraine : une évaluation participative dans le bassin du Clain. Economie Rurale, 342, 27-44.

  29. Frija A., Chebil A., Speelman S., Faysse N., 2014: A critical assessment of groundwater governance in Tunisia. Water Policy, 16, 2, 358-373.

  30. Gheewala S.H., Silalertruksa T., Nilsalab P., Mungkung R., Perret S., Chaiyawannakarn N., 2014: Water footprint and impact of water consumption for food, feed, fuel crops production in Thailand. Water, 6, 6, 1698-1718. 10.3390/w6061698. 2073-4441.

  31. Gramaglia C., Babut M., 2014: L’expertise à l’épreuve d’une controverse environnementale et sanitaire : la production des savoirs et des ignorances à propos des PCB du Rhône (France. VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 14, 2, 25. DOI : 10.4000/vertigo.15067.

  32. Graveline N., Aunay B., Fusillier J.L., Rinaudo J.D., 2014: Coping with Urban & Agriculture Water Demand Uncertainty in Water Management Plan Design: The Interest of Participatory Scenario Analysis. Water Resources Management, 28, 10, 3075-3093.

  33. Guerin-Schneider L., 2014: Repères bibliographiques : notes de lecture. "Tout savoir sur l'eau du robinet". "Eaux pour la ville, eaux des villes, Eugène Belgrand XIXe‐XXIe siècle". Flux, 95, 77‐80.

  34. Guerrin J., Bouleau G., 2014: Remparts ou menaces ? Trajectoires politiques de l'endiguement en France, aux Pays Bas et aux Etats Unis. Revue internationale de politique comparée, 21, 1, 89‐109.

  35. Guerrin J., Bouleau G., Grelot F., 2014: “Functional fit” versus “politics of scale” in the governance of floodplain retention capacity. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part C, 0, 2405-2414. 0022-1694.

  36. Gumiere S.J., Delattke L., Le Bissonnais Y., Cheviron B., Ben Slimane A., Raclot D., 2014: Multi-scale calibration and validation of MHYDAS-Erosion for a small mediterranean vineyard catchment: A case study. Revue des Sciences de l'Eau, 27, 1, 21-36. ISSN: 1718-8598.

  37. Hertzog T., Poussin J.C., Tangara B., Kouriba I., Jamin J.Y., 2014: A role playing game to address future water management issues in a large irrigated system: Experience from Mali. Agricultural Water Management, 137, 1-14.

  38. Hong S., Malaterre P.O., Belaud G., Dejean C., 2014: Optimization of water distribution for open-channel irrigation networks. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 16, 2, 341‐353.

  39. Houdret A., Dombrowsky I., Horlemann L., 2014: The institutionalization of River Basin Management as politics of scale – Insights from Mongolia. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part C, 0, 2392-2404. 0022-1694.

  40. Hughes D.A., Heal K.V., Leduc C., 2014: Improving the visibility of hydrological sciences from developing countries. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59, 9, 1627-1635.

  41. Jacobsen D., Andino P., Calvez R., Cauvy-Fraunié S., Espinosa R., Dangles O., 2014: Temporal variability in discharge and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a tropical glacier-fed stream. Freshwater Science, 33, 1, 32-45.

  42. Jourdain D., Boere E., van den Berg M., Quang Dinh Dang, Thanh Phuc Cu, Affholder F., Pandey S., 2014: Water for forests to restore environmental services and alleviate poverty in Vietnam: A farm modeling approach to analyze alternative PES programs. Land Use Policy, 41, 423-437.

  43. Jourde H., Lafare A., Mazzilli N., Belaud G., Neppel L., Dörfliger N., Cernesson F., 2014: Flash flood mitigation as a positive consequence of anthropogenic forcing on the groundwater resource in a karst catchment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 2, 573-583. 1866-6280.

  44. Le Bars M., Le Grusse P., Albouchi L., 2014: AquaFej: A simulation game for planning water management - An experiment in central Tunisia. International Journal of Sustainable Development (IJSD), 17, 3, 242-260.

  45. Massuel S., Perrin J., Mascre C., Mohamed W., Boisson A., Mohamed A.S., 2014: Managed aquifer recharge in South India: What to expect from small percolation tanks in hard rock? Journal of Hydrology, 512, 157-167.

  46. Mohamed A.S., Marlin C., Leduc C., Jiddou M., 2014: Means of groundwater recharge in a semi-arid area: Example of the Trarza aquifer (southwest Mauritania). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59, 5, 1046-1062.

  47. Montade V., Ledru M.P., Burte J., Passos Rodrigues Martins E.S., Verola C.F., Ribeiro da Costa I., Magalhães e Silva F.H., 2014: Stability of a Neotropical microrefugium during climatic instability. Journal of Biogeography, 41, 6, 1215-1226. 10.1111/jbi.12283. 0305-0270.

  48. Munier S., Litrico X., Belaud G., Perrin C., 2014: Assimilation of discharge data into semidistributed catchment models for short-term flow forecasting: Case study of the Seine river basin. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 20, 5, art. no. 05014021.

  49. O'Grady D., Leblanc M., Bass A., 2014: The use of radar satellite data from multiple incidence angles improves surface water mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 652-664.

  50. Perret S.R., Yuerlita Y., 2014: Adapting to declining fish resources: the differentiation of livelihood systems and fishing strategies in Singkarak Lake’s fishing community, West Sumatra. Regional Environmental Change, 14, 3, 1203-1214.

  51. Quarouch H., Kuper M., Abdellaoui E.H., Bouarfa S., 2014: Subterranean waters, a source of dignity as well as a social resource: The case of farmers on the Saïss plain of Morocco. Cahiers Agricultures, 23, 3, 158-165.

  52. Riaux J., Massuel S., 2014: Building a sociohydrological perspective (2). Sharing fieldwork to develop scientific convergences. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 22, 4, 329-339.

  53. Richard-Ferroudji A., 2014: Rare birds for fuzzy jobs: A new type of water professional at the watershed scale in France. Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part C, 0, 2468-2474. 0022-1694.

  54. Richard-Ferroudji A., Dupont N., Durand S., Grelot F., 2014: Une politique du « vivre avec » un fleuve et ses débordements. VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 14, 2, DOI : 10.4000/vertigo.15057.

  55. Rouvière E., Latouche K., 2014: Impact of liability rules on modes of coordination for food safety in supply chains. European Journal of Law and Economics, 37, 1, 111-130.

  56. Saint Geours N., Bailly J.S., Grelot F., Lavergne C., 2014: Multi-scale spatial sensitivity analysis of a model for economic appraisal of flood risk management policies. Environmental Modelling & Software, 60, 153-166.

  57. Santikayasa P., Babel M.S., Shrestha S., Jourdain D., Clemente R.S., 2014: Evaluation of water use sustainability under future climate and irrigation management scenarios in Citarum River Basin, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 21, 2, 181-194. 10.1080/13504509.2014.884023. 1350-4509.

  58. Santos F.D., Stigter T.Y., Faysse N., Lourenço T.C., 2014: Impacts and adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean coastal areas: the CIRCLE-MED initiative. Regional Environmental Change, 14, 1, 1-3. 10.1007/s10113-013-0551-2. 1436-3798.

  59. Thanawong K., Perret S., Basset-Mens C., 2014: Eco-efficiency of paddy rice production in Northeastern Thailand: a comparison of rain-fed and irrigated cropping systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 73, 204-217. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.12.067. 0959-6526.


  61. Ullah A., Perret S.R., 2014: Technical- and environmental-efficiency analysis of irrigated cotton-cropping systems in Punjab, Pakistan using data envelopment analysis. Environmental Management, 54, 2, 288-300. 10.1007/s00267-014-0300-4. 0364-152X.

  62. Venot J. P., Zwarteveen M., Kuper M., Boesveld H., Bossenbroek L., Kooij S. V. D., Wanvoeke J., Benouniche M., Errahj M., Fraiture C. D., Verma S., 2014: Beyond the promises of technology: A review of the discourses and actors who make drip irrigation. Irrigation and Drainage, 63, 2, 186-194.

  63. Viola F., Sapiano M., Schembri M., Brincat C., Lopez A., Toscano A., Diamadopoulos E., Charalambous B., Molle B., Zoumadakis M., Armengol A. T., Vich M. G., Noto M. T., 2014: The State of Water Resources in Major Mediterranean Islands. Water Resources, 41, 6, 639-648. 10.1134/s0097807814060207. 0097-8078. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000346601900004.

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 ACL 2013

  1. Adamczewski A., Jamin J.Y., Burnod P., Boutout Ly E.H., Tonneau J.P., 2013: Terre, eau et capitaux : investissements ou accaparements fonciers à l'Office du Niger ? Cahiers Agricultures, 22, 1, 22-32. 10.1684/agr.2012.0601. 1166-7699.

  2. Adamczewski A., Tonneau J.P., Coulibaly Yacouba M., Jamin J.Y., 2013: Concessions de terres et dynamiques sociales dans la zone office du Niger au Mali. Etudes rurales, 191, 37-61. 0014-2182.

  3. Adamczewski A., Jamin J.Y., Burnod P., Ly E.H.B., Tonneau J.P., 2013: Land, water, and capital: Investments or land grabbing in the Office du Niger area (Mali)? [Terre, eau et capitaux : Investissements ou accaparements fonciers à l'Office du Niger ?]. Cahiers Agricultures, 22, 1, 22-32.

  4. Ameur F., Hamamouche M.F., Kuper M., Benouniche M., 2013: The domestication of a technical innovation: Diffusion of drip irrigation in two villages in morocco. Cahiers Agricultures, 22, 4, 311-318.

  5. Aouissi J., Pouget J.C., Boudhraâ H., Storer G., Cudennec C., 2013: Joint spatial, topological and scaling analysis framework of river-network geomorphometry. Geomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement, 1, 7-16.

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Implication de l’unité dans la formation par la recherche 

Le positionnement pluridisciplinaire de l'unité et le respect de la diversité des disciplines, notamment pour les jeunes chercheurs, nous ont déterminés, en France, à être laboratoire d’accueil de 4 Ecoles Doctorales :

    • l'ED 584 « Sciences du vivant et de l'Environnement et des Sciences et Technologies » (GAIA, Université de Montpellier), créée en septembre 2015, fruit de la fusion des deux écoles doctorales, SIBAGHE (Systèmes Intégrés en Biologie, Agronomie, Géosciences, Hydrosciences et Environnement; N°477) et SPSA (Sciences des Procédés et Sciences des Aliments; N° 306) ;
    • l’ED 231 « Economie et Gestion » (EDEG, Université Montpellier) ;
    • l’ED 353 « Sciences pour l’Ingénieur : Mécanique, Physique, Micro et Nanoélectronique » (universités Aix-Marseille) ;
    • l'ED 435 « Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnements et Santé » (ABIES, AgroParisTech, Paris) pour l’agronomie et les thèses aux interfaces disciplinaires.


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